Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Word of the Day

Cake turds: The leftover icing stuck to the cake plate.

One of the things I always do as I sit down at my computer is read the headlines on my internet browser. Sometimes these really aren't worth pursuing beyond the headline. Sometimes I can't resist checking them out.

Today we have the headline Bush denies losing clout, vows to push agenda. No need to pursue that one. What else is he supposed to do? With the senate doing absolutely nothing, the democrats don't care what the republicans want, even if it's the very thing they suggested previously. And the republicans haven't figured out that they're in the majority and they want the local media to love them...screw their constituents. So yes, Bush is losing clout (or at least the democrats and the local media want us to believe this) and nothing has changed. But...they all have to look busy.

Headline number two is, Ex-FBI says he was "Deep Throat". Old news, who really cares anymore.

Headline number three? Kidnapped governor in Iraq found dead. I'm sure I'd find someone blaming Bush or the military on this one. It's always either Bush's fault or the military's fault in these articles.

Euro drops as Villepin named France PM. It's been heading south for a while now. I guess they didn't like the new constitution and that started the ball rolling. Europe Unite! Not!

Spokane mayor denies criminal allegations. Well...of course he'd deny criminal allegations. Even the most stupid criminal knows enough to deny whatever allegation is thrown at him...even if he's caught red-handed.

Major hurricane likely to hit U.S. in 2005. Not news. We always get at least one major hurricane. Florida? They're still cleaning up from that hurricane season. There wouldn't be a hurricane season if there weren't hurricanes.

Armani signs deal to open 10 hotels worldwide. Ok...I'll bite. Armani? Like the designer? It is! Well...I don't think I'll run out and book the reservations. Sounds a bit out of my price range.

Jackson attorney's discuss jury instruction. Pretty stupid if they didn't. I don't think these expensive lawyers earn their paychecks through stupidity.

And so ends today's headlines for right now. I'll have to check back later. I'm sure there will be another article about some major catastrophy in Iraq. Another war-dead count. Another demonstration involving the Quran. I wonder if my son is on a death list somewhere. I'm sure he wasn't properly respectful of the Quran when he had to read it for his history class last semester. I mean, he didn't toss it in the toilet or anything but it may have ended up on the floor by his bed. He may have used his highlighter on it. It may even have ended up sitting on his TV set or tossed in a box after he was done with it. At least he read it. I wonder what happened to all those other Qurans that my son's classmates had to buy and read? Oh well, at least none of them blew them up in a suicide bombing.

Murphyism of the Day

The Party Law

The more food you prepare, the less your guests eat.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Word of the Day

Beeter - A Farmer who farms beets.

You're hired. #1 son has a job. He'll be working as a prep chef at the local country club. Yes, we do have a local country club. Seems a bit ridiculous when our little town has a population of less then 500 but we do have a really nice golf resort for week-enders and summer visitors.

I finished planting my garden. I still have some plants coming in the mail...I don't know when to expect them but that's that...so I'll plant them as they come. I lost most of my nearly wild roses over the winter so I'll have to figure out something to plant on the terrace by the garage. I've decided not to replant roses there. I think it's too cold here. I'm going to see if I can find other things to plant from the woods and from dividing plants from my other beds. Ferns, astilbe, lilacs, dwarf daylilies, columbine, perennials, that sort of thing. We'll see.

I put shorts on again today. It's 82°F on my deck. I don't know why it's so hot on the deck. The temperature in the shady northside of the house is only 70°F. That's OK. I got to go out and soak in some Vitamin D. Apparently, it's OK now to sit out in the sun without sunblock. As a matter of fact, they're now telling us that it's important to sit out and soak up the sun's rays...within reason. I can do "within reason". I never can sit still for too long. I'm not good at just sitting, even if I have a good book to read.

HTP is off cutting down all my wild raspberry bushes that grow at the side of our driveway. He claims that they're taking over the driveway and that our car is going to be all scratched up. Bull! But....whatever. I'm hoping he leaves enough for me to still pick wild raspberries for jam this summer. He can't get them all. Can he?

Murphyism of the Day

O'Reilly's Law of the Kitchen

Cleanliness is next to impossible.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Word of the Day

Beereived - When you have finished your beer.

It's not raining. Mostly, the sun has won out in its daily battle with the clouds. I still see threatening clouds but so far...no rain. My Mother called to tell me that my sister and her husband and their crew are putting in my folks' dock today. I think that's the only reason the the clouds have chosen to appear threatening.

I planted 16 tomato plants that my Mom gave me yesterday. It's not easy finding space in my tiny garden for that many tomato plants. I planted four cherry tomato plants in my Earthboxes on the deck. I planted two Coreless tomato plants in my garden. I planted two Parker Whopper tomato plants in my garden. Then....I prepped eight holes (removing boulder after boulder after stone after stone....the glacier dropped a real load on our property) in my flower borders, and I finally planted four more Coreless tomato plants and four more cherry tomato plants. The cherry tomato plants claim to be large cherry tomato plants but they really aren't all that big. I think the large refers to the size of the eventual fruit (tomatoes are a fruit). I hope that I actually get some tomatoes this year. The weather hasn't been promising.

The recent rains blew off most of the beautiful blossoms from my crabapple tree. Pout. I am enjoying my tulips and the two daffodils that have decided to blossom this year. I have a hyacinth too. I'm not sure how fond I am of this flower as yet. It's kind of a dusty antique rose color. Other then that, I think I lost all of my nearly wild rose bushes over the winter. I'll have to figure out what to plant in their place. I may buy some more hostas in various varieties. I also have more dwarf daylilies that I still need to plant.

My hummingbirds are gayly dive-bombing my deck. I haven't seen the goldfinches for a while but they may be nesting. I was reading on the deck this morning (my books came in the mail yesterday) and one of the hummingbirds attempted a landing on my head. Blink! I think I need to move around more.

Murphyism of the Day

Wethern's Law of Suspended Judgment

Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Word of the Day

Beereft - Without beer

#1 son and I made a chocolate gateau (flourless chocolate cake) yesterday to bring over to my sister's place today. We were celebrating my folks' anniversary, #1 son's birthday, the engagement of my nephew and the anniversary of my sister's friends who were visiting for the Memorial Day weekend. Plus...it was just nice to get together. My sister made beer butt chicken. My nephew's fiance made a wonderful cream dessert and #1 son and I brought the chocolate gateau. Anyway, I got up early so I could make the raspberry sauce for the chocolate gateau and the chocolate glaze. It all turned out great! We ended the visit with a game of Trivial Pursuit. Sigh! I didn't know half the answers to the questioned asked. At least we were runners up.

Murphyism of the Day

DeHay's Axiom

Simple jobs always get put off because there will be time to do them later.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Word of the Day

Bearea - An area of bears; the area of a bear.

It's been raining on and off all day so far. Just when I think it might be safe to go outside and do something, anything, it starts raining again. Fish never bite after it rains and I'm not too fond of drowning bait when I know that nothing will be out there biting. HTP was going to cut back the vegetation from the sides of our driveway (1/2 mile long driveway) but...it's raining. Oops...there's the sun again but it'll start raining again soon. I can't garden because the ground is too wet. Oh well...maybe tomorrow.

So it's off to re-read one of my many books. I'm waiting for some books to come in the mail but they haven't arrived yet. I decided to try ordering books on the internet. It's kind of frustrating though because you have to wait so long for them to actually get to you. Oh well, in the meantime, I'm having to make do with the books I already have.

Murphyism of the Day

Knagg's Derivative of Murphy's Law

The more complicated and grandiose the plan, the greater the chance of failure.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Word of the Day

Batress - A recent university arts graduate (B.A.) who has turned to waitressing as a profession due to a lack of job opportunities in her field.

It's #1 son's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY #1 SON!!!!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear #1 Son! Happy Birthday to you! I'm making a birthday cake. It's in the oven right now. The gift is wrapped. Sigh. He already knows what he's getting but for we must observe the gift-wrapping ritual. It's gotten to the point where I seldom actually buy a surprise gift for my children. Either I have to consult with them or write them a check so they can get their own gift. The minute I think up a neato gift, I find out that they already own that neato item because they purchased it for themselves. Or...they hate the neato gift and they love me too much to tell me. So...#1 son knows what he's getting. HTP and #1 son discussed its various specifications at length, they've studied all the details that were provided on the internet, then we all walked into the store and they touched it, felt it, examined it, and then we purchased it after politely chasing away two sales people who were getting in the way. When we got home, I dug out the wrapping paper and wrapped it.

It's my parents' wedding anniversary today! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I don't think there's an actual song for this so I'll spare you. I've invited my folks over to join us today. After all, if it weren't for them there would be no me and there would be no #1 son. Actually, I don't have to have an excuse to invite my folks over for supper. It's just nice to have them come over any day. We're going to celebrate their anniversary over at my sister's place on Saturday. #1 son and I are going to make a cake. We'll sing Happy Birthday to #1 son then too. But...there's something special about actually celebrating the very day of your anniversary and the very day of your birthday.

It was supposed to rain today. So far, the sky is (dare I say it) a beautiful crystalline blue. Not a cloud in sight. I'm hoping that it'll stay that way. I can hear the oriole singing out by the lake. I'm beginning to wonder why I put out that stupid bird-feeder. I never notice how loud and obnoxious an oriole sounds. Well...maybe I'm painting all orioles with the same brush. I'm sure he's just doing his best.

Murphyism of the Day

Grossman's Lemma

Any task worth doing was worth doing yesterday.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Word of the Day

Bassohol - An alcoholic fish extract.

It's been threatening to rain all day....but it hasn't...yet. HTP and #1 son raced out to remove the mounds of dirt that washed onto our driveway over winter before the rain hit. The rain never hit...yet. I ran out and prepped my new Earthboxes for planting before the rain hit. The rain never hit. My Mother has some tomato plants for me that I want to try in them. Tomorrow.

Burpee's finally sent my pepper plants yesterday! I planted them. Woohoo! Now I just have to wait for them to send my raspberry plants. Maybe they'll come today.

#1 son had a job interview yesterday in the city at one of the grocery stores. He's got another interview today at a golf resort. He's been really trying to get a job. Once he lands one, I'm sure he'll have an easier time landing one for next summer. It's not easy being the new kid in town when it comes to getting a job.

Murphyism of the Day

Hardin's Law

You can never do just one thing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Word of the Day

Basserific - As wonderful as a bass (yes, we mean fish here), better than bass, describing bass, really really spiffy.

Laundry Day. I'm back on track. If all goes well, I won't have to do laundry again until next Tuesday. It's amazing how much laundry one son can produce. HTP and I, between us, hardly produce enough dirty clothes to make up a small load of each sorted batch. Add #1 son into the equation and I really should divide these sorted batches into two loads instead of one huge load per batch, but I'd be doing laundry into next year. How he does it, I have no idea. Actually, I'd be done by now but the dryer is having a hard time drying these huge loads. Today would have been a great day to hang clothes out on a line. It was sunny. It was warm. I don't have a clothes line. I think I really need to rig up a clothes line for the few days that we have sun and it happens on a Tuesday.

Murphyism of the Day

Peer's Law

The solution to a problem changes the nature of the problem.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Word of the Day

Barley pop - A beer.

It's been a beautiful day at The Lake. We went into the city to purchase various bedding plants, oil for the rototiller, groceries, etc. When we got back, HTP fixed the rototiller and we proceeded to rototill the garden beds. After that, I planted the marigolds that I'd purchased to line the front walkway. At this point, I was pooped but I decided to relax with an hour of garden planning (this is where you drag out your garden book and your garden plan from the previous year to see where things need to be planted so that you don't plant stuff in the same place each year). After I drew up the 2005 Garden Plan, I couldn't just sit there with all that fertile, tilled soil, begging me to plant something, anything, in it. So...I planted my garden. I left space for six tomato plants that my Mom has for me and two pepper plants that still need to come from Burpee's. But, I planted two tomato plants, four pepper plants, three different types of bush beans, lettuce, zucchini (green and yellow), cucumbers, and onions. I don't plant carrots anymore because I can get them in the store. I don't plant corn because it takes up too much space for what you get. I don't like winter squash, so why plant it. I don't plant radishes because they never grow here. I don't know why but they produce all kinds of green foliage and no root...besides, I can get them at the store and HTP doesn't like them. I still need to plant my container gardens on the deck but that will have to wait for another day. Burpee's needs to send my plants!

Murphyism of the Day

Harvard's Law

Under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity, and other variables, the organism will do as it damn well pleases.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Word of the Day

Bankst - The feeling you get from resenting the bank charges that nickel and dime you to give banks record profits.

We didn't get any rain today...yet. It's looked on and off threatening but it's just been windy and cool. On occasion the sun peeks out but that's about as far as it goes.

I talked to my Devil Dog daughter today. She's only just arrived at Camp Geiger for her Marine Combat Training. She had to recuperate from a fractured hip after boot camp at Parris Island. She was thrilled when they "voted her off the island on Friday." She'll be starting her training on Tuesday. Cross your fingers folks. If all goes well...no more broken bones...she'll be on to MOS (schooling for her field in the Marines) in 22 days...or maybe RA (recruiter's assistance) in Omaha if her school isn't ready for her to start classes.

Murphyism of the Day

Edington's Theory

The number of different hypotheses erected to explain a given biological phenomenon is inversely proportional to the available knowledge.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Word of the Day

Bangry - A state of mind just slightly past angry when you begin to bang things.

It's one of those "recovery" days for me. I did too much yesterday and now I have to recover. They do tell you that you should take a day of rest in between exercising if you really want to get the most out of your exercise program but I don't actually have an exercise program. Nonetheless, I choose to take this piece of advice to heart.

HTP decided to "fix" our old lawn mower and mow the road. No rest for him. It's a one man operation so I won't feel too guilty.

I did go over and visit with my sister, my nephew and his fiance for a bit. My folks joined us for a bit. We discussed plans for next weekend.

Other then that? I ordered the bedding that we needed for our new mattress set. I ordered some books on the net from Walmart. I explored Overstock.com....that's where I got the bedding. And...I read one of my re-read books.

No more woodticks today. I found one more last night before I went to bed but it was a regular woodtick so even though it had started to snack on me, it was no big deal. There's a lot of woodticks in these woods. HTP even found one last night. I don't think #1 son has been visited as yet but....

Murphyism of the Day

Maier's Corollaries

1. The bigger the theory, the better.

2. The experiment may be considered a success if no more than 50% of the observed measurements must be discarded to obtain a correspondence with the theory.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Word of the Day

Bandwidth junkie - 1. A person who is so concerned about getting her illegal MP3s a whole 30 seconds faster that she will cancel all other downloaders. 2. Someone who becomes irritable about upload or download times because she has been desensitized from 56k modem speed.

I hate woodticks. HTP, #1 son and I all spent the morning raking leaves out of the flower beds and removing excessive soil. Raking, dumping, shoveling. We're exhausted. I took a break when my daughter's fiance called. He called to let us know that he has Guard Duty this weekend and that our daughter had completed her tour of duty at the Basic Marine Platoon on Parris Island where she'd been recuperating from her fractured hip. She's done! Yeah! On to MCT. Marine Combat Training. Anyway, while I was talking to franK...or BTP (Boy-Type-Person)...aka, my daughter's fiance, I felt something crawling on my face. Yup! It was a woodtick. Of course, after that I had to felt like I had the little critters crawling all over me. Sigh. After getting off the phone I found one more of the woodticks. A deertick. One of the dreaded deerticks. The other woodtick wasn't a deertick. And...it wasn't embedded in my flesh. I managed to extract the deertick but...oops...the head remained in my skin. I got out the needle and tweezers and proceeded to operate. I got the head out...I hope. Oh well...I'll have to watch and make sure Lyme's Disease doesn't attack now. Stupid woodticks. I hate them. #1 son really hates them. It's going to be hard to get him outside again now that he knows that I had a woodtick...two of them. Oh well, after everything, I cleaned up some winter onions and we're done with our work in the flower beds. I just have to spray the weeds. I'm going to let the guy who mows our lawn, the one who delivered our woodchips, spread the woodchips in the beds. I'm too pooped. HTP is too pooped. #1 son is too pooped. I sure hope I don't find any more woodticks.

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Law about Woodticks

It's rarely the woodtick that you actually find and remove that will cause problems.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Word of the Day

Bambulance - Medical emergency vehicle involved in its own accident while en route to the scene of another accident.

It's been raining all day. Finally...finally...it's stopped and HTP wanted to go fishing. Despite the fact that I knew that the fish wouldn't be biting, we went fishing. The fish didn't bite. Oh well...at least we know that the boat runs just fine. It was cold. It was windy. I have to make supper. I think we'll have pork chops.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Law of Research

Enough research will tend to support any theory, no matter how ridiculous.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Word of the Day

Bagmata - The red marks you get on the palms of your hands from carrying heavy plastic bags.

I planted red magic daylilies yesterday. I had purchased them online and they arrived in a neat little box at the post office. From the looks of them, it'll take a while for the plants to produce anything remotely floral but the picture of truly red daylilies looked promising in the catalog and there was a hefty discount. I paid for the shipping. The daylilies were free. I couldn't resist.

While I was outside and it wasn't raining, I also finished removing all the weeds from my vegetable gardens in preparation for planting. It's still too soon for planting but the weeds had to go. I still need to drag and dump the potting mixture I have in bags into each of the beds but that can wait for another day. I would have done it today but...it's raining....again. Oh well, it wouldn't be so green here if it weren't for the rain.

My goldfinch are back and taking advantage of the one feeder that I put out. I still have to put out the other feeder but one will do for now. I noticed a hummingbird peering into my window. I imagine he was prodding me to put out my hummingbird feeders. I will....eventually. I'll put out the oriole feeder too...eventually. Soon. Maybe tomorrow. I refuse to dodge raindrops and huddle in a winter coat while hanging birdfeeders.

Other wildlife I have seen...

Six deer, one pileated woodpecker (not ivory bill because they don't live here), two rose-breasted grosbeaks, a bluejay, some chipmunks, some grey squirrels, some robins, assorted fishermen, and a dead porcupine (roadkill).

Murphyism of the Day

Maier's Law

If the facts do not conform to the theory, they must be disposed of.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Word of the Day

Bagel - A Jewish breed of dog, similar to the American beagle but requiring a much stricter diet.

I like to listen to KFYI online while I catch up on my e-mails, blog, and play my Pogo but lately it's been driving me totally crazy with a commercial for a men's expo. It's not like I'd have gone to the expo even if I were in Phoenix. I didn't go to the women's expo either. Besides, I'm here in Wisconsin. They repeat that same dang commercial, back to back, over and over again. By the time this men's expo actually rolls around...in Phoenix Civic Center...I will spouting this commercial in my sleep. I'll find myself attending in my dreams...nightmarish scenes of me running away from that perfect cigar. My husband watched in wonder as my eye began to twitch and my teeth began to grind as I suppressed the urge to toss my laptop across the room when all it would have taken was to exit the online KFYI program. It takes a heck of a lot to make my teeth grind and cause my eye to twitch. I'm a laid back sort of gal. This men's expo, big boys and their toys, cigars and Arizona Cardinal cheerleaders and easy chairs, Texas Hold'em lessons, the largest men's mall....ahhhhh!!!!!! I wouldn't mind. The commercial isn't all that bad...once. But four identical commercials back to back...sometimes five, and then three more different commercials for something else and then a repeat of the first identical men's expo commercial...it's enough to drive anyone nuts. Oh no...there it is again! All because I want to listen to Bruce Young, Barry Young, Rush, Hannity, and Liddy and Hill. Whimper. Make it stop! The expo doesn't start until June 10th. If I promise not to forget Father's Day, will they please just run that commercial once or twice an hour...and not back to back? Please?! Maybe if I write them a nice online letter. Make it stop! PLEASE!!!!!

Murphyism of the Day

Anthony's Law of Force

Don't force it; get a larger hammer

Monday, May 16, 2005

Word of the Day

Bafflegarb - This is the english wording politicians use to smear over an important issue. Our much esteemed politicians practice long and hard to BAFFLE us with GARBAGE!

I planted four tomato plants in the pots on my patio. My two Earthboxes were delivered on Saturday and I have set them outside. As soon as things warm up a bit and I have a chance to buy some plants, I'm going to try them out. It's an interesting concept and I'm always up for experimentation. I'm supposed to get some pepper plants coming in the mail from Burpees and I want to see how tomatoes work out in them.

It's still too wet for me to mess around in the garden. Although the temperature right now is 61°F, I don't think I can go out and spray weeds until I know that that temperature is sustainable for at least 12 hours. Since I woke up to 38°F this morning, I think I'll have to wait for a bit yet before I can tackle the weeds.

I can go out and harvest some winter onions and reset a bunch for next year. Maybe I'll do that a bit later. In the meantime, I need to go and check to see if #1 son has risen for the day. It would be nice if he'd rise and shine before supper time. HTP and I have been cutting him a bit of slack since he just got home from college but I think it's time to reel in the slack.

Murphyism of the Day

Fudd's Law of Opposition

Push something hard enough and it will fall over.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Word of the Day

Bafflegab - Meaningless talk, often meant to impress the ignorant or conceal the truth.

It just dawned on me that I haven't blogged today. I've been re-reading a book. I thought I'd take a break so that I don't devour it in one sitting. If I finish reading it too quickly, I have no idea what I'll do with myself. Probably pick out another book to re-read from my bookshelf. Sigh. There really isn't too much to do right now. It's too wet to go hiking anywhere but up the road...and even there it's a bit muddy. I don't think it's going to start raining again but I refuse to take a walk and carry an umbrella. Imagine me fighting off a mad black bear sow with cubs in tow with a flimsy umbrella. I don't think so. Of course, I'm not too worried about running into a black bear sow but I do worry that if I do, someone might write that I tried to do something stupid like that. It almost as embarrassing as having someone report that you drowned while trying to unstick your toe from the bathtub faucet because who would actually call 911 about something like that. Not me. I'd rather drown.

Should anyone think me lazy, I did get outside today. I ripped 50 weeds out of my gardens despite the muck and mire and I planted some marigold seeds. I noted that some of the marigold seeds from my last year plants have started to sprout in my garden...willy-nilly. Volunteers. I decided to plant some where I actually want them so I don't feel bad if HTP kills the volunteers by accident in his zeal to rake leaves and kill weeds. Anyway, with 50 weeds less to pull, it doesn't look like I made a dent in the weed population. If it was warmer, I'd hit the weeds with weedkiller but it has to be at least 60°F for the stuff to work. I don't know what affect it would have on the weeds if it's only 40°F. Probably none. I won't risk that it would have a fertilizing affect. Plus, right now, I can't tell what plants are weeds and what plants are plants. Of course, as my Grandmother used to say, "If it isn't growing where it's supposed to grow, it's a weed." She was a better gardener then me. I tend to be too soft-hearted when it comes to volunteers from the plant world. Besides that? I'm lazy.

Murphyism of the Day

Osborn's Law

Variables won't; constants aren't.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Word of the Day

Badonkadonk - A "larger" female bottom.

I will preface this blog with a clarifying statement so people don't get confused. Today is not Tuesday. It's Saturday. If I just came out and told you that I was doing laundry today without this preface, you might think it was Tuesday.

I'm doing laundry today. It's raining outside so there really isn't too much else that I can be doing with my time. Over 1/2" of rain since last I dumped the rain gauge. I know. I usually do laundry on Tuesdays but today is one of those exceptions to the rule. I made the same exception last weekend. I don't plan on continuing in this madness. Tuesday is laundry day. However, #1 son brought home his laundry and HTP claims he's running out of clothes. Pffft. I think they could have waited until Tuesday but, what the heck, I wasn't doing anything important. It's too wet outside to muck with the weeds. It's too cold to start my garden. 43.9°F is the current temperature reading. I've read all the books that I haven't read before. I guess this just might be a good day to re-read a good book. One of my many "keeper" books.

Murphyism of the Day

Rudnicki's Rule

That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Word of the Day

Badcter - The nectar of an enraged badger used as a common ointment; a person who cannot act.

It's Friday the 13th and My Car Didn't Blow Up...Neither has anything bad happened...yet.

We had to drive into the city today to get a part replaced on our Gator. We had received notice that our poor car could at any time burst into flames while sitting unsuspectingly parked in our garage. This inferno would have been caused by a faulty cruise control switch. We read about this problem on the internet months before we received actual notice of this problem from the manufacturer of our car. We received the official notice a month before we were planning on our trip back to Wisconsin. Since we were also notified that there was a shortage of parts to fix the problem and that all they wanted to do in the meantime was unplug our cruise control, we decided to risk spontaneous combustion until we knew that we could get the part replaced. HTP and I couldn't imagine driving 2000 miles without a cruise control. Anyway, it's safe to come visit us now. The part has been replaced and our car shouldn't burst into flames while sitting in the garage. Of course, it didn't do that before they replaced the part but we've been assured that it definitely won't do it now.

While we were in the city, HTP and I went shopping for groceries. What with the price of gas and the distance to the nearest city with a variety of choices when it comes to groceries, we try to stop and shop whenever we happen to be in the city. My grocery shopping has to be done with a great deal of planning here in Wisconsin. I try to make sure that I have at least a couple of weeks of "perishables" (veggies, meat, bread, eggs, and dairy) at any given time. It's not like I can run to the store on a daily basis if I run out of something. Of course, it looks like #1 son plans to get a job in the city for the summer. I may just take advantage of the poor boy and make him stop and shop for me after work before he returns home.

I also bought a couple of pine trees to plant in our yard. I decided to start planting a pine tree every year instead of buying windchimes. I noticed the other day when the wind was really blowing, the noise from my windchimes was driving me a bit insane. The original plan was to buy a windchime every summer but I'm not sure I can tolerate the racket anymore. Pine trees are a lot quieter. Since we have 140 acres in which to plant pine trees, I don't think I'll have a problem finding planting spots. I bought two this year. One for this year and another for last year when I thought of the idea.

Murphyism of the Day

Washlesky's Law

Anything is easier to take apart than to put together.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Word of the Day

Bad-lib - Changing what was going to be a curse word into an acceptable word right before saying it.

I need to wash my hair.

There have been times in my life where washing my hair wasn't all that big of a deal. On the occasions when I have maintained a boy's cut similar to the haircut that my son and my husband sport, washing my hair wasn't even worth a mention. I'd wash my short hair, rub it a couple times with a dry towel, and then let it go. Done. Washing my hair is no longer such an easy task.

My husband likes long hair. Not on his head mind you. He likes long hair on my head and he's not willing to settle for a wig. Sigh. So now, washing my hair has become a major deal. I now have long hair. I draw the line at really long hair but my hair reaches beyond my shoulders and is growing toward the middle of my back. That's long enough. That also makes shampoo day a bit difficult.

I've got to figure that it'll take a good hour to wash, dry and style this long hair. Because of the time involved, I don't attack this chore on a daily basis. Some people are willing to do this but I'm not one of them. I also have to dedicate an hour where the phone doesn't ring while my head is under the sink. I can't hear the phone ring while water is rushing from the sink or the hairdryer is running, but if I did, it's kind of hard to answer a phone with suds dripping in your eyes and I will not hear that phone over the hairdryer so just forget about it. I also have to pray that no-one comes to the door while I'm shampooing, drying, or styling my hair.

Now as I sit here contemplating whether I should risk shampooing my hair or not, I have to consider the risks. Will the phone ring? Will anyone drop by to visit? I'm at The Lake. I can deal with the phone by just ignoring it if I happen to hear it. I'm not expecting a phone call but...HTP is picking #1 son up at college so he's not here. He's somewhere between The Lake and The Big City. He might call so if I miss his call...well, I do have an answering machine. There's not much I could do if he's in a ditch somewhere after hitting a deer anyway. Besides, he probably would call 911. I don't expect that anyone else will call. I'm at The Lake. It's unlikely that anyone will just drop by to visit. With a 1/2 mile dirt driveway, we don't get many uninvited visitors. I am expecting a UPS delivery but he usually doesn't show up until late afternoon. I think I'm safe.

Of course, I've noticed a interesting Murphyism when it comes to shampooing my hair. Was that the phone I just heard?

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Law About Shampooing One's Hair

1.The phone will ring as soon as a sufficient amount of lather has been produced to clean one's hair.

2. Neighbors and complete strangers will beat their way to your door so they can see what you look like with a towel turbaned on your head or curlers in your hair and report back to other neighbors and friends.

3. If a phone call is missed while shampooing your hair, it was important.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Word of the Day

Backwallers - Those who are paranoid that people will look over their shoulder while they do something or sneak up on them unaware. They try everything in their power to sit with their backs to a wall or other large, opaque object, so that no one can walk up to them from behind and yet, they can still see everyone else. Comes from "back to the wall."

It's another beautiful day here at The Lake. The temperature is a bit cool still (54°F) but the sun has been battling with the clouds all day. Right now the sun seems to be winning. To counter the sun, the wind has been blowing at a steady pace.

I spent some time fishing again last night. I was fishing but nothing was biting. A mosquito made it's presence known, but I killed it before it could bite. After a couple hours watching the fish jump in the distance and a wood duck out swimming in the middle of the lake, I decided to stow the gear and head back up to the house. It really was beautiful but one can only sit still for so long before you decide that what you really need to make things perfect is a beer. I went up to the house and got my beer and then decided that I'd try fishing another day.

Although I'm feeling a bit lazy (so what else is new?), I think I'll go out and finish digging my garden this afternoon. I was going to do it yesterday but the ground was too wet. It might be too wet today too but I'll never know if I don't actually go out there and check. I want to get the gardens prepped so I start planting. I have plants coming and I've got a sack of seeds and onion sets that are begging me to plant them out in the rich soil of my garden.

Murphyism of the Day

Jose's Axiom

Nothing is as temporary as that which is called permanent.


Nothing is as permanent as that which is called temporary.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Word of the Day

Backne - Street slang for acne on one's back and shoulders.

I went fishing last night for a while before it started raining again. I didn't even get a nibble. On the plus side, I didn't have to clean any fish. I made fajitas for supper.

Although we haven't had any rain today, or at least during a time when I was awake to appreciate it, I haven't done much. My rain gauge tells me that we received a little of 1/2" of rain from the time I stopped my failed fishing expedition and the time I actually looked at the gauge this morning. It's dreary outside. Cold and grey.

I walked out to the mailbox yesterday before the rain hit (1/2 mile walk to and another 1/2 mile walk on the way back = 1 mile walk total) . As I walked I noted that the ferns were just starting to sprout. I remembered reading that fern sprouts were edible so I gathered enough to clean and cook. I've since done some research, being rather skeptical of the hairiness of these fern sprouts. Although the ferns in my area are edible, they are hairy and I'm told that they are rather bitter. We don't have the right kind of edible ferns, so at least I had a nice walk...to and fro. And, thanks to the internet, HTP and I don't have to suffer through a bitter sidedish.

Murphyism of the Day

Bitton's Postulate on State-of-the-Art Electronics

If you understand it, it's obsolete.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Word of the Day

Backeral - The technical term for a fish which has landed on someone's back.

I haven't gone out fishing yet. I really meant to but I just didn't get around to it. I was going to work in the garden and I was actually heading out there to get at those weeds when it started raining. Pffft. I do not like to play in the mud. I'll just have to put off weeding for a bit. I made brownies. They're not for HTP and me. I made them for my folks. I had planned to bring them over to their place when I went to pick up the dogs but...my folks brought the dogs to me on their way to city to do some shopping. I still plan to bring the brownies over to them as soon as they get back from the city.

So...I haven't done much today.

Murphyism of the Day

Meissner's Law

Any producing entity is the last to use its own product.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Word of the Day

Backblog - Overflow of incidents you intend to write about on your weblog.

Happy Mother's Day

I ate too much. I'm exhausted. I did too much. I'm off to bed. It's late. Past my bedtime. OK...I'll blog.

We started off the morning with a Mother's Day Brunch at Tagalong with my Mom and Dad, HTP, and #1 son. Tagalong is a nearby golf resort on Red Cedar Lake Resort. Tagalong used to be owned by the Stout estate. A private golf course owned by a lumber baron. It was styled after a famous golf course in Scotland. The original building built in the 30's still stands and has been incorporated into the pro shop. I think they did a great job. The brunch was very nice but...I think we'll try for Blue Hills Supper Club for Father's Day. Still...I ate too much.

After brunch, my folks adopted my dogs so we could drive to The Big City to celebrate Mother's Day at HTP's sister's place with HTP's Mom and Dad, his sister's family, his brother, #1 son....you get the idea. We ate too much. HTP's sister made ribs with lots of salad. #1 son made a flourless chocolate cake with raspberries and raspberry sauce for dessert. MMMM....chocolate.

After our huge dinner, we drove HTP's folks back to their house. HTP fixed his Mom's computer and then we drove #1 son back to his dorm room. #1 son took the leftover cake and some brownies back to the dorm with him. I'm sure he'll find plenty of friends to share the leftovers with him. I doubt the desserts will last the night.

HTP and I headed straight back here to The Lake but even driving straight out, we didn't get back here until after 10:30PM. No sooner then I punched in the alarm code then the phone rang. It was my youngest daughter calling to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I noted as I spoke to her that the message light was blinking on the phone. Yup! It was my oldest daughter wishing me a Happy Mother's Day....all the way from Parris Island.

All my children wished me a Wonderful Happy Mother's Day! I had a Wonderful Mother's Day! Only...I ate too much. Now I can't eat anything until Father's Day...at the soonest.

Thanks so much to All My Children. I love you all very much.

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Axiom of Buffology

When picking up items of food at a brunch or buffet, one's eyes are always bigger then one's stomach.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Word of the Day

Back tat - A tattoo, primarily on a female, that is on the backside, usually in the small of the back.

It's The Opening Day of Fishing. I've already counted four boats racing to favored fishing holes on our lake. I saw the headlights of a pontoon boat late last night. It looked like someone was driving their car on the water. He was either poaching or he got off work too late to get his pontoon launched before dark. I don't think that this guy was actually fishing. I'm sure it was the later. I imagine it wasn't too fun getting a boat launched that late. On the other hand, it was a great night for taking a tour of the lake with friends. Maybe that was the whole purpose of our late night pontoon. Regardless, I think pontoons looks really strange after dark. They've got headlights and tail-lights...just like a car. I didn't see any turn signals flash but...what the heck...most drivers fail to use their signals anyway.

I have an empty U-Haul trailer sitting in my driveway. $9.95 to rent that sucker for the day. Well worth the cost. We have to return it by 10 AM this morning. HTP, #1 son, and I emptied all of #1 son's stuff out of it and the SUV last night. HTP will return it after breakfast. I'm not sure how late #1 son was awake last night. I do know that he made several trips up and down stairs to get all his stuff down to his basement living area. Now he just has to unpack. Sigh...and now, I get to do laundry and ride herd on that unpacking. I'd rather go fishing.

#1 son still has to go back to college next week. Finals. The dreaded finals! We'll take him back tomorrow. We're celebrating Mother's Day in the morning with my Mom here at a local restaurant here in town. Then...we're going to drive to The Big City, to celebrate Mother's Day again with HTP's Mom at his sister's house. We'll take #1 son back to his dorm after that and return to The Lake. #1 son has to be out of his dorm by 1 PM next Thursday. He'll have a bit more things to bring home, but those will all fit into the SUV.

It's a bit odd. My nest is no longer empty. I've got to clean up the kitchen. #1 son dumped a load of cookware onto the countertop that he'd used at the dorm over the school year. I'll have to find room in the cupboards for it. I have to do #1 son's laundry that he brought home for me. He brought me his laundry detergent and dryer sheets too. My computer desk chair disappeared. I think #1 left his back at the dorm to use during finals week so I guess he just borrowed mine for the weekend. That's OK. I borrowed HTP's chair. I'm sure I'll get my chair back on Mother's Day...tomorrow before we head off to The City. HTP will get his chair back after I blog and finish up with my emails. I suppose I can always drag a chair in from the kitchen... Heck! I think I'll just go fishing.

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Law of Procrastination

If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Word of the Day

Back spackle - The dirt, mud, and other gunk that accumulates on the back of your shirt or jacket when you ride a bike on a wet or muddy surface.

I went out and bought bait today. Tomorrow marks the first day of fishing season here. I could just go out and dig some worms but what really works the best for fishing are those tiny grubs called waxies and leeches. I may still go dig up some worms. I have to prepare my vegetable garden anyway and I might as well collect whatever worms I come across while I'm at it. But...maybe not today. The dock was put in yesterday and our boat was launched. We are ready to go out and beat the waters to a froth. Will we catch anything? Maybe not but this will be the first time in more then thirty years as far as I can remember that we'll actually have the opportunity to go fishing on opening weekend.

HTP has gone off to The Big City to pick up #1 son for the weekend. #1 son has to clear most of his stuff out of his dorm room. He still have finals next week but Thursday of next week will be his last day at college until Fall session rolls around again. He'll be switching to a different dorm for next year. I decided to stay home....well...I didn't actually stay home because I went shopping but I only went as far as the city. I needed to get milk and meat. I also needed to get Mother's Day cards. Oh...and a couple of new books to read.

Murphyism of the Day

MacPherson's Theory of Entropy

It requires less energy to take an object out of its proper place than to put it back.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Word of the Day

Babbling ram - A verbal technique used to suppress opposition by using forceful, senseless babbling.

Today is Cinco de Mayo. Don't get me started! I am not a bigot. Sorry guys, I just haven't figured out why the heck I should celebrate the liberation of Mexico from France. I don't celebrate Bastille Day either. Maybe we all should run down to Mexico to celebrate July 4th. Oh well...maybe it's just a good excuse to drink a margarita with supper tonight.

It's official. I am not planning a wedding for this summer. I am planning a reaffirmation of vows/wedding for the fall of 2006. The military stuck a wrench in the works and it's on to Plan C. My daughter and her fiance still plan to get married but it's going to be a civil affair for the legalities. They'll save the formal, religious wedding for later. Actually, a wedding in 2006 was the original plan, so I guess this is a variation on Plan A. Let's call it, Plan A(a).

I spent a few hours yesterday raking leaves out of my flower bed and hauling the piles off to the forest. I still have a lot of work to do out in the beds but it's a start. It's still too cold to spray the weeds.

HTP and I also went into town to do some shopping. While we were there, I got some geraniums for the deck planters. I got some peonies to plant out front as well. I couldn't resist. Now I just have to figure out where I'll plant them...along with the six current bushes that I have coming from Gurney's that I ordered last summer. I'm going to order some other stuff too from some of my other catalogs too but that'll have to wait for a few days.

My Mom called shortly after we got back from town yesterday. They're here! Well...they're at their cabin at The Lake. Their cabin is about a mile or so down the lake from ours. Anyway, they joined us for supper last night. I imagine that they'll be busy getting stuff unpacked and sorted in the coming days.

We have DSL! Woohoo! No more sluggish dial-up! No more lost calls because we're on the internet and people can't get through to us! I can get back to playing Pogo! I can blog with impunity.

Murphyism of the Day

Edwards' Time/Effort Law

Effort x Time = Constant

A. Given a large initial time to do something, the initial effort will be small.

B. As time goes to zero, effort goes to infinity.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Word of the Day

babblescent - A pre-teen or adolescent based on the characteristic behaviors of such young people--they are always talking.

I was going to blog later today after our DSL is finally hooked up but I guess I'll make do with the dial-up. It's so slow! And I remember the day when this "slow" was considered lightening fast. Times change.

It's another sunny day at The Lake. 52°F right now but we woke up to 28°F. I was a bit worried because I forgot to bring in the dogs' water dish last night (I keep it outside on the deck here at The Lake) but the dogs didn't bruise their little noses when they dipped in to get a drink this morning. In other words, it didn't freeze the waterdish water last night. Still...I won't be putting out any liquid containing bird feeders for a while yet. It's supposed to warm up to the 70's this week according to the weather people.

It doesn't look like the people who are supposed to install our dock will come today. HTP called them. We want to be here to see how this "little" project is done so we can take care of things ourselves from now on. The costs of dock installation and removal have been rising and although I like to help the economy of our local businesses, HTP and I are beginning to feel that this company is taking advantage of us. I think they're just going to need to realize that they've priced themselves out of the market...at least as far as we're concerned. Who knows? Maybe the rich weekender folks who have docks on Red Cedar will pay them. After we figure out how to put in our own dock (observation is key), we'll be putting in our own dock.

I started "cleaning" up my flower beds. I have to check to see if the weed-killer I have in the garage functions in cold weather. If not, I'll have to see if there is a weed-killer that I can buy that will work in cold temperatures. I want to kill the weeds before they get waist high.

Murphyism of the Day

Principle of Design Inertia

Any change looks terrible at first.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Word of the Day

Alpopuck: Empty dogfood dish being pushed across the floor by a hungry dog.

Laundry day started out cold (16°F) and clear. The sun is shining and I'm doing laundry. Right now the temperature outside is 54°F. I've put out my rain gauge and hung my windsock and windchimes. I suppose I'll have to purchase new windchime for the summer of 2005. I wonder where I'll find a spot to hang it? I dug out one of my finch feeders and hung that too. It will have to warm up a lot more before I risk hanging out a hummingbird or oriole feeder.

We had a visit from a man giving us an estimate on fixing our washed out driveway. HTP had to schedule someone else to come out to stake (mark the location) the buried electrical lines and phone lines. Whatever work is done on our driveway, we don't want to have to deal with cut electrical lines or phone lines.

My garden plants that I ordered from one of the seed catalogs will be coming sometime later in the month. I got an email from them. I'm not too concerned. I won't be doing much gardening until the weather warms up. I'll have to concentrate on leaf removal and weed digging. Weeds don't appear to be bothered by cold weather.

Murphyism of the Day

Poulsen's Prophecy

If anything is used to its full potential, it will break.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Word of the Day

Alponium: The odor that wafts up after opening a can of dog or cat food.

It just dawned on me that cleaning this house when we leave it for the winter just doesn't make too much sense. I just spent hours yesterday cleaning the house and I'll have more hours of cleaning to do in the days to come. I cleaned this house perfectly before we left it last fall. Why? The ladybugs invaded and spiders made webs and I had to do the whole of it again when we got back here. I left a clean house for what? Those two mice that committed suicide on the sticky traps in the furnace room? So the ladybugs could dwell in a clean house? So I wouldn't be embarrassed if a burglar invaded the place? The house was already dirty by the time the plumber came and went this spring. I guess it's kind of like making sure that you're wearing clean underwear in case you happen to be in an accident. Or maybe it's just habit. I cleaned the toilets before I left last fall and I had to clean them again this spring. The sinks and the mirrors too. I chased down every ladybug that had croaked in the house and swept away the ones that croaked in the doorways. I know I missed a few so I'll have to do it all again in a few days. HTP had to clean the shower and I had to clean the bathtubs. I even had to rewash the clean dishes that I'd left clean in the dishwasher! I'm going to see if I can get #1 son to clean his shower when he visits next weekend. And all this cleaning is occurring because it really needs cleaning. Somehow it got dirty during the winter when no-one but the invading houseflies and ladybugs were here. I haven't even seen any mouse evidence...other then those two in the furnace room and HTP took care of them...discreetly. I'm seriously questioning the necessity of cleaning in the fall. To heck with what the ladybugs and houseflies and spiders and mice think. For that matter, if a burglar invades and finds my housekeeping an unsatisfactory...tough! I hate inefficiency! And having to do the same thing twice for no earthly reason that I can see is a worthless waste of time.

Murphyism of the Day

Law of Corporate Planning

Anything that can be changed will be changed until there is not time left to change anything.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Our First Full Day Back at The Lake

Word of the Day

Albumnesia: A mental condition whereby one loses all memory of what music to buy when entering a record store.

Happy Anniversary Wishes to my brother and his wife! I hope they have a great day!

I got up. I made coffee. I drank a cup of coffee. It's snowing but it melts so don't imagine me sitting here trapped in drifts of snow. The dogs are loving it outside despite the cold. It's only 37°F outside right now. Overcast. The leaves haven't emerged from their winter sleep. What shocks me a bit is that the weeds are already taking hold. I can't even use Round Up on them because it's too cold. There is some yard work I can get started on but first...

I made my famous Salsa and canned three pints of mix for future use. I've been up and down the stairs repeatedly this morning. I'm going to feel it tomorrow...and the next day...and the next. I'm just not used to going up and down stairs anymore. Good exercise...I'm sure.

HTP has gone off to get the Sunday paper. I'm starting on my second cup of coffee and then I'll make breakfast. The rest of the stuff I have to do today will have to wait until after breakfast.

Murphyism of the Day

Dow's Law

In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the greater the confusion.