Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Word of the Day

Hetty - A combination of hot and sweaty.

I feel like I'm living a life-version of one of those Advent Calendars except I don't get any of the tiny little chocolates. Instead, each day I add a little bit more to my Christmas decorations. I put out my Twelve Days of Christmas figurines today. I'm glad I bought those candles because the tapers that I thought I might have had in the box in my closet...weren't. I did have a couple of snowman candles and a couple of nutcracker candles but those don't qualify as the tapers that I needed for my dining room table.

We still need to put up the tree. Tomorrow? HTP has to fix the Christmas tree stand. Tomorrow? We'll get to it. Heck! My memory may be a bit foggy but serious tree decorating when I was young was done a lot closer to Christmas. Like...the night before? We always had a real tree though. You really don't want to rush putting up a real tree. They tend to dry out and then you could risk a house fire. Especially with the lights that we used to use. No...we never used real candles to light our tree. But those lights were REALLY HOT! I know. I burned the heck out of my hands when I was younger because I just couldn't resist touching those pretty lights. I'm amazed that we never actually burned down the house with those lights.

And then...we actually anchored that sucker to the radiator? I mean, there's never a perfect tree but..... I love my Mom. She always shopped for that perfect tree. I remember hours standing out in one of those tree lots in the cold snow, freezing my toes off while Mom picked out that "perfect" tree. It had to meet certain criteria. It had to fit the budget. Looking nice was important but the budget trumped all. So...sometimes that perfect Charlie Brown tree was the result. Needless to say, said tree didn't always have a perfect center of gravity or balance. Sometimes you just had add some stability lines.

There were specific rules when it came to adding tinsel to the tree. We always re-used our tinsel. My Mom had such patience! I mean...there is no way that I would have the patience to pick every last piece of tinsel from the clinging needles of an old, dried-out Christmas tree. She used to iron the old ribbons and the paper too. Such were the times we lived in. Maybe we should all go back and think about such things. Some of those things made a great deal of sense. My Mom was one of the first recyclers! Conservation! We have moved into such a disposable way of life. On the otherhand, if I had to pick all that tinsel out of the tree come January, I'd probably switch to garland. Come to think of it...that's what I did! Mom (if you're reading this) I still save the old gift tags and use the old bows. I don't use ribbons and I can't get HTP or the kids to show any sort of patience when it comes to opening gifts so the paper is a total loss. I reuse the gift bags and boxes though so I'm not totally lost to this modern life of consumerism. I retained some of my roots. But I use an artificial tree. I refuse to pay $20 or more for a once-living Christmas tree that will drop its needles on my carpet, needles that will make an appearance months (years) later no matter how often you vacuum. I figure that my poor little artificial tree paid for itself in 1998. Right now? It's free...except HTP has to fix the stand.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Word of the Day

Hemisfear - Anxious concern, reluctance to cross the equator.

I got all my laundry done. HTP and I went shopping. Arizona daughter needed a cable modem so we picked one up for her and HTP got it all set up. While we were at the store, HTP found some stationary for the annual Christmas letter. Why Walmart decided to put it near the housewares section, halfway to the pet section, I haven't a clue. As a matter of fact, the cashier asked him where he got it because so many patrons were wondering where it was. Meanwhile, I bought some more Christmas wrapping paper and bows because they was on sale and I never did get around to checking my supply from last year. I also picked up some cute Christmas cards. I still need to go back to the post office for stamps but maybe I'll let HTP do that. I've already gone two times in the last week and forgot the stamps both times.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. All my Christmas snowglobes are placed in an around my crowded home. I bought some green and red tapers for the dining room table but...I may have some in a box in the closet. I'll have to check. Tomorrow. The tree still isn't up but I've got time yet. As far as baking goes? Next week? If I start too soon on that project, HTP will be put into too much temptation. Let's be honest here. I'll be put into to much temptation.

Camp Furball Update

I found a better brush in the cupboard so I brushed both Taye and MiMao. I don't know what DD Daughter was talking about. Both cats love to be brushed. I had a real purr fest going on in there. As I brushed MiMao, Taye kept bumping into me as if to say, "Don't brush that scrappy little bit of stable trash, Brush ME!" So, I'd brush Taye and then MiMao demanded attention. Todd doesn't need brushing but...I brushed him too so he wouldn't feel left out.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Word of the Day

Hectivity - Very busy; lots of activity, turmoil, haste

'Tis the season.... This morning was spent at the Post Office...again. DD Daughter forgot something that she needed so it was off to the Post Office for me. I arrived at the crowded Post Office at around 8:30 AM and took a number. #99. They were working on #84. That was OK. I needed to fill out the Express mail forms and get one of the special flat-rate Express envelopes. There were six chained pens at the Post Office. Only one of them worked. I waited my turn. As I was filling out the paperwork and sealing the envelope, I set my number down. It never occurred to me that there would actually be a slimball at the Post Office who would steal someone's number. After getting everything ready, I looked around for my number slip. No number slip. Did I drop it? It was nowhere to be seen. I got a new number. #03. Sigh. I really am too nice. I never said a word as the slimball who stole my number waltzed up to the counter when #99 was called. I really, really hope that he felt a smidge of guilt or the burn of my glare as he used my number. Do slimballs feel guilt?

I've started Christmas preparations. My first draft of our annual Christmas letter is filed into my computer. I need to get some Christmas cards and stationary but that'll have to wait. I forgot to buy stamps. I've been to the Post Office twice already and I forgot to buy Christmas stamps? Oh well...tomorrow? I decorated the outside of the house and I packed away the Thanksgiving stuff. Oh...I need to buy some new Christmas candles for the dining room table too. I guess I'll have to start a list. I'd better check if I have Christmas wrap and ribbons too. I did drag the Christmas tree out of the garage. Tonight? Maybe I'll set it up tonight.

Camp Furball Update

I've taken over the daily operation of Camp Furball. All three inmates are doing well. It got a tad cold overnight (32°F) but Camp Furball warmed up after I closed the window and turned off the ceiling fan.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Hectivity - Very busy; lots of activity, turmoil, haste.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Word of the Day

Heartune - A love song.

DD Daughter is on her way back to Pendleton. Despite all efforts, she forgot some paperwork that she needs and cell phones don't work too well in our neck of the woods so she didn't get my frantic calls until she was too far along. I'll have to overnight the stuff to soon as she calls tonight to give us an address.

I'm done with all my Christmas shopping! Woohoo! Of course, I still need to decorate and write my annual Christmas letter.

Left-overs for supper.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Word of the Day

Heartquake - The phenomenon of an earthquake taking place in the heart.

DD Daughter and I did go out shopping yesterday. I figured that it would be safe because all the real crazies would have cleared out of the mall by the time we got there at around 7 PM. I was wrong. I had someone with jigjaggy multi-colored hair with white stars on her face come up to tell me that she loved me. Blink. Thank you? Anyway, I got almost all the rest of my Christmas shopping done. Yeah! I still need to do the stocking stuffer thing but aside from that I'm pretty much done.

This morning DD Daughter and I packed up boxes to send to GI Joe and some Marines that we know who are currently deployed in Iraq. It's one thing to get stuff to send to them (that's the fun part), it's quite another thing to have to fill out customs forms. Let's Santa hat, cost? weight? How much does on beanie baby weigh? A candy bar? What price do you put on homemade beef jerky? They really expect you to be specific. I hate filling out forms. And then the custom forms aren't exactly military friendly when it comes to which part of the address fits on which line. FPO, APO, AE? Sigh. I did my best. All the boxes and forms are in the hands of the United States Post Office right now. I stood in line for an hour (not bad considering the time of year) and the gal who took my boxes didn't give me an ounce of grief. Probably didn't want to see a MOM go postal.

Human Imponderable of the Day

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Word of the Day

Happitality - A state of extreme happiness.

I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm not out shopping today. I spent a long while studying the sale flyers but there wasn't anything to tempt me out of the warm safety of my house and into the mad crowds of shoppers.

HTP and DD Daughter went out at an early hour. DD had to bring her truck in to have the brakes looked at. Seems like it must have been a good day to do it because HTP and DD told me that they were first in line.

Me? I made waffles for everyone. Now? I'm ready to crawl back into bed. I'm still tired from yesterday.

Turkey Day Horror

I have no problems making Thanksgiving dinners. I've never had a bit of problem in the kitchen. It's hectic. But nothing major. Having said that...I almost set the kitchen on fire yesterday. Argh! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Everything started out in such a normal fashion. I cooked up the cranberries for sauce. I left that to cool on the stovetop. I cleaned the turkey and removed the "packages" and got the bird ready for stuffing. Too soon. But I got the package contents all cleaned up and in a pot with water and seasonings. Future broth for making my gravy. HTP was doing some internet shopping and needed my input. By the time all that was done it was time to make the stuffing and get the turkey taken care of. I use disposable roasting pans to make my turkey. When I was at the store I bought two of them. It was a two-for deal and I knew I'd need one for Christmas. Anyway, I made my stuffing, stuffed my turkey and into the pan and into the oven it went. While the turkey was roasting, I got the green bean casserole and the sweet potatoes all ready and into the fridge. Then I peeled the potatoes, ready to boil up for mashing. I snipped the asparagus and got it ready for steaming. My first problem. I couldn't find the hollandaise sauce mix that I had bought. Anywhere. My second problem...I could only find one bottle of white wine. My mind was working on what to do about the first problem and I decided to put a bottle of champagne in the fridge to solve the second problem. Cream sauce? Maybe a bit of grated cheese? First problem solved. I checked the turkey and noted that it was browned enough to cover with foil. Done. Breakfast. I made eggs and toast. I cleaned the kitchen. Washed the dishes. The smell of turkey was wonderful. I set the table for dinner.

A couple of hours later, I should have been concerned. I'd checked on the turkey. I wanted to drain off some juices for the gravy. No juices. I should have been concerned. It became apparent, an hour later, that there was a hole in my disposable pan. All the wonderful turkey juices had pooled and were burning on the bottom of my oven. DD Daughter and I quickly lifted the holey mess into the other pan. Thank goodness I had the other one. We got as much of the juices wiped up as we could but.... Smoke! Lots of smoke! I'm amazed that my fire alarms didn't go off. We turned on vents. We opened windows. We turned on fans. Blue smoke poring out of the oven. I'm nervously waiting for a flashpoint to be reached. HTP got involved when he noticed the amount of blue smoke gathered in our front yard from his office. Not good.

Thank goodness for HTP. We turned off the oven. Took the turkey out of the oven. And...HTP cleaned the oven. I'm thinking. No juice for gravy. I need gravy. Sigh. HTP sent me out to the store while he cleaned the oven. Thank God for HTP! Bless him. At the store, I bought turkey gravy, hollandaise sauce mix, AND, three bottles of white wine. I only needed one bottle but at this point I REALLY needed to have that one bottle of white wine. By the time I got back from the store, HTP had cleaned up the entire mess and the turkey was back into the oven. Disaster over.

We finally were able to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner at around 6:30 PM. Everything was perfect. Arizona daughter helped with the clean-up and all the left-overs actually fit in the fridge. Miracle.

Though I had purchased a pie for dessert, no-one had any room for it. We drank coffee and watched a movie. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. It was great. I sent dessert home with Arizona daughter and her husband.

Succumbing to a tryptophan overdose, it was off to bed....well...after watching Finding Nemo which happened to be on the Disney Channel last night. That movie is so cute. But so ends a very long day. Oh...and I didn't set the kitchen on fire afterall, despite all my efforts.

Camp Furball Update

DD has taken over the upkeep of Camp Furball while she's in residence. We're hoping that she can take her happy trio home with her (knocking madly on wood) by Christmas.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Word of the Day

Hackchoo - When you sneeze and cough at the same time.

The news all day today was all about traffic and the airport. We're not going anywhere this year so I guess that doesn't apply to us. I haven't heard from DD Daughter but I think that she'll be coming some time today. I think. We haven't heard from her so... I'm planning on having Thanksgiving dinner at around 6 PM tomorrow. My Arizona daughter will be here but she wasn't sure whether or not her husband could come. Work. Maybe. Ah well, if he can't come I'll make sure to send home enough leftovers for him to enjoy.

We had a tile person come to give us an estimate for laying saltillo tile on our patio. Blink. The cost was a lot more than we were expecting. We'll have to do some more thinking and get more estimates.

Camp Furball - Day Eleven

I have to go out and buy more food for our happy trio. Today. I had enough to feed them today but there won't be enough for tomorrow. Aside from that, all is well.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Word of the Day

Growcrastination - To put off gardening.

I'm learning that my every other morning exercise sessions are far more effective than my multiple cups of coffee each morning. At far. Anyway, I'm trying to start a habit. Hopefully this will help me drop a few pounds.

I'm making beef jerky today. HTP is off to the LDS Family History Center again to do genealogy research again. This is the last day before The Holidays that the center is open until 9 PM. The thing you learn when you start researching family genealogy is that just when you get settled in and maybe find a tidbit of information on some almost unreadable bit of microfilm, someone is ready and eager to sweep you out. Closing time. Anyway, HTP hates the sound and smell that results from the production of beef jerky. So... Anyway, I've got my dehydrator set up outside and I'll have beef jerky before HTP returns home tonight. I love beef jerky but I refuse to pay store-bought prices for the stuff. Besides, I want to send some to Iraq for my Marine Mom's sons and daughters and GI Joe. Not to mention that #1 son loves the stuff too. Actually, I may have to make another batch.

Arizona daughter had a day off yesterday so I went out shopping with her. I'm starting to whittle away on my Christmas gift list. I still haven't a clue what to get for my parents or my in-laws. Worse? I haven't a clue what to get for HTP! HTP and #1 son are really hard to buy for. Actually, maybe it's a gender problem. I don't know what to get for either of my son-in-laws either. Sigh. At least my Arizona helped me with her husband but...I still have my doubts. DD hasn't been any help at all. Maybe I can pick her brain a bit more when she comes for Thanksgiving. As for my folk? As for my in-laws?

You may have noticed that I failed to blog yesterday. Mall shopping tends to suck all the available energy out of my body. I returned home yesterday at around 8:30 PM. I went to bed. I never even thought about blogging as I dragged my poor aged body to bed.

Camp Furball - Day Ten

Has it really been ten days? Despite MiMao's tendency to disappear under the bed in Camp Furball, she more often than naught, makes a mere half-hearted disappearing act of late. She's really a pretty little cat. I've noted that poor Todd (GI Joe's little man) tends to take a back seat when it comes to the food dish. Poor baby. I'd actually feel rather sorry for him but he still leaves Taye to take the blame when it comes to the escape attempts.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?
I knew I forgot to do something before I went to bed last night. I went shopping. The cats are just fine. I was busy. The dog ate my homework. The dish ran away with the spoon. The cow jumped over the moon. I was being eaten by a boa constrictor and barely escaped. And then my head fell off and I couldn't find it because my eyes were in it.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Word of the Day

Grim reapercussions - Consequences of drinking and driving.

I raced out and did my morning exercise. Twenty minutes power-walk to the clubhouse, twenty minutes with the machines and the balance ball, twenty minutes power-walk back home. It wasn't easy today. They were serving a pancake breakfast at the clubhouse and the smell was wafting into the exercise room. Not good. I didn't weaken but I think the fumes may have added two inches to my thighs.

If the breakfast fumes didn't add the inches, my lunch did. I met a friend this morning. We went hunting together. I love going to Savers. It's the thrift store run by The Boys' and Girl's Club of America. Anyway, we hunted the aisles for used clothing. I picked up some used books along with a huge sack full of tops. I always figure that if I get tired of the clothes, I won't feel so guilty if when I donate it at a later date. Anyway, after our Savers shopping expedition, we ate lunch at Seranos. A Mexican restaurant. Very good! I'm sure I ate too much but I felt justified because I didn't have any breakfast. Wrong thinking but at least I know it.

After lunch we decided to investigate a new Sam's Club that had recently opened. I haven't a clue why I can't seem to enter a Sam's Club or a Costco with out exiting with more than I ever thought I'd buy. HTP knows that I shouldn't go to Costco without his expert guidance. Oh well...I got some Christmas shopping done and I got this wonderful caramel apple walnut crunch pie that I'm going to serve for Thanksgiving dessert.

But my shopping/hunting expedition didn't stop with Sam's Club. After I dropped my friend off at her home, I continued on to Bashas ( a local grocery store here in Arizona). I just remembered. I forgot to buy the beef roast that I was going to grind up to make beef jerky. Argh! Oh room in the fridge anyway. Maybe I'll try again after Thanksgiving. Anyway, I filled the back of the Gator with all kinds of food and food making stuff that I'll be using to make Thanksgiving dinner. I've got cranberries, an aluminum pan for the turkey, extra wide aluminum foil, canned sweet potatoes, brown sugar because I couldn't remember if I had any and I didn't check, marshmallows, canned pineapple, french-cut green beans, cream of chicken soup.... get the idea. Lots of stuff. Oh...stuffing mix and bread to make stuffing. I even bought sage...and then found out that I must have enough sage now with what I found in the pantry to feed the entire U.S. fleet. I guess I'd better do a better job at list making next time.

So. I staggered back in the door with all my treasures. Miller Time. Actually, Pinot Grigio time. I bought some individual serving size bottles of Pinot Grigio. I don't usually do this but I need the bottles. I'm going to use them to bottle my strawberry liqueur that I want to send to my fellow MOM's. But first I have to drink the Pinot Grigio....two down, six to go.

Camp Furball - Day Eight

I just checked with HTP. He tells me that all has been quiet at Camp Furball. Of course, unless one of them had actually escaped and tapped him on his shoulder...he wouldn't have noticed. I just checked. All three of DD's babies were happily reclining on various parts of the bed. Taye prefers the pillow region.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Word of the Day

Gnawty - A teething puppy.

My turkey has been thawing in the fridge since Wednesday. I plan to go shopping for groceries tomorrow. I hope they don't run low on things. I should have bought things this last week but couldn't summon the energy. Besides, we only have the one car.

I went outside today to read my book and listen to the fountain. It became apparent that what I really wanted to do was find a nice sunny spot in the yard to curl up in. Soaking in the vitamin D and cancer-causing rays of the sun. Ah well...I never can sit still for too long so I think I'm pretty safe from the later.

Camp Furball - Day Seven

Our three happy campers almost escaped into the main house today. I caught them before they actually executed the plan. The door was just slightly open a crack and a small paw was in the process of pulling the door all the way open. Any cat that pulls books off a shelf to read is smart enough to pull open doors. My attention was drawn to the situation when the mad banging and flipping of the door handle ceased. I no longer startle at these noises. No mad home invader is attempting to break into our home. It's just DD's cats making all that noise. A mad home invader would probably make less noise about it. As I entered the room, all three cats were poised for escape and looking extremely guilty. I redirected their attention to the pursuit of food and then played with them for a while with that featherduster thingy that DD calls a cat-teaser. She warned me never to leave it in the room alone with the cats because they'll just kill it. From the rough attention I got while playing with them, I don't doubt it for a minute.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Word of the Day

Gladuate - Students happy that they have passed an exam.

Wow! I can actually see out of my windows. We hired someone to wash the windows. Now...I'm just going to have to wait until the first bird decides to commit suicide on my newly cleaned window. about a nice bout of rain with blowing dust.

Camp Furball - Day Six

Not much going on right now at Camp Furball. MiMao disappeared under the bed when the window-washers came. No-one attempted to escape out the opened window when the screens were washed. I changed the little box this morning. Everyone was grateful. I put out fresh water and someone (Todd?) decided to pull another book of the bookshelf. It looks like I may have to keep Camp Furball operational for longer than we intended. I'm still going to keep my hopes up that DD Daughter is finally granted married housing. I'm afraid that because GI Joe is in Iraq, and his permanent duty station is still in Nebraska, they have classified DD as a geological bachelor because GI Joe wasn't present at the time she reported to Camp Pendleton. Anyway, GI Joe is working really hard to see what can be done about this latest disaster, aka, military bureaucractic snafu. Situation Normal All.... If worse comes to worse, I'll see if I can find a kind-hearted temporary home for our happy trio of campers because there is no way that we'll be able to carry these three back to Wisconsin come April. So far they are causing no problems at Camp Furball and I'm sure that #1 son won't mind having company of MiMao, Todd and Taye while he's here over Christmas break.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Word of the Day

Girlygood - Stimuli that make girls happy such as shopping, hair make-overs, manicures, pedicures; doing girly things that feel good; to experience a girly happening that only girls can appreciate.

I have to go out and buy some bottles. Today was the day that I filtered my strawberry schnapps. I now have two quarts of strawberry schnapps along with two quarts of strawberry liqueur. Now all I need is decorative bottles for my product. HTP has promised me some labels but I need bottles. I guess that "It's a shopping I will go." Temporarily I'm using plain quart canning jars. They work but...

Camp Furball - Day Five

The cats like to toss all their food out of the dish everyday. Thankfully, they also eat the entire mess up within 24 hours.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Word of the Day

Gigafryte - A major scare.

I started the morning with the long walk to the clubhouse, followed by a counter- rotation using the weight machines, two series of 25 sit-ups on the balance ball and ending with the long walk back home. I noted that the other people at the clubhouse workout room seem to drive to the clubhouse. Their routine seems to be to spend 20 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical or bikes, followed by a rotation using the weight machines and then finishing with another 20 minute session on the treadmill. Treadmills and stationary bikes have never been my thing. I did try the elliptical but.... You just walk and walk and walk and you never actually get anywhere. What's the fun of that. So...for right now, I'll do my "treadmill" thing by walking to and from the clubhouse. At least I get to meet and greet the neighbors enroute and I'm actually getting someplace in the process. Besides, the weather has been willing. I must say though that this exercise thing is a bit like taking a cold shower. You know you'll feel a lot better after the shower but it's hard to psych yourself up to getting into that shower. Ah well...I've done it twice now. Monday and Wednesday. I just have Friday and Sunday....and Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday and get the idea.

Camp Furball - Day Four

Everyone has seemed to settle in. MiMao greeted me at the door. She decided that my legs needed a good rubbing. If she had claws, my jeans would have been in shreds. Everyone needed patting. I found my cat brush so Taye got brushed. He didn't seem to mind. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Word of the Day

Gifthusiasm - Pretending to like a dumb gift someone you love gives you.

I admit it. I haven't done much today. Laundry...of course. But aside from that, not too much. I did dig out three hummingbird feeders and was able to hang two of them up . The other one crumbled in my hands. Plastic and Arizona's sun don't mix too well. No hummingbird sightings as yet.

Camp Furball - Day Three

Taye managed to trap himself in the TV armoire. Sigh. After hearing a lot of crashing about, I ran to check on the situation. He's fine. The TV is fine. Everything is fine. I think I may have to tie the doors of the armoire shut but aside from that and an attitude of "What?! I meant to do that. I don't know why you felt that you had to rescue me?" all is well. I have my suspicions that Todd may have had something to do with the entrapment. He just looked so innocent. UMMMM. Anyway, all three cats are doing well. MiMao has forgiven me for my lecture of yesterday and there have been no more MiMao lumps in the guest bed since I remade the bed and made sure everything was tucked in and secure.

Murphyism of the Day *

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do people press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?

*I have a new Murphyism resource book on order. In the meantime, please enjoy my temporary Human Imponderable of the Day offering

Monday, November 14, 2005

Word of the Day

Ghnashtly - Something so ghastly and nasty, you find yourself gnashing your teeth!

I'm sure it will get easier. Exercise. I need exercise. So...I walked to the clubhouse, worked out on the machines and did two sets of situps using the exercise ball and then walked back home. It takes about 20 minutes to power-walk to the clubhouse. The power-walk back home took a bit longer but all told I was done by 8 AM. DD Daughter tells me that I should plan on an every other day workout so tomorrow I'll stay home and then try to talk myself into working out again on Wednesday.

I've already discussed the fantastic relationship I have with my sewing machine. The thing hates me. Oh well. I had to drag the nasty thing out of the closet today. Sometimes you have to do stuff that you don't like to do because there are no alternatives. For years I've looked for ready-made tablecloths that would fit my kitchen table. Apparently, my kitchen table is an odd size. 48"x48". They don't make ready-made tablecloths for tables that size. So...I decided to go look for fabric at a fabric store. Nothing doing. When I did find a bolt of cloth wide enough to be of use, the patterns were all wrong. And no telling what would happen once said fabric was washed. Knowing my luck, it would shrink up so much that all my efforts would be for naught. I really hate sewing. And then? Brainstorm. I decided to buy some ready-made tablecloths that measured 60"x 104". I decided that I'd cut off the excess and hem. I can hand sew anything but when you're talking about hemming four tablecloths, I decided that I'd have to use my sewing machine. Sigh. So, today was the day.

I dragged my sewing machine out of the closet. I keep the instructions with my machine because I always have to relearn how to do that bobbin thing and thread the machine. The instructions for my machine come in English/Spanish/French/ and some other languages. It's a huge book. The unfortunate thing is that it's never easy to figure out where the English instructions start and then continue. So a simple project becomes a major hassle. If I cared more, I'd force myself to rewrite the instructions for those things I need to know. I'm not into zig-zag or anything like that. If I feel the need to sew something, I either get out a needle and thread and do the thing by hand, or I force myself to use the machine. Straight stitches. Forward and reverse. Nothing else needed. So...I finally figured out the bobbin thing and then the got the thing threaded. Red thread first for two of the tablecloths. Green thread second for the other two tablecloths. And I broke a needle. Back to the instruction book. Thank goodness I have replacement needles. They come color-coded. Back to the instruction book. I needed a purple needle...size 16 but the lettering is impossible to read. I guess that's why they color-code them.

Anyway, I now have four new tablecloths. I suppose I could make some special holiday tablecloths but...maybe next year.

News from Camp Furball

Day Two

Todd continues to startle HTP and me with his attempts to show us his ability to open doors. He hasn't actually opened the door as yet but his doorknob rattling tends to startle us. OMG! What's that noise?!'s only Todd.

All three cats greeted me at the door of Camp Furball this morning. They tried their best to convince me that they were starving. Hah! I know better. Taye pushed Todd and MiMao out of the way so he'd get the first bites.

MiMao has decided that I'm not a threat. However, this afternoon, when I went in for a visit, there was a lump in the bed. MiMao has decided that she likes burrowing under the covers. I knew it was MiMao because MiMao was the only missing cat. None of the cats seemed disturbed by her behavior but I removed her from under the covers. Lectured her. And remade the bed. After getting everyone settled, I left. Later? The lump (MiMao) in the bed had returned. Sigh. This time I was a bit firmer in my lecture and I tucked in the sheets and bedspread...maybe that will work. MiMao decided to return to hiding under the bed. I'll check for MiMao lumps...later.

Murphyism of the Day

Cheop's Law

Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Word of the Day

Geeology - Study of wonderment.

Well, DD Daughter has hit the trail, on her way to Camp Pendleton. My guest room has been turned into a cat refugee camp. I'm cat-sitting for DD Daughter until she can arrange for an apartment near her base. So...let me introduce the cats. There's Taye. He's a light colored, long-haired furball with blue eyes. Very friendly. Very furry. Dumb as a brick. Then there's Todd. Aka Wheezy. He's a shorthair. He's taken to removing my books from the shelves in the guest room. DD Daughter hasn't figured out the reason for that but since he's so smart, maybe he's decided that he likes to read romance novels. Todd wheezes when he purrs and then there's the occasional gasp between wheezes. He loves attention but backs off when the wheezing and gasping get to be too much. I've seen the third cat. Her name is MiMao. She's shy. As soon as I walk into the room, she disappears under the bed. Anyway, she's a furball too. Long hair. Dark...Brown? Anyway, I spent an hour at Camp Furball this afternoon, lying on the bed and reading a book so that they wouldn't get lonely. Taye sat on my head. Todd took a guard position at the foot of the bed and MiMao remained hidden...under the bed. I'm told that I need to feed them one scoop of food per day and clean the litter box once a week. Oh...and if I can find my old cat brush? I'm told that Taye really needs to be brushed, but he hates it.

Murphyism of the Day

The Ordering Principle

Those supplies necessary for yesterday's experiment must be ordered no later than tomorrow noon.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Word of the Day

Garass - Where you park when you don't have a garage.

Another shopping day. DD Daughter leaves tomorrow for Pendleton and we wanted to pick up some stuff to send to her husband, GI Joe. I mean, if she hadn't been there, how would I have known that GI Joe doesn't like nuts? Ah well...what he doesn't like he can pass on or trade with someone else in his unit. We also stopped at AAA and got maps and stuff. DD Daughter didn't really think that she would need them but HTP is a map fiend so DD Daughter now has maps. Lots of maps.

We're going to take DD Daughter out for supper at Teakwoods. Beer and Peanuts. And really good hamburgers. I hope it won't be too crowded but we can always nosh on beer and peanuts while we wait.

Murphyism of the Day

Halgren's Solution

When in trouble, obfuscate.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Word of the Day

Gapprehension - When one is not sure if their car will fit in a vacant space.

Today is Veteran's Day. Thank you Dad, GI Joe, HTP's Dad, DD Daughter, and all veteran's past, present and future, for your service and the sacrifices that you've made.

I ordered two books on the net and I'm impatiently waiting for them to arrive. Actually, I ordered three books but one isn't supposed to be published until December. I really hate waiting, especially when I know that I could probably drive out to the store and buy the darn books at the store. Oh well...back to the old book shelves in search of a re-read book.

HTP has gone off to the LDS Family History Center, in search of genealogical enlightenment. I think DD Daughter and I will either order a pizza for supper of go out to eat somewhere. No firm decisions. Whatever DD Daughter wants...I can go back on my diet after she leaves for her PDS...Permanent Duty Station.

Murphyism of the Day

Matz's Maxim

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Word of the Day

Gaitkeeper - Drill sergeant, cadence counter.

It's my only brother's birthday today. Happy Birthday Willie! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear Willie! Happy Birthday to You!

On top of that? There's another birthday today. The United States Marine Corps is 230 years old today. DD Daughter went off to see the movie Jarhead. I hope it's not another bunch of liberal Hollywood crapola.

Murphyism of the Day

Green's Law of Debate

Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Word of the Day

Gagnacious - Words or actions possessing the quality of sickening sweetness.

There are few things more demoralizing and depressing then to go to one of those places where they analyze the skin on your face. The day that DD Daughter and I went to get our facials, a woman walked in to the waiting room and handed us certificates worth $50 each good for a free skin consultation. At the time I was rather suspicious and I should have gone with that feeling but $50 is $50 and it's hard to get beyond that. So...DD Daughter and I made our appointments and went in for our skin consultations yesterday afternoon.

I was greeted by a "sweet young thang" who proceeded to take me back to a private room...soothing music playing. I was asked what I don't like about my skin. Hey! I just had a facial the day before this consultation. I was feeling pretty positive about my skin...and my age. I knew I was in trouble the second I was handed a super-magnifying lighted hand mirror. OK. "Could you look at your nose in the mirror and tell me what you'd like to change if you could?" My nose? The pores were huge! I had tiny little spider veins ala W.C. Fields. Argh! Of course, they aren't actually visible except in this "magic mirror". By the time I'd finished analyzing my entire face, bit by dreadful bit, I was thoroughly demoralized. Then she sticks me in front of a mirror complete with black light. Where did all that white lint come from that stood out in such stark contrast on my nose? This is something that nightmares come from. Now...the hard sell. They can fix my face for a few thousand dollars per numerous treatments. I'd just have to undergo special laser microderm abrasion and collagen injections, and there was this new product that might work. Everything was kindly explained to me before I staggered out to the waiting room to wait and ponder the deplorable condition of my sun-damaged skin. Did I want to make an appointment?

DD Daughter's appointment was next. Poor kid. At least she's a Marine. Marines are strong. She could take it. She did get talked into buying some special lotion. She's young. I refused to open my wallet. I guess age has something going for it. So I asked DD how it went and she told me that it wasn't too bad. The "sweet young thang" tried to talk her into botox treatments. What?! My daughter hasn't a wrinkle on her sweet young face! She was told that if she had botox treatments, she'd never get wrinkles. That it's a preventitive thing. The "sweet young thang" had already undergone numerous botox treatments. Good Grief! My DD Daughter wasn't tempted. She told me that she had enough problems with people in the military thinking that she's hardly old enough to smoke much less drink. She told the "sweet young thang" that she'd welcome a wrinkle or two. Then, when I told my DD Daughter that the "sweet young thang" hadn't mentioned anything about botox to me, DD Daughter told me that that evil "sweet young thang" told her that it was too late for me to have botox. The damage was too extreme and botox would only lessen the grooves for me. SCREAM!!!!!

That's OK. I did notice that despite all the make-up that "sweet young thang" was wearing on her perfectly wrinkle-free botoxed face, she just couldn't hide that blemish...cold sore?, pimple? who knows. I may have an old pruney face and sun-damaged skin but there ain't nothing wrong with my eyes...if I'm wearing my glasses. Sure made me feel a whole lot better about my poor wrinkled old pruney, sun-damaged face. The way I figure it, I don't spend a whole heck of a lot of time in front of magnifying mirrors and black light. Anyone that gets that close to peer at my pores and the teeny veins on my nose, is way too far into my personal space. My skin isn't any older than I am. I've earned every single frown and laughter line and I plan to keep them all...though I do enjoy facials and I do plan to keep wearing sunblock and lotions and potions. One of these days I'll stop dying my old grey hair. And for now? I'm fine with the way I look.

And as for my free skin consultation? was an education. Will I go again? Nope. I'm a fast learner.

Murphyism of the Day

Schroeder's Law

Indecision is the basis for flexibility.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Word of the Day

Gadgetated - Annoyance of fiddly things.

I'm just coming down from this morning's exercise. DD Daughter and I walked to the clubhouse. A mile. Then, she showed me how to use all that neato exercise equipment there. And...she showed me how to use one of those huge exercise balls. I'm really tempted to buy one but since there do seem to be three of them in the exercise room and I don't have a whole lot of room here to put one, I'll pass. Besides, the clubhouse is only a mile away. If I get really lazy, I can even drive there. Anyway, after our exercise, DD Daughter jogged back to our house. I followed at a more sedate pace. Maybe, when/if I can get back into some sort of shape, I'll start jogging too. As it is...the exercise buzz is starting to fade. DD Daughter tells me that it's best to do this every other day.

Yesterday, we went to get facials at a salon spa. Really nice. I plan to go back in a month to do it again. Loved it. Of course, they always try to talk you into buying products. I refrained. I already have stuff. Maybe when I run out of what I have I'll think of buying some of their products.

After our facials, we walked the Mall and grabbed a bite to eat at The Cheese Factory where we were joined by my other daughter. And we continued shopping. One of my favorite stores was going out of business so I let my daughters talk me into buying a new suit...two new suits. least I'll have something to wear to church. However...if I keep exercising and lose a bunch of weight. You just can't win...even when it comes to losing weight.

And's laundry day. Laundry Day doesn't go away just because DD Daughter is here and just because I'm starting to feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Murphyism of the Day

Winger's Rule

If it sits on your desk for fifteen minutes, you've just become the expert.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Word of the Day

Gabberflasted - Having too much to say!

Exhaustion! I played my clarinet with the contemporary group at church for one service. Afterwards, my DD daughter and I went to Chase's Diner for lunch. They make the most awesome chocolate malts...extra malt. The food there is great too.

The hunt was on after that. We stopped to pick up cat supplies at PetSmart. Then on to Target for more stuff. The grocery store was our last stop. All in all, we left the house this morning at 9 AM and didn't get back here until 3:45 PM.

My Arizona daughter and her husband are going to come tonight for supper. I'll have both my daughters here at one and the same time. My Arizona daughter and my DD daughter haven't seen each other in a REALLY long time. I'm going to make steaks on the grill, salad, and garlic mashed potatoes. All would be perfect if our son could be here too along with DD daughter's husband. Sigh! Oh well. You can't have everything....where would you put it?

Murphyism of the Day

Clarke's Second Law

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Word of the Day

Fungafied - Something that is covered with fungus.

My Devil Dog Daughter and I went to the movie theater. The Corpse Bride was still showing at the Harkins Theatres, so we drove on over there since neither of us had seen it. At the same time we thought we'd also go see Chicken 3D. OK. They were The Corpse Bride didn't stack up to Nightmare Before Christmas. I loved that movie but this one was OK. Damning with faint praise. And then we ran over to an overpacked movie theatre 20 to see Chicken Little in 3D. the 3D part was pretty neat once we figured out the glasses. The movie was OK. I did wonder if the alien thing might be a bit frightening to all those kids who just wouldn't stop talking and screaming. However there were some redeeming funny lines that the kids just didn't understand which was just fine. It kept the adults entertained. There were lots and lots and lots of kids. Lots of them. Maybe we should have waited for a few more weeks but DDD probably would have felt strange going to a kids' movie on a Marine base and HTP would have refused to take me to see either of the movies. Oh well. If DDD can make it through bootcamp, she can make it through a kids movie chuck-full of squirming and squealing kids.

Murphyism of the Day

Clarke's First Law

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Word of the Day

Frust - That last bit of dust that you can never sufficiently brush into the dust pan.

My Devil Dog Daughter has arrived. Oorah! I'm not sure how good I'll be in blogging while she's here. I'll try but forgive me if I miss a day here and there. I'd rather spend time with my daughter than write about it.

Oh...and did I ever tell you that my daughters are somewhat psychic? It's always been kind of weird. I'll be on the phone with one or other of my two daughters and sure enough, the other will call...or try to call. It happens almost every time. They both seem to get the urge to call me at the same time. Thank goodness for call-waiting. And then today, even though my Arizona daughter had no idea that her sister was coming this soon (she thought that her sister wouldn't be coming until Thanksgiving), she called just as her sister pulled into our driveway and was unloading her truck. Weird. Cue the Twilight Zone music.

Murphyism of the Day

The Rule of Law

If the facts are against you, argue the law.
If the law is against you, argue the facts.
If the facts and the law are against you, yell like hell.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Word of the Day

Frold - Freezing cold.

I've finally found a spot on our deck where I can sit with our laptop and receive a strong enough signal from our wireless router to get on the net. It's not ideal. I feel like my daughter who told me once that the only spot where her cell phone worked at Parris Island was the tiny little spot under the TV stand in the BMP barracks (no cell phones allowed during bootcamp, this was afterwards while she was recovering from a broken hip). Oh least I can use the laptop outside and right now I'm sitting outside enjoying a slight breeze and the sound of the water cascading in our fountain. Right next to me on the patio floor is a dead black widow spider (red hourglass clearly visible) which reminds me that our Orkin guy came yesterday and I should probably get busy with a broom, cleaning up the dead bodies.

There are few things that bother me more than a ringing phone that no-one bothers to answer. For the last three hours, the phone in the vacant house across the block wall fence that stands between my house and said house, has been ringing and ringing and ringing, then a slight pause, and then a resumption of the endless ringing. Just when my ears perk up and I give a good listen..."Has it finally blessedly stopped?" starts ringing yet again. No-one lives there. No-one has ever lived there as far as I know. OK. I've been gone for six months so I can't be sure. Intellectually, I know that someone owns that house and someone actually felt it necessary to install a phone in that house. Why?! At this point every nerve in my body is quivering. I'm ready to jump a six-foot block wall, commit breaking and entering, just so I can answer that phone and yell at whoever is endlessly making that phone ring. SCREAM!!!!!!! This doesn't happen to me in Wisconsin. The only phone that rings near my house in Wisconsin is my own and I have no problems at all racing to answer it after the second ring. Who calls someone and lets it ring 50 times, non-stop and then repeats and repeats? Who does that sort of thing?! Justifiable homicide...I'm thinking, justifiable homicide. OMG! Now I'm getting a headache! Great! SCREAM!!!

Our Devil Dog Daughter called this morning. She was on the road heading south from Denver. She complained of hurricane force winds. I guess that they were closing schools near Denver. Just now we got another call because she wanted to know how far Las Vegas was from Denver. She was reading road signs that claimed that Las Vegas was only 70 miles away. We kindly explained to her that she was heading toward Las Vegas, true, but Las Vegas, New Mexico...not Las Vegas, Nevada. She was 125 miles from Santa Fe and making good time when she called. If she keeps this up, she just might get here in the wee hours of tomorrow morning. Gasp! HTP and I have to get busy. Gotta get that bathroom cleaned! Vacuum. Sweep up the dead bugs.

Goldfish Update

So far so good. I have six goldfish swimming in my fountain. One of the goldfish looks a bit sickly but I'll keep you posted.

Murphyism of the Day

Lieberman's Law

Everyone lies, but it doesn't matter if nobody is listening.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Word of the Day

Frinter - The time between fall and winter.

Our Devil Dog Daughter is supposed to be heading our way. When I talked to her last night she said that she'd be leaving first thing in the morning. Anyway, she promised that she'd call as soon as she reached a stopping spot for the night. Colorado? Oklahoma? She hadn't decided on her route.

HTP and I spent the day doing errands. We've got one car so we try to get all this sort of stuff done in a logical fashion. Of course we had to check and see if one of our favorite Arizona restaurants was still in existence. Teakwoods. It was so we stopped there for lunch. They have a bucket of peanuts on each table for you to munch on while you wait. Shells get tossed on the floor.

After lunch, HTP had to stop at Lowe's to get some pipe goop for some fittings on our grill. I picked up a six-pack of Johnny Jump Ups....plants for my garden. I'll plant them tomorrow. I've decided that I really need to limit myself to one plant per visit to a nursery. I love buying plants. I'm not so fond of planting them.

After that, we had to stop off at two different places where they have concrete patio treatments so that your plain concrete patio is transformed into something like flagstone or brick or whatever. We're thinking about it. It doesn't cost anything to get an estimate.

Of course a day of shopping is never complete without a stop at Walmart. I bought some plates that I'd seen at the store in Wisconsin but didn't need at the home in Wisconsin but that would harmonize with our dishes here in Arizona. I'm glad that the inventory at Walmart is pretty much standard no matter where you happen to go. Anyway, for one reason or another our plates here in Arizona tend to break, and this without any kids in the house. I wish the dishes in Wisconsin would break...I'm not fond of those dishes. I figure that it's all part of a grand Murphy's Law thing. If you really love your dishes, they will break. If you hate your dishes you can throw them on the floor and stomp on them and they will never break. Oh well, I found some that look similar enough in color and shape to the ones that I love so that we can have company for dinner without dragging out the REALLY good dinnerware. I save that stuff for holidays. And the REALLY REALLY good dinnerware is all packed up and ready to be given to my grown kids whenever they're ready for it. While we were at Walmart, HTP talked me into buying some bowls and a couple for cups too. I guess he liked the dishes too or maybe it was because they didn't cost too much.

I bought some goldfish for the fountain. HTP just shakes his head when I seriously consult with the poor salesperson at Walmart about which six goldfish of the 28 cent plain ones from the huge tank of hundreds I want. I don't want them all to be alike. How would I be able to tell them apart?

I didn't buy that really cool snowglobe that they had on display. It was HUGE! Bigger than me. I want it. I want it. I collect snowglobes. No place to put it so...I didn't get it. Sigh. Oh well....

Next? Groceries. OOOOHHHH! The had an even bigger snowglobe on display at the grocery store. I didn't buy that one either.

We'd been "hunting" for five hours by this point. I'm ready to drop. The groceries are all put away. I walked the block and a half to get the mail...and back. And that's about all I can handle for one day's hunt. Good thing I don't do this on a daily basis. You'd be bored to tears.

Murphyism of the Day

Patton's Law

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Word of the Day

Freezerkill - Commercial frozen food dinners or entrees.

I knew I was in trouble when I made my hair appointment for today. I called my hairdresser and asked for Nicole. "Nicole? There's never been a Nicole here?" Ouch! There was too a Nicole but that was six months ago. Apparently, there's been an employee turnover. Ah well, I dug out the recipe that Nicole formulated for my hair color and brought it with me to the appointment. Afterall, if the hairdresser in little Rice Lake could follow the recipe and make my hair look good, surely this hairdresser would have similar success. You'd think so but.... Wrong. Even she saw the problem right off the bat after the color was allowed to set and the solution rinsed and shampooed out of my hair. My roots were one color and the rest of my hair a distinct color that didn't match the root color. Groan! This has happened to me in the past but I'd hoped that I'd never have to experience it again. I REALLY hate getting my hair done by people who don't know what they're doing. OK. She fixed it...kinda. "If it really bothers you after a you've shampoo'd it a few times, come on back and I'll fix it." Her explanation was that I had a mineral build up in my hair and that's why it didn't work out right. Blink. I've had my hair colored countless times and this rarely happens unless someone screws up. Am I mad? Am I upset? I did pay a whole lot of money to have my hair messed up but there's more important things to get mad about. It'll fade. Do I dare go back to her? Probably not. I do hate shopping for a new hairdresser but it looks like I'll have to screw up my courage and look for someone new. Thankfully, I hope I don't have to go shopping for a new hairdresser for another month or until I can't stand this two-toned look anymore. Maybe no-one will notice. Groan!

Murphyism of the Day

Boren's Laws

1. When in doubt, mumble.
2. When in trouble, delegate.
3. When in charge, ponder.