Kylee - Leashless in Wisconsin
Word of the Day
Tangentwoman - The feminine variant of tangentman.
Wow! I can't believe that it's been so long since I blogged last. It's been a busy summer. I've been spending a great deal of time with my new doctor (s). When I fell in July, I tore a ligament in my knee. Since then I've been having to wear a knee brace and endure a lot of physical therapy...which...I will have to continue this winter. This slowed me down when it came to doing anything else. There just didn't seem to be time for blogging.
In September HTP and I enjoyed a nice visit with DD Daughter, GI Joe, and our grandkids, Ms. En and Mr. T.
Happy Birthday GI Joe!
A Special Dinner for the Special Birthdays
Happy 1st Birthday Mr. T
Happy 3rd Birthday Ms. En
Birthday Cake!
Raggedy Ann and Andy
All my tomatoes have been picked and canned. Instead of making piccallili relish this year I experimented with making some Green Tomato Salsa. I love it. I grew a lot of habanero peppers this year which worked well in the salsa...as soon as I figured out how REALLY hot the habanero peppers were. I made a lot of hot pepper jelly to use and give away. Raspberry/Habanero Jelly, Habanero Gold Jelly, and Blackberry/Habanero Jelly. I also made Habanero Hot Sauce. Waste not, want not. I ended up giving away a lot of the habanero peppers and in the end, they were all put to good use.
Sis and I bottled all our summer wine. Lots of wine. Keep in mind that we also bottled the winter wine this spring and a batch of Mulligan Berry Wine at the beginning of summer. I'll be bringing a lot of wine back to Arizona. We've discovered over the years that sometimes mistakes make the best wine. This year's mistake in wine-making has led us to a new, improved recipe for Rhubarb Wine. We also discovered a neat new tool which makes our bottling experience A LOT easier.
Buckets of Wine - Before
Empty Bottles Waiting to Be Filled

Bottles Filled and Ready for Labling

Sis and Me and the Summer 2010 Wine
HTP and I and our new dog Kylee will be hitting the road tomorrow morning. We'll be on our way to Arizona after a quick stop-over to see DD Daughter, GI Joe and the grandkids. Kylee, a Wisconsin native, will get her first real experience traveling cross-country. It'll be her first road trip. Then, she'll get to experience a fenced backyard and the more restrictive life-style of living in Arizona. Hopefully, she'll learn quickly not to mess with scorpions and black widow spiders....which I'll try real hard to keep out of said backyard.
I won't promise to blog in the coming days because it's really not easy to blog while traveling. However, I'll try to be better about blogging once we get back to Arizona.
Random Thought of the Day
Why do British people never sound British when they sing?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The problem with political jokes is they get elected.
Henry Cate VII