Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Chicks

Word of the Day

Scirish - A person of mixed Irish and Scottish descent.

Happy Easter! He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!

I woke up at around 4 AM. HTP helped with that. He set his alarm clock for me so I wouldn't over-sleep. Why didn't I set up the coffee-maker last night? Oh well, at least I got a half a cup of coffee before I hit the road at around 5 AM so I wouldn't be late for the sunrise service. It was still dark out, as expected, but there was hardly any traffic. Nice. Val and I provided the music for the 6 AM Sunrise Service. There are three more services today but I did my part. I'm already back home.

HTP and I are going to enjoy a fancy Easter breakfast. I've got orange juice thawed out and champagne chilling. Then, I'm going to get started on our Easter dinner. I'm going to make German potato salad, ham, and maybe some baby carrots and peas for a vegetable along with some grilled pineapple slices. It's just going to be me and HTP this year but we still need to eat and it's Easter.

Random Quote of the Day

An epigram often flashes light into regions where reason shines but dimly.

- Edwin P. Whipple

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mr. T

Word of the Day

Salbaktry - The practice of saluting to make a person salute back. Often taken advantage of by persons in the military; similar to bowbaktry.

I had my first class (gun maintenance)for my Mosquito this morning. It was a REALLY good class. I learned how to field dress my Mosquito, take it apart and clean it and take apart my magazine clips to clean. And, since there were only two people in the class, me and another guy, there was LOTS of individual attention, plus, we got to ask LOTS of questions about our guns that had nothing to do with gun maintenance. I now know how to load ammo into my magazines, how to chamber a round, how to clear a round that is chambered, and how to display my gun at the gun range to show that there is no rounds in the chamber.

After watching this poor guy breaking down his gun for cleaning, I was SOOOO glad that I picked the Sig Sauer Mosquito. Very easy to take apart, clean, and oil. And to think that, according to the instructor, we really shouldn't have to do this all that often. However, I was told that my gun will need more cleaning because it's a .22. Messy, messy. The instructor recommended that I should have a total of four clips for my gun. I purchased two more today. I also purchased a couple of brass cleaning and oiling tips for my cleaning rod. I was told that the plastic ones tend to break off and are hard to remove from the rod when they do. I also signed up for the Concealed Carry permit class. The instructor told me that he'd work with me after my basic firearm class at the range for the firing part of the class and then I can go in, take the class, get finger-printed and I'll have my permit. I was told that there are 30 states that have reciprocity agreements with Arizona for Cancealed Carry so I figure I should just go ahead and get the permit before new laws make it impossible. I probably won't need it but.... It's not paranoia if they really are after you.

I tried to keep off my feet yesterday as much as possible. Unfortunately, that wasn't all that long since I spent most of the day filtering and bottling Arancello and Limoncello. I ended up with 7 bottles of Arancello and 20 bottles of Limoncello. It took me most of the day. I still need to filter and bottle the Pompelmcello but that won't be for another couple of weeks. I was in major pain by the time I got all the bottles labeled and the kitchen cleaned up. Bottling the 'cello's is a very messy, and sticky business. I'll be taking over half of what I made to The Lake with me to give to family. The rest of what I made will remain here. I'll have to make Arancello again next fall but there should be plenty of Limoncello to last me several years.

Random Quote of the Day

A good name, like good will, is got by many actions and lost by one.

- Lord Jeffery

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter in Minnesota

Word of the Day

Salmon Day - Spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get skewered and die in the end.

C25K Status Report

By the time I got home from church last night, both my legs had swelled up, hot and tight. At around 1 AM, I woke up in total pain. The weight of the covers was torture. The swelling on my legs had gone down but now BOTH knees were hurting, big time. With major effort, I hobbled to the bathroom, the medicine cabinet, grabbed the Advil, took some and barely made it back into bed. PAIN! OK. I woke up this morning and the Advil still seems to be working but I'm hobbling...slowly. My left knee isn't as bad as my right knee but I'm going to stay off my feet as much as possible today. I won't even be able to do yoga today because I'm pretty sure that if I get down on my mat, I won't be able to get back up. I've got a gun maintenance class on Saturday morning that I will attend. I have to be at church at 5:30 AM on Sunday. And so....until further notice there will be no more C25K for me. We'll see how I feel after I heal up, but, realistically, I think I'd better stick to walking. I'll power-walk during the jogging segments. But, first, I need to heal up.


I arrived at church last night at 6 PM. I was supposed to help set up the communion but the altar guild that served for the 2 PM service had already taken care of it. So, since I was supposed to run through the Easter Sunrise Service music with Val, I stuck around until Val and the choir had completed their practice. I was thinking about sneaking out to get a quick bite of supper because I knew it was going to be late before I got home. However, with my stomach feeling a bit iffy (pain in my knees and legs), I decided that skipping one meal wouldn't kill me...wait....I skipped lunch too but I still wasn't feeling too hungry. So, I just hung around and then ran through the music with Val. I was thankful that only one of the musical pieces that I'll be playing at 6 AM on Easter morning has six sharps and I've played that one before and even had a copy of it that I'd already marked. We ran through the music, and then Val told me that I probably shouldn't be trying to jog. At this point, I "thought" that I'd probably try jogging again on Saturday. And then, when I went up to communion during Maundy Thursday service, and bumped my knee on the way out of the pew, and then kneeled down to receive communion, and hobbled back to the pew afterwards, I started "thinking" again. And then, at the end of the service, the altar guild all went up to the altar while the pastors read verses from Psalms and we stripped everything from the altar. I'd never participated in this ceremonial stripping of the altar before Good Friday services. It was a very emotional event. I'm glad that I was able to participate in this. I was also happy when we'd finally finished cleaning up all the communion silver and we were able to head on home. Again, I was thinking about stopping at a McD's drive-thru for a quick bite to eat but by this time, it was past 8:30 PM. There is no way that I can eat that late and not wake up with major acid reflux. I didn't actually get home until 9 PM, so, after taking care of Kylee, I headed straight for bed. It's a good thing that I didn't eat anything because my stomach almost rebelled when I woke up to take those Advil at 1 AM.

My stomach is still a bit iffy this morning so I'm eating light and drinking LOTS of water today. I think I'll spend the day working on the Dr. Who scarf and reading....after I call Jan and tell her that I'm not going to yoga today.

Random Quote of the Day

All we actually have is our body and its muscles that allow us to be under our own power.

- Allegra Kent, Once a Dancer…

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Word of the Day

Sabotagical - To be so thoroughly entrenched in sabotage that it is as if one's whole essence is to sabotage.

C25K Status Report

I stretched before heading out on my run this morning. My poor knee forced me to slow down a bit on my speed. It took a full hour to recover after my run. My knees hurt. I'm told that this too will pass. We'll see. Meanwhile, I'm going to try to jog in the street when possible. My knees screamed every time I hit the cutout area for driveways. Also, there may be more give on the asphalt then on the concrete. I WILL jog again on Saturday morning. Meanwhile, the knee support that I purchased seems to work...somewhat. I encountered a couple walking this morning while I was "cooling down". I noted that the man was wearing knee braces. My neighbor thinks I'm crazy for even trying to jog, pointing out that I'm not young anymore. *sigh* Kylee and I completed Week 3 Day 2.


It's Maundy Thursday. I need to be at church tonight at 6:15PM as a member of the altar guild. We need to get the church ready for Good Friday services. Big Bang Theory tonight. I guess Big Bang Theory won't be on anyway tonight. March Madness. Meanwhile, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I agreed to play my clarinet for sunrise service on Easter. Argh! I've got to run through the music with Val tomorrow.

Random Quote of the Day

Easy enough to dismiss others' problems when you had none of your own.

- Elizabeth Aston, The Exploits & Adventures of Miss Alethea Darcy, 2005

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mr. T and Ms. En

Word of the Day

Transvert - A psychological type that alternates between introversion and extraversion and combines features of both types.

C25K Status Report

Kylee and I finished Week 3, Day 1. My knee was still hurting before my jog. I did some research and apparently this is a problem for people who jog on hard surfaces like concrete and blacktop. I jog on concrete sidewalks and blacktop streets, ergo, I shouldn't use traditional jogging shoes. I needed more padding. So, switching back to my light-weight hiking shoes was probably a good idea. I purchased a knee support yesterday and jogged with that. I'm not sure if it'll help or not but I'm not experiencing any really awful pain in my right knee and there doesn't look like there's as much swelling. It felt good to take the support off after the run. For some reason, I was expecting another round of jogging before my cool down. That sure made my run today a lot easier. However, after cooldown, I was still a bit far from home and still had a lot of walking to do. When I got home, I was afraid to sit down for fear of not being able to get back up. PLEASE don't make me get back up.

Random Quote of the Day

Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago.

- Bernard Berenson (1865 - 1959)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

10K Hike from 2012

Word of the Day

Tractionate - The act by which a creature without apparent feet will move from place to place, such as with a snail; this only applies to creatures that can move across walls and/or upside down. Note: Snakes don't tractionate - they slither.

C25K Status Report

Despite my 5K Heart Walk yesterday, I decided that I still HAD to still do my C25K workout, Week 2 Day 3, even though, technically, Sunday is the start of a brand new week and I did get a nice healthy workout yesterday. But, it wasn't a C25K workout so.... I also decided to blame the fact that my right knee and my shins hurt a bit on my new jogging shoes. I suppose I should have gone to a jogging store to buy shoes instead of a Famous Footwear store. Oh well... I didn't have this problem with my light-weight hiking/walking shoes so I went back to those this morning. The hiking/walking shoes have LOTS more cushioning. Kylee and I started out at around 7:30 AM and it felt really cold. I didn't check the temperature before we headed out but I was very happy to complete that first five minute brisk walk and start the initial 90 second jog. By the time Kylee and I got home from our workout, I felt quite comfortable. Kylee, on the other hand, seemed to be eager to continue on for a full 10K. It's humbling how much energy she has trapped in that little body. As for me, I'm just hoping that my knees and shins improve before Week 3, Day 1.

Random Quote of the Day

If I have learnt anything, it is that life forms no logical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?

Margot Fonteyn (1919 - 1991)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Heart Walk 2013 - Me, Kylee, and Linda

Word of the Day

Traccident - Any injury or mishap occurring while participating in a track and field event.

Kylee and I picked up my friend Linda this morning at 7:30 AM and we all drove to downtown Phoenix to join a team of Linda's co-workers from Edward Jones for a 5K Heart Walk. There were LOTS of people! LOTS of other teams. The walk took about an hour. I think we could have gone faster but we found ourselves trapped in a sea of people for the first mile and had to duck and scoot to find open spots. The second and third miles went lots faster. Kylee was a big hit. Pictures were taken but...not by me.  A friend of Linda's took the one above.  Instead of looking pretty and photogenic, Kylee decided she was tired of all the standing around and tried to herd me.  Other pictures were taken that I'm hoping someone will share.

For some reason, I've felt incredibly tired after I got home. I think it may be the allergy medicine that I took this morning. I haven't been sneezing since I took the medicine and it was supposed to be non-drowsy but...zzzzz.

Random Quote of the Day

I don't generally feel anything until noon; then it's time for my nap.

Bob Hope (1903 - 2003)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Progress on the  Dr. Who Scarf

Word of the Day

Toe cleavage - The result of women's footwear that is cut too deeply along the top of the foot, showing where the toes begin, but not the entire toe.

I posted a picture of my progress so far on the Dr. Who scarf. This is going to take a while. I'm about 1/6th of the way if you don't add on the time it'll take me to make the tassels.

C25K Status Report

Reluctantly, I left the house at around 7:30 AM, Kylee in tow. She wasn't reluctant, I was. I really didn't feel like jogging today but...I did. I wore my new shoes which did seem to make a bit of difference. I also brought water which REALLY helped. It was warmer this morning. I think it only got down to 60 degrees last night so by the time my jog was almost done, it was getting quite warm. However, that shouldn't be an issue on Sunday for my next jog. Actually, despite my reluctance, I felt better today after I completed my run than Tuesday. However, I did have a problem with the socks that I wore. I feel a bit like the princess in The Princess and the Pea. I had a problem with the seam of my right sock rubbing on my little toe. I ended up with a blister. Also, I'll need to get used to my new shoes. I definitely felt a bit of strain on my shins and my right knee during this run. The problem corrected itself when I altered my running style (how my feet hit the ground and adding a bit more muscle power in my thighs and hips). I think the new shoes will force me to run correctly from now on. I'll save my light-weight hiking boots for hiking.
So ends Week 2 Day 2 of C25K. Since I have a 5K Heart Walk on Saturday morning, Day 3 of Week 2 will have to wait until Sunday.

I noticed this morning that the landscapers cut two of my drip system lines. I had to wait until the water shut itself off before fixing the problem. I had two nice fountains going off in my backyard, added to my actual decorative fountain. After my C25K run, I dug some new emitters out of the supply cabinet and, hopefully, fixed the problem fountains.

Random Quote of the Day

You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.

Stephen King (1947 - ), "Hearts in Atlantis"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Still No Flowers
When Will My Agave Bloom?

Word of the Day

Toastate - To impatiently pop toast, or some other item, up and down in the toaster, thus increasing the likelihood of burning it.

After yoga this morning, since my on again, off again yoga partner for Wednesdays was off once again, I took six paintings over to Micheal's to have them framed. Three of the paintings were done by my Grandfather, T. Square's Dad, and two of the paintings were done by T. Square's Aunt. I think that makes her my Great-Aunt?... One of the paintings, isn't actually a painting at all. It's a black and white photograph that was taken in 1921 and colorized. I think that T-Square told me that the photographer is also one of my relatives....or was. The young man at the desk who was helping me was more than a little intrigued by this colorization process. I, in turn, was intrigued by Micheal's framing software that they use to show customers the end result before the result is actually produced. Wonderful! Micheal's was having an AWESOME sale on framing this week so I took advantage of said sale. Of course, even with the 50% off sale, I ended up spending a LOT of money. *sigh* Happy Birthday to Me! I'm bringing three of the framed artworks back to The Lake with me to hang there. The remaining pieces will find happy homes somewhere here. They'll have to let me know where they'll be most happy after I get them. Eventually, I know that DD Daughter, #1 Son, or Sarge will be happy to own artwork created by members of their own family, the meantime, I plan to enjoy them myself.

After dickering at Micheal's, I went to Famous Footwear to buy myself an actual pair of jogging shoes. The shoes I've been wearing are OK, but they're actually light-weight hiking boots which are better than my MBTs but, yet, probably not the best on my feet for jogging. This new pair of jogging shoes is VERY light-weight. We'll have to see if it makes any difference with my jogging tomorrow morning.

I bumped into my neighbor who shared a landscaper (my recommendation) with me yesterday. She was NOT happy with how they did her yard. Plus, they charged her another $50 because they claimed she had so much yard waste. Since the landscaper that we hired was my pick, I was all apologies. I hate making recommendations for this very reason. She said that it wasn't my fault but still.... I actually wasn't all that happy with the end results of my landscape cleanup either this time. They topped one of my oleander trees. ACK!!!! I won't say anything to HTP but...I was SOOOO unhappy with them for doing this. Plus, we had a lot of winter freezer burn on all our plants and they couldn't remove all the dead leaves without killing the plants. *sigh* Although my yard looks lots better than it did, it still doesn't look up to par and my neighbor and I both ended up picking up yard debris that the landscapers should have seen and taken away. My neighbor is right, when you pay someone to do something you expect them to do what you pay them to do so you don't have to do that something yourself. *sigh* The winterkill wasn't their fault but they should have done a lot better with their clean up. Hopefully, my yard will look better after a nice summer growth period. Of course, I won't be here to witness that until next fall. In the meantime, my poor pygmy date palms are brown, my dwarf oleanders in the back are mainly brown, my red oleander tree was topped, ACK!, my natal plums have been cut down to the ground but will hopefully recover, same with my lantana and my hibiscus. And...I still think that one of the trees in my front yard is dead along with my rubber tree. *sigh*. Again, I'll have to wait to see if they will recover but I have doubts on those two trees. I also lost a lemon tree and a lime tree in my back yard. Oh well....I still have a grapefruit tree and a tangelo tree back there.

Random Quote of the Day

There is nothing like the razor sharp tongue of a good friend to cut through the lies we tell ourselves.

Laura Moncur, Merriton, 02-25-09

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hiking the Logging Road

Word of the Day

Tizite - Cool; Awesome; "tite" (tight).

C25K Status Report

It's taken a good fifteen minutes too cool down from my cool down from todays jog/run. Week 2, Day 1 felt like a b-word that rhymes with witch. I came home looking like I had a really bad sunburn. But...I did it. I survived, barely. Hopefully, my run on Thursday won't be so tiring. I REALLY need to remember to bring water with me....or maybe I'd better invest in some Gatoraid-type stuff. I am determined in at least getting a good cardio workout three times a week...even if I never actually achieve the goal of jogging a full 3 miles. I NEED to lose some weight and it looks like this is the only way to jumpstart my metabolism.

I went to Bingo on Sunday night. ARGH! I would have actually won one time but I missed a number. My view of the board was blocked. Oh well...I'm happy that my friend got a bingo for $75. So cool!

After church on Sunday, I picked up some yarn at Micheal's for a Dr. Who scarf. DD Daughter told me that she really wanted one so I decided to humor her. I found the pattern online and have started it. It's going to take a while to complete. It's at times like this that I wish I had one of those knitting machines.

The landscapers got here at 7:30 AM. They're working over at my neighbor's house right now. I told them to do her place first so I could get in my C25K jog in before they started on our place. I did my poo patrol yesterday so they wouldn't have to deal with hazardous waste.

Random Quote of the Day

Better be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too confident security.

Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kylee - 2010
Kylee - 2013

Word of the Day

Tivoed - To skip commercials in a TV show.


St. Patrick's Day


Three years ago today, Kylee joined our family. Happy Anniversary Kylee! You've added much happiness and love to our existance.

Random Quote of the Day

"May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks. May your heart be as light as a song. May each day bring you bright, happy hours that stay with you all the year long."

"Erin Go Bragh." (Ireland Forever)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

T-Square and Sis

Word of the Day

Tirequill - A small rubbery prostrusion on new tires.

I just got a phone call...wrong number but I picked it up because the Caller ID showed both my Sis' and my Dad's first names. Weird. My thought as I picked up the phone was, "When did Sis put my folk's phone account in both her and my Dad's name? I said, it was a wrong number....but....still really weird and odd.

C25K Status Report

I completed Week 1, Day 3 of C25K. Yes, and yeah me! I've completed Week 1 of the program and will start Week 2...Tuesday. I received my new head phones that #1 DIL recommended in the mail last night so I got to use them this morning. They worked great! I also got to check out my new music which I attached to the program. Queen. Kylee and I left the house at around 7:15 AM. I discovered that you can pause the program. Thank goodness because the sound on my Kindle was adjusted WAY too loud and I would have been deafened by the end of the run. I love Queen but.... The music did help me set a faster pace so I covered more mileage....and Kylee and I both survived to run again. We did meet several people and dogs on our way but I was able to avoid them and any confrontations by crossing to the other side of the streets.

I had to be at church this morning at 9 AM, so the only time I could get my run in today was early. It would have been too hot to run after altar guild. I thought about doing the run on Sunday morning but...same issue....I have to be at church tomorrow at 8:45 AM. So...

HTP and I decided to have our special St. Patrick's Day meal this evening instead of tomorrow since I'll be at Bingo tomorrow and won't be making dinner. I put two corned beef briskets in the oven at noon. We'll be enjoying cole slaw (HTP doesn't like boiled cabbage), corned beef, and red potatoes in a garlic butter sauce. Oh....and Irish beer. La Fh`eile P`adraig Sona Daoibh!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!

Random Quote of the Day

As they say in Ireland:…. "may you be forty years in heaven before the devil knows you’re dead".

- An old Irish proverb

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tammy and the Rocking Horse

Word of the Day

Tipsle - The act of leaning too far back on a chair, consequently falling over.

C25K Status Report

It was a little easier to get moving on my 5K challenge this morning. A little. My main motivation to get moving was the fact that our temperatures today are supposed to get up to the lower 90's. I'm going to have to start my run before the temperatures get too hot in the morning. Kylee and I took off on Week 1, Day 2, at around 8 AM this morning. We altered our route somewhat. The program tells you when you've reached the halfway point (at least right now). We headed out, navigating toward our community activity center (the clubhouse)and the halfway point was indicated when we had almost reached said clubhouse. We turned back toward home and reached within a few blocks of the back gate near our home when we were told that we had started our cool down. We were still about a block or so away from home when our program was complete. I regretted that I forgot to bring a bottle of water with me again. I wore a different pair of shoes this morning that were more jogging friendly than my MBT's. However, the shoelaces on my left shoe came undone. I'll have to remember to double-knot them next time. I also regretted that I didn't have any music to keep me moving. I have since downloaded to my Kindle Fire, some Queen music which I'm hoping will motivate me. Unfortunately, downloading music to my Kindle isn't easy....or maybe it's just that I'm technically challenged. I finally had to call the Kindle help techs to figure out what I was doing wrong. I still haven't totally figured it out but I do know that the next time I walk/jog, I'll have music. I hope.

Random Quote of the Day

I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

Og Mandino (1923 - 1996)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We've Got a Pope

Word of the Day

Tinger - A taste that is pleasantly sweet and sour like that of an orange.

Welcome and prayers for the Pope Frances. I'm not Catholic but have nothing but positive thoughts for Pope Frances.

Random Quote of the Day

The trouble in corporate America is that too many people with too much power live in a box (their home), then travel the same road every day to another box (their office).

Faith Popcorn, The Popcorn Report, 1991

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

4th of July Wonder

Word of the Day

Time hole - A device or seemingly harmless collection of objects, either real or digital, that absorb particles of time unless one is wary enough to keep a strong sense of time passed. Considering the low impact black holes have had toward life on Earth, time holes have shown far greater affects on life as we know it.

If this is Tuesday, we must be doing laundry. Actually, I'm doing quite a bit of laundry today since I'm washing all the sheets that I used to save my frost tender plants (a wasted effort). I don't think we'll be getting any more freezing temperatures until next year so it's time to wash, fold, and store these sheets away. It's supposed to get up into the 90's this week. I also have a bunch of tableclothes that needed washing. Done and did. Plus, I decided to wash all the sheets. So, I'll be washing and folding and putting away clothes for quite some time and making beds.

And, if that weren't enough, I decided to start Week One of the C25K Challenge. Although, yoga has helped tone muscles, I know that I need to do something in order to lose some weight. In a possibly futile hope that I won't have to buy new clothes for the Scotland/Ireland trip this summer, I decided to take up the take a leaf from #1 Son and #1 DIL's book and try this C25K Challenge thing (Couch to 5K). I've never been a jogger. I'm still not a jogger, but, I'm giving it a try.

C25K Status Report

The biggest challenge so far was to get off the couch, or in my case, off the recliner in the living room, firmly putting my laptop aside. The next challenge was to figure out how I could carry my one and only android device (a Kindle Fire) while jogging. The belly pack that I've used for garage sales seemed to work out great for this purpose and wasn't too awkward. Next? I discovered long ago that I can't wear ear buds. I have ear buds because they seem to come with every radio, Kindle, etc. that may require their use but they never fit in my ears. So, I dug out my noise cancelling earphones. These worked, somewhat, but I hate to imagine what my neighbors were thinking as Kylee and I jogged by...maybe I'll have to add a hat to my ensemble next time. But, regardless, I'm sure Kylee and I made quite an impression as we started our journey. I discovered before we even got started that I couldn't read the screen of my Kindle Fire in the sun so, I had to duck back into the house to start the C25K program on the my touch screen. Despite all challenges, Kylee, jogging and walking perfectly by my side, walked and jogged through Week 1, Day 1. I'm bringing water next time. Kylee didn't seem to need it but I did.

Random Quote of the Day

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882)

Monday, March 11, 2013

I wish I had a fireplace here in Arizona

Word of the Day

Tile comet - Any streamer of toilet paper attached to a person's heel as they emerge from a restroom.

DST (Daylight savings time) has messed with my life a bit lately. Of course, living here in Arizona, I don't actually have to worry too much about DST. Unfortunately, I have a couple of Atomic clocks that just can't figure out that I had to re-set. According to the clock in the kitchen, I was LATE getting up to get ready for church yesterday. Actually, HTP fixed that clock. I still need to re-set the clock on my indoor/outdoor thermometer base.

We had a substitute yoga instructor this morning. She did fine but it wasn't the same. I am so glad that I've been recording the class so I can use the recordings this summer to continue my yoga exercises while I'm at The Lake and can't attend the actual class. I'm also happy that our regular instructor will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, I'm thinking of starting this Couch to 5K program that #1 Son has been using. We'll see.

Random Quote of the Day

I guess we'd be living in a boring, perfect world if everybody wished everybody else well.

Jennifer Aniston, O Magazine, February 2004

Sometimes boring is a good thing.

Old Grey Frog, March 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Eek!  Not the best picture of Me but....

Word of the Day

Tictactic - A technique used to try and receive one tic-tac from its container.

Two days of rain here in the desert, washed away my desire to blog. However, the sun is once again shining and the mood has returned...somewhat. I noticed that someone took a picture of me and the rest of the contemporary group playing in front of the church this morning. Ack! NOT the best picture of me, groving with the music with my clarinet in my mouth. It looks like I'm peering myopically at the music while desperately trying to figure out that sixth sharp. Not a pretty picture but, I suppose it was candid. I wish I could hide in the back somewhere.

Random Quote of the Day

Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another. You choose to let go of a past wrong and no longer be hurt by it. Forgiveness is a strong move to make, like turning your shoulders sideways to walk quickly on a crowded sidewalk. It's your move.

Real Live Preacher, Weblog, July 7, 2003

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Angry Bird vs. Kylee

Word of the Day

Thumbulation - The state of being thumbulated.

Last Spring when I drove to The Lake, I stopped to visit DD Daughter, Ms. En, and Mr. T. While we were shopping, Ms. En encountered an Angry Bird dog toy which she insisted that Kylee NEEDED. That poor toy. Kylee loves playing with it and has almost loved it to death.

I find myself blogging today with the thought in mind that I should be doing something far more important. I really should be getting my music ready for Sunday. I should be practicing. Instead, I've washed the kitchen floor and vacuumed and dressed the dining room for St. Patrick's Day. That just goes to show you how eager I am to play my clarinet on Sunday. I love playing my clarinet but I noticed that a few of the music pieces have six sharps and I'll have to mark the music. Anything over three needs to be marked...and I haven't even heard any of this music yet so I'll be sight-reading. I LOVE sight-reading....not. Oh well, maybe I'll just dust the house first.

Random Quote of the Day

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.

Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

My Mosquito

Word of the Day

Thumbulate - 1. To lean forward while pressing the buttons on the remote hoping that the extra inch will make the remote control work better. 2. To push harder on a button in hopes that it will revive a remote with clearly dead batteries.

The good news is that I won't have to race out after church on Sunday to go to my basic gun class. The bad news is that the class was re-scheduled for earlier in the day and there's no way I can attend. The good news is that I can take a different basic class that is scheduled for April 20th and I had the chance to talk to the instructor who advised me to take his gun maintanence class on March 30th. This I can do. So, I'm going to be taught how to field dress my Mosquito before I ever have to shoot it. I think the instructor (a retired police officer) is trying to talk me into a larger caliber gun but I told him that I want to get used to this gun first. Baby steps.

Random Quote of the Day

I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of hell will break loose... it'll be much harder to detect.

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)

Monday, March 04, 2013

Huge Grapefruit that my Neighbor Gave Me

Word of the Day

Thrux - Something that is the absolute core and driving force behind something.

I made one batch of Pompelmcello from the grapefruit that my neighbor gave me. Making any of my "cello"s takes months. This is an experiment. I KNOW how my Limoncello and Arancello turns out. Well worth the effort. This the first time I've tried making a "cello" from grapefruit batch. No point in investing time, effort and expense in something that may not be worth the effort. On the otherhand, it might. Worth a small gamble. One batch worth of gamble. I started this project back in December. Today, I scooped out the grapefruit zest from where it was giving up its oils into the Everclear/vodka mix. After filtering the mixture twice, I added simple syrup. has to sit in a cool dark spot for another 45 days. Patience. In the meantime, nothing edible was wasted. I juiced and froze several quarts of grapefruit juice that I plan to bring to The Lake this summer. If this Pompelmcello turns out, it should add a nice kick to a Salty Dog.

Random Quote of the Day

To become acquainted with kindness one must be prepared to learn new things and feel new feelings. Kindness is more than a philosophy of the mind. It is a philosophy of the spirit.

Robert J. Furey

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Indian Clay Art at The Lake

Word of the Day

Tickle jig - The jerky wincing dance that one (especially a child) does when they expect to be or are being tickled.

Altar Guild this morning was a bit of a challenge. Wow! Thankfully, the gal that was in charge of the first service helped me set up the second service. We set up for 240 people but, then, we decided, after discovering that today was First Communion Sunday AND we had a baptism, we added enough to serve 280 people. After noticing that the sanctuary was becoming PACKED, with the ushers bringing chairs in from wherever they could find them, I asked for a head count. We had 387 people. Of course, not everyone would be taking communion but I was beginning to panic. Thankfully, I only had to fill one more tray, Pastor Lee giving the usher the high sign that everything would be good after I added another communion tray of wine and an additional sleeve of the wafers. This was the first time that I was expected to handle the communion on my own. I'm learning. I'm also thankful that I had help with the clean-up afterwards. I "think" I could handle a normal service. Today wasn't normal. With everyone taking family pictures up in the front of the church, getting things ready for the next service was "interesting".

Random Quote of the Day

Mountains inspire awe in any human person who has a soul. They remind us of our frailty, our unimportance, of the briefness of our span upon this earth. They touch the heavens, and sail serenely at an altitude beyond even the imaginings of a mere mortal.

Elizabeth Aston, The Exploits & Adventures of Miss Alethea Darcy, 2005

Saturday, March 02, 2013

My Dragonfly at The Lake

Word of the Day

Throatee - Term describing the style of only growing the hair on ones face from below the chin throughout the neck and shaving all other facial hair.

I spent the morning at church, helping to clean up spilled wax on and around the altar, polishing silver, and getting communion set up for tomorrow. I brought home a full case of empty wine bottles that the altar guild has been saving for me. I'll need to soak off the labels before I can use them for the Limoncello, Arancello, and Pompelmcello. Which reminds me, I'll have to design a label for the Pompelmcello. Oh well...I've got time.

On the way home from my morning at the church, I stopped to get HTP's car washed. He asked me to take care of it for him because he doesn't get much time to do that sort of thing. It needed it. As I pulled out of the driveway this morning, I realized that I haven't driven the Chevy SS since I've been back here in Arizona. I had to adjust EVERYTHING!

I stopped to get some free eggs and some free potato chips at Fry's (one of our local grocery stores) and pick up some bacon and breakfast sausages after I finished up at the church. You can't beat free and both the bacon and sausage were on sale. I still need to stop and pick up some milk at another grocery store but I decided to hold off on that until tomorrow when I come home from church.

HTP and I are going to meet HTP's brother and his wife for dinner tonight. I need to get my hair washed and doll up a bit. We're going to an Italian restaurant that's supposed to be good, somewhere halfway between our house here (way south) and their house up in Scottsdale (way north).

Random Quote of the Day

To say something nice about yourself, this is the hardest thing in the world for people to do. They'd rather take their clothes off.

Nancy Friday

Friday, March 01, 2013

Fallen Leaves

Word of the Day

Thrickle - A tickle in the back of one's throat.

After yoga this morning, I pretty much vegged out today. I soaked up some Vitamin D out on the back patio and read books on my Kindle. Actually, I would have continued vegging but needs must. We had a fried fish and shrimp with French fries. Lots of fatty food. I made up for some of that fat by walking out to get the mail with Kylee. I really need to stop eating...making...calorie laiden foods....but they taste so good.

Lots of things doing for tomorrow and Sunday. There will be no vegging allowed. I've got altar guild duty on tomorrow morning....setting up for communion on Sunday. Then, HTP and I are meeting HTP's brother and wife for dinner tomorrow night so I need to spend some time spiffing myself up a bit. Then, Sunday and church...altar guild duty again.

Random Quote of the Day

Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise.

Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)