It's Friday. Normally that would be a good thing. TGIF and all, but I'm afraid that means that weekenders will be back. I can hear them out on the lake already. I guess that just means that I'll have to work on the garters for my daughter's wedding. I'll pretend it's raining outside, close all the windows and doors and turn on the air-conditioning. Since it's hot (for Wisconsin) and humid that won't be all that great of a hardship. I already did that when the temps reached 88 ° earlier today. With all the windows closed I won't have to listen to them (the boaters, skiers, the joyriders, the pleasure seekers) but I still can enjoy the view from my recliner while watching the news. I'll work on crocheting and beading those two garters and go outside again when the weekenders all leave. I was planning on making that wild raspberry jam anyway. Ha! I can wait them out. They're weekenders. They have to go home sometime.
Cliche of the Day
Whistle in the Dark. Be cheerful or optimistic in a situation that doesn't warrant cheer or optimism. It is a great temptation to try to cheer oneself up by whistling or singing in a dark and lonely place. Sigmund Freud, in The Problem of Anxiety (1925), had a thought on the practice: "When the wayfarer whistles in the dark, he may be disavowing his timidity, but he does not see any the more clearly for doing so." The notion that one should whistle in difficult circumstances to show that one is not concerned or frightened can be found in Robert Blair's The Grave (1742): "The Schoolboy...Whistling aloud to bear his Courage up."
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