House For Sale - Day 7
8:30 AM - Just because I didn't post this until well after the morning is well under way does not mean that I haven't been up and running. My cleaners arrived at 8 AM. They are cleaning. I got up at 6 AM. Dogs. I also had to make coffee and make sure my only son got up and that he provided me with all of his dirty laundry. After he left for school, I had to make sure my husband was up before the cleaners arrived. He was. I also had to make sure that my son had cleaned his room for the cleaners. I believe I mentioned my little phobia when it comes to having my house cleaned. Heaven forbid that these people think of me as a slob. I cleaned up his room and his bathroom and carried his dirty underwear and wet towel to the laundry for washing....and I picked up all of the hangers he had left in his bathroom. His area is now clean enough for the cleaners to clean. Mine is too. My husband transferred himself to his office to stay out of the way. I've gone through my email and I've read several blogs and had my interest tweaked to read The DaVinci Code. Interesting...though I think their little test needs adjusting. He may have been a member of the Priory but the organization was Knights Templar but I guess they did ask which sect. Oh more time to fool around with this. I have a realtor coming and I have to arrange to have all our calls transferred to our cell phone while we're out of the house.
2:48 PM - Our housecleaners came and went. We had someone tour the house so we had to leave. The house smells terrific! It's clean. Really clean this time. I'm just going to sit here and enjoy it until someone else calls and makes us leave.
7:41 PM - No more calls tonight. Tomorrow is another day. My house is clean and my laundry is almost done.
Today's Little Bit of Trivia
MANIAC is the acronym for Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator, And Computer. I've met a few math professors when I was still in school that fit this discription.
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