Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I will never understand men. I'm not sure if, as a woman, I'm supposed to understand them but I still try. What made me think of this? Towels. I was folding towels. Last year I noticed that a couple of our hand towels were getting "ratty". They weren't expensive towels. K-Mart specials. They still worked. But they were unraveling and frayed on one side and it was bothering me. So last summer I trimmed off the frayed part of the towels and hemmed them. Now they looked strange because the one side didn't match the other. I crotchet. It's no big deal. My mother taught me the basics and I've been doing it ever since. Instead of buying some store-bought lace or trim, I decided to crotchet a trim on the "funny" edge of these towels. I had plenty of crotchet cotton available. Anyway, they turned out looking great! Too great for HTP. Now HTP won't use them. Why?! Because these old towels that I resurrected from the garbage (because that's where they were heading if I didn't do something with them), these old towels were too good to be used for every day. They now must be saved for guests and decoration. Huh? It's not me that's saying this, it's HTP. All I had to do was put a little cotton trim (washable) on a towel and it became useless. Sigh. If he did laundry, he's probably put them in with the delicate cycle. But can I train the man not to use my good cooking knives to open boxes? No sir, I just don't understand men.

Murphyism of the Day

Rune's Rule

IF you don't care where you are, you ain't lost.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

OK. I'll make this a fast one so I can say that I've blogged. I've been really really busy. After making breakfast for everyone (blueberry pancakes and bacon), I started doing laundry. While the first load was washing, I went outside to pick some rhubarb. I dug out my recipe for rhubarb pie and my recipe for rhubarb cake. I couldn't decide which I wanted to make so I cut up enough rhubarb to make both. Then I cut up enough rhubarb to make another batch of rhubarb-strawberry jam. I already had some rhubarb prepped for a batch but I wanted to make two batches of jam. One with sugar and one without. More laundry. Then I had to make lunch. More laundry and while I'm there I grabbed some clean jam jars and lids to sterilize. Then I prepped a rhubarb pie and tossed it into the oven. Dragged out my enamel pot and made a batch of jam. Can someone please tell me why the phone always has to ring just when I'm in the middle of the most crucial point of making something? And why HTP can't tell our landscaper himself that the grass isn't long enough yet for mowing? Jars all sterilized and I'm ladling jam into jars. One batch down, one to go. I have to cover the pie crust before it gets too brown. 30 minutes to go on the pie. More laundry. I cleaned out my enamel pot and started batch number two of rhubarb-strawberry jam (sugarless this time). Again...the phone rings. I think it was my Dad having problems with his DSL. I think HTP was able to take care of it because my second batch is now in the jars and I didn't even get burned this time while juggling a phone. More laundry. I labeled all the new jars. My laundry is done. Just as I've collapsed to blog...the phone rings. That's OK. It was my sister and besides...I was done...except of my blog. I figured that I'd blog later. Supper. Steak on the grill topped with garlic mushrooms and fresh salad. Sugarless rhubarb pie for dessert. But see? I've been busy. I don't plan to be this busy tomorrow. Did I mention that I also covered my blueberry bushes with tulle so the birds don't get my berries this year? Oh. And I weeded too.

Murphyism of the Day

Phones wait until you are at the most crucial point of whatever you are doing before they ring.

Kids wait until you are on the phone or in the bathroom before they demand your undivided attention.

Monday, June 28, 2004

#1 son has his friend here and now I have a new firepit. Last night I enjoyed a firework exhibition put on by #1 son and his friend from the upper deck. I was on the upper deck. They were putting on the exhibition off our dock. I was a bit concerned that someone might complain about all the booming. The loons did seem a bit upset, calling out after each display. No one else seemed to mind. Maybe all the noise will have frightened off our black bears.

We haven't had an excessive amount of rain. I suppose I'll have to water the garden again...then it'll rain. It's been cool but sunny. As I drove down our driveway (1/2 mile long), I noticed that the drive is lined on both sides with raspberry bushes with lots of green berries on them. If it ever warms up I'll have lots of wild raspberries this year. My blueberry bushes are loaded too. It's too early for blackberry bushes. They're just blooming right now.

I make jam. I'm going to try and get out to pull some more rhubarb so I can make another batch of rhubarb/strawberry jam and some rhubarb pie. #1 son's friend says his mom loves rhubarb/strawberry jam so I thought I'd make some for her to send back with him when he goes home.

Murphyism of the Day

Advanced Law of the Search

The first place to look for anything is the last place you would expect to find it.

Maryann's Law

You can always find what you're not looking for.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I'll admit it. I was too tired yesterday to blog. I ran out of time before we had to drive to "The Big City" to pick up #1 son's friend at the airport. By the way, walkie talkies do not function too well at the airport. It's a good thing we had cell phones. All went smoothly. #1 son's friend was collected along with his baggage at the baggage claim area. HTP drove around the airport a few times because you can't park by the curb and then picked us all up curbside when we called him on the cell. Worked great! Thank you, AT&T, Alltel, and Verizon. Your joint efforts on our behalf are appreciated.

We arrived at The Mall of America at around 3 PM and arranged to all meet at Tucci Benucch (an Italian restaurant there at the Mall)at 8 PM. #1 son and his friend went one way, I went another. HTP decided that he'd rather not be Malled so I was on my own. (Insert evil laugh here). Actually, I was good. I didn't buy much at all. Really! I did go see a movie after walking around all three of the Mall sale floors. I don't know how many miles I put in but by the time I reached the Mall's fourth floor (movie theatre floor), I felt like I'd worn all the cartilage away from my hips, knees and ankles and my arches felt like they were collapsing. I can't say much about the movie. Never say anything at all if you can't say anything good. Around the World in 80 Days. Go rent or buy the old one on DVD. That's all I'll say. After the movie, I re-walked two of the Mall sale's floors, bought a night-shirt (Instant Human...Just Add Coffee), and met the gang at Tucci's. Everyone got there before me. I think we need to find another restaurant. Crying babies and the food wasn't as good as I remembered it.

The drive back to Wisconsin was what it was. We're back!

Murphyism of the Day

Imbesi's Law of the Conservation of Filth

In order for something to become clean, something else must become dirty.

Freeman's Extension

But you can get everything dirty without getting anything clean.

Friday, June 25, 2004

HTP's family is doing just fine. We had supper with them last night in "The Big City". The food was very good. Unfortunately, I discovered this morning that I forgot my little photo album at the restaurant last night. Fortunately, after a call, we found out that the album is safe and the restaurant...and we will be able to pick it up tomorrow when we return to "The Big City" to pick up #1 son's friend at the airport.

Thankfully, I have parents who live just across the lake from us here at "The Lake". Yesterday, my Dad came over to walk my dogs. He also was able to bring in a UPS order that was sitting on our front step. I ordered some sugarless products for cooking and as things tend to occur, the order came at just the moment that we were not here to receive it. I think I'll use that as the Murphyism of the Day segment today.

It has been really cool here at "The Lake". I was afraid that my poor plants would get bitten by frost last night. I ran out this morning to check on them and was relieved to see that they were just fine. I don't think I'll see any beans sprouting any time too soon. I'm not complaining. I like the cool weather. I'm sure the hot and humid weather will soon arrive. At least the mosquitoes haven't been too bad...yet. And weeding is a lot more pleasant when the weather is cool versus when weather is hot and humid with deerfly buzzing around your head.

Murphyism of the Day

Delivery services usually try to wait until you are not home before they attempt to deliver packages.

If packages are left on your doorstep because you are not home, it will rain.

There is a direct relationship between the probability of rain and the susceptibility to rain of the product in a package left on your doorstep. Value of the package's contents figures into this equation.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Happy Belated Father's Day

We're going to drive to the big city in the state next door today. It's our chance to celebrate Father's Day with HTP's Dad and our first chance to visit with family there. I thought I'd better quick blog because I think this may be my only opportunity today.

I still haven't been down to the dock or even looked at the boat since it was delivered. I still haven't finished unpacking. I won't discuss the weed problem here. It'll probably rain today again so hopefully the ground will soften up enough to pull them easier. It's been like pulling weeds from concrete. Kind of like pulling weeds in Arizona. A little rain should take care of the problem.

Murphyism of the Day

If you spray for weeds, it'll rain.

If you wash your car, it'll rain.

If you water your lawn and garden, it'll rain.

If you don't spray for weeds because it looks like rain, it won't rain.

If you don't wash your car because it looks like rain, it won't rain.

If you don't water your lawn or garden because it looks like it'll rain, it won't rain.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Who knew?

I never realized how long it would actually take to transfer our car insurance from Arizona to Wisconsin. It wasn't as if we were changing companies. Apparently, the Mississippi River is the line of demarcation. Since we moved from West of the Mississippi River to East of the Mississippi River, we had to actually cancel our old policy and rewrite a whole new policy for our two cars, our boat, our house and our property. We had to review and reconcider all. We finally got everything...and I mean everything...ironed out in three hours time. We now have insurance for two cars, a house in Wisconsin, and a boat. The insurance for the house in Arizona remains the same. I am exhausted.

Murphyism of the Day

First Postulate of Iso-Murphyism

Things equal to nothing else are equal to each other.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Big day today. We're getting a new generation DirecTV dish with high definition and three receptors. I can't believe this. I mean, when I was growing up we never had TV at all up here at The Lake. We were lucky if we had radio reception from the little yellow portable radio. I wonder if my Mom still has that little radio? That's OK. It lives on in my mind's eye. When HTP and I decided to build our house out here I never imagined anything close to what we have right now. I imagined a simple cabin. One room...two tops. Computers? TV? I did want hot running water and bathrooms. When my family first built out here at The Lake, we had running water but it wasn't hot and there was no indoor "facilities". I don't remember exactly how long it was before we got our indoor bathroom (still no hot water) but I sure didn't miss those midnight or midday trips out to the Library (outhouse). I never imagined networked computers with DSL connection (they are nice and I am not complaining), and three TV's with DirecTV and local stations...and we get to each watch something different. Actually, I'm told that we can now have four TV's.

I don't even watch TV. I do use the computer....alot. And I listen to the because the radio reception out here is awful. I listen to KFYI online and there is no static or weird "the Martians are landing" noises. This is a Phoenix station. I can listen to the weather and all the news from Arizona as I sit in my cool, comfortable weather here in Wisconsin. It's 88°F in Phoenix this'll get a lot hotter. Maricopa County has the most cases of West Nile Virus in the nation right now. I did not leave standing water in my backyard in Arizona so it's not my fault.

Anyway, because the DirecTV guy is coming today, HTP had to run out and buy a brand new TV for our living/family room here at The Lake. I think he got a bit carried away. I really tried to stop him. We didn't get a plasma TV but I have no idea why we needed this monster of a 36" TV. I think HTP was dazzled by the cost. You can buy a heck of a huge TV these days if you don't spend the money for a plasma TV. But this thing was heavy and we did not have it delivered. No strong men came to carry it into the house for us. No strong men came to lift it out of it's box onto the tiny little existing TV stand that we have. (I told HTP that we needed to buy a new one if he was going to get that huge monster of a TV but would he listen? Now we have to go out and get a new TV stand and tackle the monster again.) Anyway, at that point we had to rearrange all the furniture in our bedroom so we could accommodate the old TV in our bedroom. Needless to say I was a bit tired by the time I got to bed last night. On the plus side, HTP is thrilled with his new toy.

But I do like my modern conveniences though. I did spend some time the other day out on the deck with the laptop. But I was outside. I can even go out on the dock with the laptop and email people. Gotta love wireless networks. We don't have wireless at our place in Arizona. Too many people and security issues prohibit it. Here we don't have that problem...unless that guy who parks his pontoon boat at the foot of my dock every weekend brings his laptop with him while he's fishing and listening to his radio at full volume. Actually...that was last year. He and his flotilla haven't shown up this year...yet. Maybe my daughter and her new husband "encouraged" him to realize the error of his ways.

I'm sure I'll be glued to the TV soon enough if it's raining outside but for right now I'm just too busy enjoying The Lake...even if I haven't had the time yet to go fishing. I haven't even been down to the dock this year yet. Weeding continues. Unpacking continues. The diet continues...kinda.

Murphyism of the Day

Flugg's Law

When you need to knock on wood is when you realize the world's composed of aluminum and vinyl.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia (I still haven't replaced my book but I thought I'd make something up...but it's true...really.)

Did you know that there are some resorts out here in the U.S. that actually brag about not having cell phone reception, TV, or anything that would distract you from NATURE?

Monday, June 21, 2004

Bear Alert

Aside from the first bear sighting of the year on the day we visited the DMV when it ran across the road behind our car, we've had another sighting. We saw two bears this time. A Mama Bear and a Baby Bear. I didn't see the Papa Bear. Anyway, this was right at the end of the concrete portion of my driveway. That's a bit close for me. That's where my dogs like to "walk". I've been letting my dogs "walk" off leash because our house here is on 130 acres and we don't have any really close neighbors. Not human neighbors anyway. Apparently we have a couple of bear neighbors so I'll have to walk the dogs on leash now. I guess this settles the question as to whether or not I should put out a finch feeder this year.

I also have had my first woodtick. Not embedded. I woke up in the middle of the night (I'm a light sleeper...a very light sleeper) and found it walking on my nightshirt. I picked it up between my thumb and forefinger, wrapped it in small piece of toilet paper and sent it to a watery grave in my septic system. I flushed it.

Murphyism of the Day

Ducharme's Precept

Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune moment.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. We took our group of fathers out for a Sunday buffet at the Blue Hills Supper Club. We dined in a lovely dining room surrounded by windows looking out onto the beautiful countryside. We were entertained by hummingbirds, goldfinch and redbreasted grossbeak at the numerous feeders set out by the windows. The food was plentiful and delicious. They even had hot fudge sundaes for dessert. I might be hungry by supper time but I have my doubts. I promised #1 son that I would make fish for supper. He caught two rock bass last night which I had to clean. Two little fish aren't enough for supper but I do have some frozen fish from last fall that I can add. Besides, I'm not too hungry yet.

My garden is all planted. I finished planting it (the ants succumbed to the poison)yesterday afternoon. I was afraid that we may get some rain today but so far we haven't seen a drop. The weather is sunny but breezy. I'm sitting on our deck with the laptop as I write this. I had to raise the umbrella to block the sun and I'm enjoying the sound of the hummingbirds as they dash and flash. I haven't put out my finch feeders as yet. I've been warned that the black bear in the area have been raiding the bird feeders. I'm not sure I want to encourage that sort of activity. Nor am I sure I want to see a black bear standing on the deck some morning. I doubt the little gate that I have that guards the top of the stairs leading off my deck to the lake would stop a black bear.

Murphyism of the Day

Grossman's Misquote of H.L. Menchken

Complex problems have simple, easy-to-understand wrong answers.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow

OK. My name isn't Mary but I finished planting my container gardens this morning. I planted the marigolds that HTP's uncle sent us after removing weeds and leaves from the areas where I wanted to plant them. #1 son helped me remove the black plastic from my raised bed gardens. I've never seen so many swarming ants in my life. Except in Arizona. I don't think I'll cover the beds with black plastic again this fall. At least these ants didn't get around to biting us. I put out poison for the ants and #1 son sprayed the swarms. I'll have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to dig those gardens and plant. One day, more or less, shouldn't make much difference at this point. So my gardens are growing just fine as far as I could do. The weeds are doing fine too...unfortunately. I'll get to those too. I figure by the end of October, I'll have them under control...and then I'll have to leave for Arizona. Maybe if I get here soon enough in the spring next year they won't have as much of a chance to be fruitful and multiply.

Murphyism of the Day

Langsam's Laws

1. Everything depends.
2. Nothing is always.
3. Everything is sometimes.

Hellrung's Law

If you wait, it will go away.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Wow! There seems to be a lot of people out there worried about woodticks. My son is included in the crowd. The majority of hits on my blog lately have been about woodticks. (Helpful suggestions can be found in my blog of June 4th of this year.) I haven't had so many hits on Pogo lately because I haven't mentioned it in passing. (Pogo has a couple of new fun games...check it out.) My son yelled up from the basement the very night that HTP and #1 son installed our official mailbox up at the road. He wanted to know where there was a tweezers. OK. Why do you need a tweezers? He had a woodtick. I inquired whether he wanted me to help him remove it...I thought it had embedded itself somewhere on his body. I don't recommend the use of a tweezers. Nothing really works better the use of a person's thumb and forefinger when it comes to extraction. Anyway,I was wrong. #1 son didn't have a woodtick embedded in his body. It was crawling on his jeans. The outside of his jeans. He wanted the tweezers to remove the crawling tick from his jeans! I picked my jaw off the floor and proceeded to roll my eyes. Obviously my son needs to toughen up a bit. This is rural Wisconsin. Just grab the thing between your forefinger and thumb and toss it in the toilet...don't forget to flush. Note...I don't recommend tearing it in two thus ending it's life nor do I recommend trying to crush it with the heal of your shoe (this doesn't work), nor, apologies to PETA, do I recommend releasing to poor little creature back into the wild thus allowing it to return another day. In our case, I recommend either entombing the evil reality of life in the bowels of our septic system or take it outside and smash it into oblivion with the nearest rock. I do not have warm fuzzy feelings toward woodticks. I have yet to find any woodticks crawling or otherwise this year but I've been kind of busy getting the house in order. I have not been walking around in the tall grass. I have been pulling copious amounts of weeds from my garden woodticks...yet. I'm a realist. I will find at least one woodtick this summer somewhere on my body.

Murphyism of the Day

Benedict's Principle (Formerly Murphy's Ninth Corollary)

Nature alway sides with the hidden flaw.

Law of Revelation

The hidden flaw never remains hidden.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

It's Official

I'm now an official Wisconsin resident (dheesehead). We all drove into the parking lot of the DMV and walked into the waiting room. We filled out the necessary paperwork to get our driver's licenses and get the registration for our cars transfered. It was at this point that we discovered that we had forgotten to bring along the titles for our cars. We don't keep those in the cars. Apparently we don't keep those here in Wisconsin either. I know where they are. They are safe and sound in our safety deposit box back at the bank in Arizona. Oops. No problem. We can do the title thing later. We walked up to the desk (all three of us) to get our driver's licenses. We needed to have two forms of ID. This we had. But then they wanted proof that we live here. A bill? A letter addressed to us? Anything? We have a P.O. Box. We pay our bills online. We've only been here less then a week. We haven't gotten too much mail yet. But even if we had, we didn't know that we were supposed to bring it with us to show them. She finally agreed to look us up in the phone book. We're listed in the phone book. Here's where rural Wisconsin varies from Arizona. Wisconsin DMV didn't make us go all the way back (25 miles) back home to get our property tax statement or wait until we got some "official" mail. Wisconsin DMV accepted the fact that we were listed in the phone book by name and address as proof that we live here. Of course we had to beg but I can beg. So we have shiny new Wisconsin plates for our cars and shiny new driver's licenses. I actually look like the picture on mine. I wonder if I can renew my license via the internet in 2008? My license expires on my birthday in 2008 and we'll be in Arizona. They'll probably make me renew early. Anyway, our next step is get our insurance transferred over. I think we'll wait until next week for that. I'm all worn out just writing about our adventures yesterday in this blog. Oh...and I have to talk "them" into giving us resident fishing licenses. I know you have to be a resident for 30 days before you qualify but...

Aside from all that we now have a shiny new mailbox up at the road. HTP and son installed it last night. And (this tidbit is for my brother)we took our garbage cans up to the road because BFI is collecting this morning. I'll be finishing up the laundry today too.

Murphyism of the Day

Evans' and Bjorn's Law

No matter what goes wrong, there is always somebody who knew it would.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I still haven't thought up a header that I like. It's too soon to start counting down the time before we head back to Arizona. I'm just not that anxious to get back there right now. The temperature here is 65°F though if I didn't know any better I'd think I was in Oregon or Washington right now. It's grey and dreary and moist. We must have had some rain last night but there weren't any storms. I always equate that sort of rain and this sort of weather with Oregon.

HTP and son are both still in bed. Perfect sleeping weather. Probably just as well since I'd have little opportunity to write this if they were up and about. We haven't set up our wireless network as yet so I don't have my own private computer. I think I'll try and do some laundry today since the water seems to be clearing up. I'll still use Yellow Out on the whites and lights. Other then that we may go into the big town/city and get our drivers licenses.

#1 son is anxious to get a fishing license too. I hope they don't fuss about us getting resident fishing licenses. I do not want to have to live here 30 days before I can do any fishing this year. We've always had to buy non-resident fishing licenses despite all the property taxes we've been paying for years and years. They're expensive. I'm looking forward to saving that small amount of money this year. HTP has to send for a new boat license too.

Murphyism of the Day

Gualtieri's Law of Inertia

Where there's a will, there's a won't.

Fahnstock's Rule for Failure

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Kaiser's Comment on Zymurgy

Never open a can of worms unless you plan to go fishing.

I found my The Complete Murphy's Law A Definitive Collection by Arthur Bloch yesterday but I've decided that I really need to get a new Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. Until that time, I will suspend my Trivia of the Day segment. Besides, it seems that I have a far easier time thinking up original Murphyisms which probably says something about my life but I won't dwell to closely on it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I'll have to think of a new header but until then...

We're in Wisconsin

I was finally able to fall into bed last night....early this morning...after I vacuumed up all the tiny little lady bugs that were dead and alive on almost every surface of the house. And then HTP had to remove that dead mouse from our closet. But aside from all that, it's really wonderful to be here.

HTP and son unloaded the entire trailer and all the stuff is now sitting in my downstairs family room until we find places for it all. I think I'm going to have to invest in some bookcases. While they were unloading the trailer, I was the official door opener and closer. This was such a demanding job that in between times, I pulled and yanked out half a forest of weeds from my flower beds. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I did a thing. I think, like Hydra, for every single weed that I pulled six more rose to fill in the gaps. I may have to mix up some poison to hit them with because there looks like at least two forests worth of weeds out there...and then some. Apparently, they've had a bit of rain this spring. (Understatement of the year). It's supposed to rain tonight. On the plus side, it was really cold last night. Only an Arizonan would appreciate that last comment.

HTP went off to town to return the rental trailer and buy more supplies. I never know until I actually rummage through things after a nine month absence, what I'll need to buy. I need a really good cleaner to take care of the showers and tubs. I'm almost out of dishwasher detergent and rinse. I went to grab some sandwich bags and there weren't any. I bought some mayonaise but find that I did not need that but I'll use it this summer but I'm out of mustard. Good thing I bought coffee and creamer. Oh well...I just sent #1 son off to get ice (my ice maker is still producing rusty cubes) and ice cream. Both of those items have to be bought a bit closer to home then the stores HTP is planning to visit after returning the U-Haul. It's nice to have two cars here.

I still haven't found the books I use to provide my Murphyism of the Day segment and Trivia segment. But...

Murphyism of the Day

For every weed that you see and pull there are at least six that you didn't see and that your mother-in-law will notice.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Day 4 On the Road to Wisconsin

We had a nice breakfast with our Omaha daughter before hitting the road again. We stopped for lunch at The Machine Shed in Iowa. The driving weather was great! No rain in sight. After some consideration, our caravan decided to split up when we reached the outskirts of St. Paul, Minnesota. My husband decided to take the Buick on to visit his parents in Shoreview, Minnesota before heading to Wisconsin later in the evening. #1 son and I drove the other vehicle, towing the demon trailer on to Wisconsin. Of course we had to stop and pick up fireworks in Baldwin. And while we were there, right across the street from Fireworks World, there was a real A&W Rootbeer Restaurant, so of course we had to stop for supper and a frost mug of real A&W rootbeer. Nothing is better then a real A&W rootbeer served in a real frosty glass A&W rootbeer mug. After that we continued to Rice Lake, where we picked up groceries. My Discover credit card was rejected so I had to use my Visa credit card. I knew what the problem was immediately but couldn't do anything about it until arriving at The Lake where I could phone them. They thought someone had stolen my credit card. I know I should be grateful that they're so careful but it's becoming a bit inconvenient....and embarassing. Oh well...I'm at The Lake and I took care of the problem. I have all my groceries unpacked. It's too late to call my folks across The Lake to let them know that we've arrived safely. HTP arrived 5 minutes before we did because it took us so long doing the grocery shopping...and fireworks shopping. And then there was that little problem with the demon trailer. We had opened it to put the fireworks inside and then couldn't close the demonic trailer door. It took us a while and a bit of surgery to finally successfully close the demonic trailer door and we didn't leave a trail of #1 son's stuff along the highway as we crossed the remaining miles to The Lake.

Murphyism of the Day

If you are doing something that you don't want anyone to know about, something will happen to make it so everyone will know about it.

When you finally learn how to do something, you probably won't need to do that something ever again.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Day 3 On the Road to Wisconsin

We left Brush this morning at 7 AM and arrived in Omaha at around 3:45 PM. Our daughter met us in the parking lot of her apartment. We unloaded all the stuff that we brought her from the U-Haul and the SUV and the Buick and everything was brought up to her apartment. At that point we had to reload and rebalance the U-Haul. The SUV was almost emptied too. The weather had been clear (hot and humid) when we arrived but we could see ominous clouds approaching and when we finally got the U-Haul resealed we could hear the thunder. As we headed to the hotel to check in the clouds opened up and it is now raining. Of course, we got all wet as we brought our luggage up to the room but this is life. I'm glad we got everything unpacked at Deanna's before it started to rain. We'll have more time to visit with Deanna and her boyfriend later tonight at supper. Tomorrow we'll be heading for The Lake...our final destination.

Murphyism of the Day

If the day has been clear and sunny with no sign of any clouds, it is sure to storm.

If the day has been cloudy and dreary, it is sure to storm.

If you dress up and take special care with your hairdo, it is sure to storm.

If it is June 13 and today in Omaha, Nebraska, it is sure to storm.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Day 2 On the Road to Wisconsin

After taking advantage of the continental breakfast provided by our hotel, we hit the road again. HTP drove the first stretch of the way. I took over after lunch. I think I'm finally getting the hang of towing the demon trailer. I was able to maintain a pretty constant speed of 75 mph. The demon trailer occasionally tried to test me by fishtailing but I was able to maintain firm control of it's demonic activities.
We stopped for the night in Brush, Colorado. Note to self: Don't spend the night in Brush, Colorado. Last year we spent the night in Sterling. Unfortunately we forgot about that or we would have spent the night there again this year. Oh least we now know that Brush isn't a good place to spend the night.

Murphyism of the Day

Just when you're getting used to the way things are, things change.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The Oriental Buffet in Brush, Colorado claims to serve everything from Chinese to French in its buffet. It doesn't. But it is all-you-can-eat...but why would you?

Friday, June 11, 2004

0 Days Before We Leave for Wisconsin

We're leaving this morning. The U-Haul is all packed. Yesterday was memorable. By the time we got everything into that U-Haul trailer, we were all exhausted. And then we had to finish up packing and clean the house. We still have to load up the car this morning but...

All our bags are packed and we're ready to go...almost. I'll try to blog at the various planned stops along the way. I've never towed a trailer before. A new and wonderful experience. First stop..Albuquerque.


We drove the long drive to Albuquerque towing a 12-foot demon of a trailer. Actually it wasn't all that bad. We stopped in Heber at the Red Onion for lunch. Don't order the french fries. I forgot about how bad they were the last time we went through Heber. Note to self...never order the french fries even if you are desperate for carbohydrates. HTP drove the car towing the demon trailer all the way from Phoenix to Heber. I drove the car towing the demon trailer all the way from Heber to Gallup, NM. HTP took over the drive from Gallup to Albuquerque. I took over driving the other car which #1 son had been driving. He was a bit tired. I must say it was far nicer driving the other car. Driving a car towing a demon trailer isn't really all the fun.

I'm going to have to skip my Murphyism and Trivia segments for the next few days...unless I can come up with something truly original since my books are all packed up in the car, in a box, taped shut. I might have been able to come up with something original but I've pretty worn out after towing a demon trailer behind my beautiful gas guzzler.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

1 Day Before We Head to Wisconsin

HTP and #1 son are going to pack the trailer today. We leave first thing tomorrow morning. I'm thinking around 10 AM but HTP says earlier...lots earlier. Fine by me but from my past experience with HTP (over 25 years of marriage), I have my doubts. HTP isn't even packed yet. I am. WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Uncertainty Principle

You can know something has gone wrong only when you make an odd number of mistakes.

Tussman's Law

Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

For $50 you can spend the night at Walrus Island State Game Sanctuary, Round Island, Alaska. You will be surrounded by 15,000 snorting male walruses having what must be the bachelor party of all time.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

2 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I have a U-Haul trailer attached to my car. It's parked in front of my house. Of course there isn't anything in it yet but that should be taken care of, at least partially, by tonight. I'm as packed as I can get. #1 son is working on it. My dining room is filled with boxes again. My house is starting to look remarkably like it looked right after the movers departed when we first moved into this house. I'm going to have to crack the whip when we do finally get to Wisconsin. I don't want to see even one box that isn't collapsed and stored in the garage up there. I'll give it a week. #1 son never actually unpacked his stuff from the old house, knowing that he'd have to move it all to Wisconsin. Actually, this did make a certain amount of sense so I didn't press the point. Even though he'll be "moving" to a dorm room come fall, he will unpack those boxes this time. He'll be living at the lake for a full four years. Unpacking will be manditory.

Murphyism of the Day

Addendum to Murphy's Law

In precise mathematical terms, 1+1=2,where "=" is a symbol meaning "seldom if ever."

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The Ice Hotel, Jukkasjarvi, Lapland, Sweden, has rooms for 100 people, a chapel, a cinema, and a world-famous Absolut Ice Bar. The hotel is made entirely of ice.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

3 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

The next time I do laundry, we'll be in Wisconsin. I hope I have some Yellow Out up there. Those first few times I do laundry in Wisconsin are a bit iffy. The water is always "rusty" for those first few days. Yellow Out works like a miracle but it would have been nice to know about it before I laundered my husband's only white dress shirt a couple years ago up there. It came out of the rinse cycle looking brown and splotchy. No amount of bleach would cure the problem. I thought we'd have to drive 3 hours to the nearest big town to purchase HTP a new dress shirt. But, we decided to take the shirt into the laundromat in our teeny nearby town instead for one last attempt at washing...but first we stopped in at the hardware store to see if they had "something" that I could add to the wash to get the stains out. "Yellow Out" worked like a miracle. I'm never without it now for those first few loads for those first two weeks until the water has had a chance to run. Now, I've been going to The Lake for years and years and years, many of those years were before I even met HTP. I know the water at The Lake and what it can do to your pipes, well-casing, and pump. I've always known that you need to run all the water in the house for hours before you can expect the water to run even somewhat clear. But the spring when we had the dress shirt incident, HTP told me this was nonsense and that we were wasting electricity and water by going through this yearly ritual. Just goes to show you...HTP is a wonderful electrical engineer but he doesn't know diddly about doing laundry. He doesn't know how to clean fish either.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Law of Government

If anything can go wrong, it will do so in triplicate.

Maah's Law

Things go right so they can go wrong.

Today's little Bit of Trivia

In 2002 John and Cecelia O'Hare sued a McDonald's restaurant in Panama City, Florida, claiming that an improperly cooked bagel damaged Mr. O'Hare's teeth...and somehow ruined their marriage as well. They sued for $15,000 in damages. (Case pending.)

Monday, June 07, 2004

4 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I made baked ziti last night and we enjoyed it before we sat down to watch The Sopranos. It was the last show of the season. Now what will we do with on our Sunday nights?

I've been packing. No one else has done any packing but I have been packing. I'll be ready to leave on Friday. I won't guess as to whether HTP or #1 son will be ready or not. But ready or not, we will be leaving on Friday.

Murphyism of the Day

Kohn's Corollary to Murphy's Law

Two wrongs are only the beginning.

McDonald's Corollary to Murphy's Law

In any given set of circumstances, the proper course of action is determined by subsequent events.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

During the 2002 American League Championship Series between the New York Yankees and Anaheim Angels, Anaheim mayor Tom Daly bet New York mayor Michael Bloomberg a crate of oranges and chilies that the Angels would win. Bloomberg's bet: a crate of Nathan's hot dogs and 48 H&H bagels. (Daly won)

Sunday, June 06, 2004

5 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

No. I'm not packed yet. But I did start on the project. I've got a long way to go. On the bright side, I have 5 more days. On the negative side, I only have 5 more days.

Murphyism of the Day

Nagler's Comment on the Origin of Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law was not propounded by Murphy, but by another man of the same name.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's largest bagel was made by Larry Wilkerson and Jeff Maninfior in 1998, at the Lender's Bagel Bakery in Mattoon, Illinois. Weight: 714 pounds. Diameter: 6 feet. Flavor: Blueberry. I wonder how many calories a bagel that size has? I wonder what the carbohydrate count was? Only a person on a carbohydrate restricted diet would ask these questions.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

6 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

My internet isn't working all that well. It hasn't been too trustworthy. We live in a developing neighborhood. Yesterday we couldn't hook up to the net from the afternoon on. We called tech support and got the usual insulting run around given to people like me who aren't too technically savvy. Fortunately/Unfortunately, they were dealing with HTP who is technically savvy. Thankfully, he didn't blow a gasket though I'm sure his blood pressure suffered. We've also been having intermittent problems with our cable TV. Tech support wasn't too supportive. Someone is scheduled to come out and look at the problem on Monday. I'm not sure if this threat alone solved the problem but....

Miraculously, I was able to hook up this morning, not right away but after multiple least it's working right now...I have no idea if it will still be working in a few seconds. If you don't see a blog from me in the coming days it may not be because I'm just too busy packing. But now...I'd better get packing.

Follow up on the internet screw-up.

Apparently our cable internet provider screwed up but only fessed up to the screw up this morning. We notified them that we were going to be putting our service on "vacation" status as of a certain date. They put us on "vacation" a bit earlier then they were supposed to. Last night HTP asked them if this might not be the problem because our problems only started after he called to tell them that we wanted to put our service on "vacation" next Saturday but of course their staff never makes mistakes...not. "Are you sure that your system is plugged in? How old is your modem?"

At this moment of history, former President Ronald Reagon died today. He was 93 years old. To quote George Carlin, " Never let the brain idle. ' An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's."

Murphyism of the Day

Gattuso's Extension of Murphy's Law

Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse.

Lynch's Law

When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

In 2000, several rioters at a Fourth of July celebration in Morristown, New Jersey, were arrested for throwing "dangerous" projectiles into the crowd and at police. The projectiles: "batteries, golf balls, and stale bagels."

Friday, June 04, 2004

7 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

It's official. #1 son has graduated. He even tossed his hat in the air...but caught it so we can take some posed portrait shots tonight of him in his cap and gown with diploma.

As I warned, today is the day that we're starting to pack. At least I'm going to start to pack. I've got my revised list all set to start on the project. #1 son is sleeping...he had his senior party last night. At least he's following the rules and staying out of my way.

It's come to my attention that I've had a lot of people researching woodticks and my site keeps popping up for them. I thought I should mention my hints and suggestions in regard to woodticks. Spring has sprung and the woodticks are coming out of the woodwork. My parents told me that they each had two of them crawling on them...and this was just walking from the car to the cabin and back to unpack.

I have the following suggestions in regard to woodticks:

1. Make sure any tall grass is mowed short in an areas that you frequent.
2. Make sure that your pets are protected with Frontline or some similar product (ticks don't seem to be bothered by flea and tick collars). If your pets aren't protected, you aren't protected. Any woodticks that your pets pick up will somehow end up crawling on you. I found woodticks every time that I played with my parents' cute little Maltese. They don't use Frontline. Please note that most kennels insist that you use Frontline if you kennel your pets.
3. Stay out of tall grass or undergrowth in the spring. Woodticks seem to be most prolific at this time. I'd recommend avoiding the call of the wild if at all possible during this time.
4. If you must listen to the call of the wild, wear long pants, long sleeves, socks and sturdy boots, and a hat (a good idea at anytime in Wisconsin if you are going to hike the woods with the problems mosquitoes now pose...West Nile Virus) and use some kind of mosquito and tick spray, the real stuff with toxic chemicals. The other stuff may scare away a few mosquitoes but ticks won't even flinch. After such ventures make sure you check yourself for ticks. Hopefully you can catch them before they decide to snack on you.
5. Girls...don't shave your legs if you're going to go hiking in the woods! You can feel ticks crawling a lot faster if you don't shave your legs.
6. If you have long hair, do not let it fly free. Tie it back...tightly. Stick it under your hat.
6. Ticks like to dig into vulnerable areas. Check or have someone else check through your hair and scalp (easier for bald guys), your back, and any other area of your body. Check for a full week after you've been in the woods because even if you laundered your hiking clothes woodticks are survivors.
7. If you do have a woodtick embedded, remove it or get your doctor to remove it. Worried about Lymes Disease? Stick the tick in a bottle and take it to the doctor with you to have the bite and tick checked out. Chances are that if you catch the tick before it's been embedded more then 24 hours, you won't have to worry but don't count on it. There are wonderful websites that will tell you all about the warning signs of Lymes Disease. I've never had it, but I know people who have had it. I've had lots of ticks both embedded and not. I remove them. I keep an eye on the area of the bite and if no telltale bullseye, or any sign of infection shows up I figure I dodged the bullet. Please note, that I'd head straight for the doctor if I found a woodtick that had been embedded long enough to start "swelling". I would let the doctor remove any of those. You don't want the tick to "toss his cookies" into your body while you're attempting the removal process. My brother gave me this nifty neato woodtick removal device that I might use this summer if this situation arises. I really hate going to see doctors. Nothing personal but I usually wait until I really have no other options.

That's my advice to all you who are braving this woodtick season. My experience has been that woodticks will settle down a bit come late July. They are still there but don't seem to be as voracious. I wish I could say the same about mosquitoes, deerfly, horsefly, and wasps.

Murphyism of the Day

Farnsdick's Corollary to the Fifth Corollary

After things have gone from bad to worse, the cycle will repeat itself.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Cream cheese was invented in 1872; Philadelphia Cream Cheese hit the market in 1880. But it wasn't until Joseph and Isaac Breakstone began selling their Breakstone Cream Cheese in 1920 that New Yorker bagel eaters discovered it-and cream cheese became the bagel spread.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

8 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

WE'RE DOOMED!!!! Only kidding. It's just that my husband, HTP, told me yesterday that he really doesn't feel as prepared as he usually does for our annual trip east. AHHHH!!!!! If HE doesn't feel prepared when he is never prepared but exudes confidence that he IS prepared, we're doomed. Panic will set in tomorrow. Tomorrow I will roll into battle to get us ready. HTP had better get a move on too. I refuse to bear the burden alone.

#1 son graduates today. The ceremony is being held tonight. Indoors at an indoor arena at ASU. Thank goodness for that. It's already 100°F outside this morning. I remember sitting outside on bleachers watching graduation ceremonies here in Arizona. It's hot here. Thank goodness someone finally realized that fact and moved the ceremonies to a more favorable venue. The temperature by 5:30 PM will be 110°F. Even when the sun goes down and the ceremony begins at 7:30 PM, the temperature won't be pleasant. I'll be glad of the indoor AC comfort of the arena tonight. HTP has the digital video cam all charged up. I'll bring the regular digital camera for stills. We're going to have to take pictures for those who can't make it to see the actual event.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Law

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Schnatterly's Summing Up of The Corollaries

If anything, can't go wrong, it will.

Silverman's Paradox

If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

During the Middle Ages, it was common for European royalty to have kennels for their hounds. Kennel cooks would make huge stews, mostly grains and vegetables with some meat or meat by-products--the hearts, livers, and lungs of various livestock.

I remember when growing up that my mother would cook up a batch of "dog food" for our dogs to use up various buggy pastas and freezer burnt meats etc. Waste not, want not. She'd keep it in a large pot in the refrigerator. The dogs loved it. What a treat! Unfortunately, my grandmother didn't know that the pot in the fridge was "dog food". My grandparents came to stay with us kids while my parents went to New York on a business trip. Apparently, my grandmother scolded my mother when she talked to her daughter on the phone from New York about that awful casserole in the fridge. "What have you been feeding your kids?!" She had tasted it and didn't think it was too tasty. She just couldn't bring herself to feed that slop to her grandchildren. ( I am grateful for her reticence to this day because if my grandmother had insisted that we eat the "dog food", we probably would have. One doesn't argue with their elders...that's how I was raised.) I wish I could have seen the look on my mother's face at that point. It must have been priceless. "Ummm...Mom? That's the dog food..." I don't recall the look that was on my grandmother's face (it was a long time ago afterall) but I'm sure it was choice...she had eaten "dog food" made from buggy elbow macaroni, meat scraps and vegetable trimmings...there might even have been a can of real store bought dog food in that mess. I don't remember that my grandparents ever came to look after us kids after that. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

9 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

#1 son had his graduation practice this morning. He's back home and complaining that there isn't anything to eat in the house. There is plenty of food to eat in this house. Unfortunately he has a point. Although there is plenty of food, there isn't any food that he would like to eat. Diets. I don't keep snack foods in the house. I don't buy cereal. I don't buy anything that would allow someone to lose dietary control. Poor little (not so little) boy. We're trying to starve him. Not.

Murphyism of the Day

Heid's Law of Lines

No matter how early you arrive, someone else is in line first.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

More than 2,000 years ago, Roman poet and philosopher Marcus Terentius Varro wrote the first farming manual. In it he advised giving farm dogs barley bread soaked in milk, and bones of dead sheep.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

10 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Today is a shopping/hunting day. #1 son told me that he needs a new watch because his old one no longer functions. Watches are a rather personal item, kind of like cellphones and cellphone plans, and kind of like laptops. One needs to pick out a watch or cellphone or a laptop that will "fit" you and your needs and tastes. I don't dare go out on my own to pick out a watch for #1 son or anyone else for that matter. I wouldn't want anyone to go out and pick one for me either. So, today I'll be taking #1 son out to hunt for a new watch. A watch that will "fit". It'll be part of his graduation present. Of course, it has to fit into our budget too.

Murphyism of the Day

Wolter's Law

If you have the time, you won't have the money.
If you have the money, you won't have the time.

First Law of Money Dynamics

A surprise monetary windfall will be accompanied by an unexpected expense of the same amount.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The USDA patented an inexpensive device (the sting-o-meter) for beekeepers so they can tell whether they're dealing with gentle European honeybees or the dangerouse "Africanized" kind (they look virtually the same). This simple black plastic container is swung in front of the hive. An electronic sensor inside counts how many "hits" are made by attacking bees over 10 seconds. Too many hits? Run.