Saturday, June 05, 2004

6 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

My internet isn't working all that well. It hasn't been too trustworthy. We live in a developing neighborhood. Yesterday we couldn't hook up to the net from the afternoon on. We called tech support and got the usual insulting run around given to people like me who aren't too technically savvy. Fortunately/Unfortunately, they were dealing with HTP who is technically savvy. Thankfully, he didn't blow a gasket though I'm sure his blood pressure suffered. We've also been having intermittent problems with our cable TV. Tech support wasn't too supportive. Someone is scheduled to come out and look at the problem on Monday. I'm not sure if this threat alone solved the problem but....

Miraculously, I was able to hook up this morning, not right away but after multiple least it's working right now...I have no idea if it will still be working in a few seconds. If you don't see a blog from me in the coming days it may not be because I'm just too busy packing. But now...I'd better get packing.

Follow up on the internet screw-up.

Apparently our cable internet provider screwed up but only fessed up to the screw up this morning. We notified them that we were going to be putting our service on "vacation" status as of a certain date. They put us on "vacation" a bit earlier then they were supposed to. Last night HTP asked them if this might not be the problem because our problems only started after he called to tell them that we wanted to put our service on "vacation" next Saturday but of course their staff never makes mistakes...not. "Are you sure that your system is plugged in? How old is your modem?"

At this moment of history, former President Ronald Reagon died today. He was 93 years old. To quote George Carlin, " Never let the brain idle. ' An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's."

Murphyism of the Day

Gattuso's Extension of Murphy's Law

Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse.

Lynch's Law

When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

In 2000, several rioters at a Fourth of July celebration in Morristown, New Jersey, were arrested for throwing "dangerous" projectiles into the crowd and at police. The projectiles: "batteries, golf balls, and stale bagels."

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