Saturday, July 24, 2004

Now you're all going to think I'm nuts.  I went berry picking this morning and saw a spider.  Actually, I first saw the bee.  When you're berry picking you have to be careful so you don't pick a bee by mistake.  Believe me that bee picking can turn out to be a quite painful experience.  Anyway, I saw a bee but it wasn't moving.  Then I saw the spider.  It was...umm...sucking on the bee?  Anyway, aside from the gruesome reality of its actions, it was beautiful.  It was white.  Yes, it was white.   It was about the size and shape of a black widow spider but it was white and it looked like a perfect blossom from a raspberry bush.  It had pale pink markings on it's abdomen.  See...I told you that you'd think I was nuts.  What's this with strange unexplicable white creatures?  I don't know.  I can only report what I saw.  I decided not to collect the spider to bring home with me.  If something that small can kill a big scary bee, I don't want to think what it might have been able to do to me. 

HTP, #1 son, and I all went fishing out in the boat today.  It was a first for us this year.  All of our fishing this year has been done off the dock.   We did catch quite a few fish which I'll have to clean tomorrow.  Fish for supper tomorrow night!  #1 son doesn't have the patience to sit out fishing from a boat.  Poor boy started inquiring about supper not one hour after we started fishing.  Poor boy doesn't understand that fishing will continue until fish stop biting or until mosquitoes start biting.  Fishing take presidence over meals or any other pressing body functions.  We returned to the shore and the lake house at around 9 PM.  I made supper.  Fashionably late I'm sure.

Murphyism of the Day
Perrussel's Law
There is no job so simple that it cannot be done wrong.

Mae West's Observation
To err is human, but it feels divine.

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