DD Daughter, Old Grey Frog and Santa - Christmas 1980
Word of the Day
Sleeky - A positive, descriptive term referring to anything that is cool. Similar in nature to sleek.
Christmas baking has started. HTP helped. He finished the clean-up from our winter dust storm so I could concentrate on all things Christmas. With Christmas music blaring, I baked two batches of regular Russian teacakes, and two batches of sugar-free Russian teacakes. I baked two pans of Fruitcake bars. Yes, I happen to love fruitcake. Please feel free to send any unwanted fruitcakes to me. I baked one batch of Rich Shortbread cookies, using a recipe that DD Daughter sent me. Next? I baked two batches of regular Jan Hagel (Dutch Hail) and two batches of sugar-free Almond Jan Hagel. Finishing my Christmas baking/cooking for the day, I made three batches of peanut brittle. I would have made more peanut brittle but...I ran out of peanuts. Even so, I almost out of Karo corn syrup. Both of these ingredients are vital when it comes to making peanut brittle.
I need to buy more baking supplies. I used up all of my Maltitol powdered sugar which I can only purchase online. I don't actually need any more this year but I decided to order some for next year. Knowing me, if I waited until Christmas baking 2010 to order it, the Maltitol powdered sugar would never get here in time for actual 2010 Christmas baking. I've run dangerously low on margarine and butter. I'm down to my last cup of chopped pecans. Grocery shopping is on my To Do List tomorrow...tomorrow morning. I'll concentrate on baking Brown Sugar cookies tomorrow and a couple batches of Katherine Hepburn Brownies...my sugar-free version.
Random Thought of the Day
How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Forsake not an old friend; for the new is not comparable to him: a new friend is as new wine; when it is old, thou shalt drink it with pleasure.
- Bible, Old Testament
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