On a positive note, while cleaning the garage, I only found two scorpions...and they were dead.
It's always important to keep a few jars...just in case you need to trap a scorpion.
Word of the Day
Snew - Literally. Is new.
The time has come my friends to speak of cleaning the garage. HTP broke a jar that I had sitting out in the garage with a whole bunch of additional jars. As he looked around, in his eyes, there were jars as far as his eyes could see. Jars, jars, everywhere and no real place to store them.
The thing is that I actually use my jars. I need my canning jars. I can. However, I have to admit that I don't need canning jars here in Arizona. Well, I need some canning jars here in Arizona but I don't need boxes and boxes of canning jars here in Arizona. I do most (95%) of my canning at The Lake. However, I bring at least half of what I can at The Lake to Arizona for HTP and me to enjoy during the winter months...that and as gifts for friends and neighbors. Canned green beans, pickles, tomatoes, relish, jam and jelly. Right now, I'm enjoying the tomato juice that I made last summer. I could but I won't throw away the jars. So, over the years, I've ended up with quite a collection of empty quart jars, empty pint jars, and empty jelly jars. Actually, I usually try to pack up the empty pint jars and jelly jars and take them back to The Lake with me every spring but there's only so much space in the car to carry things back an forth each year...but...I hate to buy jars.
I really hate to buy jars! I've got jars. Unfortunately, the jars I have aren't where I need them...at The Lake. So, HTP helped me sort and box up jars today. Boxes and boxes of jars. Oh...and wine bottles, but that's another issue. I've got boxes of small mouth quart jars for canning, ready to go to The Lake. I've got boxes of large mouth quart jars for canning, ready to go to The Lake. I've got a box of large mouth pint jars for canning, ready to go to The Lake. I have a couple boxes of small mouth pint jars for canning, ready to go to The Lake. I've got a box of jelly jars that will need to be brought to The Lake. I'm still filling that box. I've got a couple boxes of antique canning jars that need to go to The Lake.
After much work, bending and stooping, lifting and toting, every jar and bottle in my garage is neatly organized and good to go. HTP is no longer in any danger of breaking a single one of them. And...it should be interesting to discover how many boxes of jars will actually fit into the car this spring when I return to The Lake. Priorities must be observed.
Random Thought of the Day
I wonder if cops ever get pissed off at the fact that everyone they drive behind obeys the speed limit.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
- Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963),