Christmas Dinner 2009
Word of the Day
Sludgatin - That brown slime found on the top of cafeteria hamburgers.
I think I've finally put away the last of the Christmas paraphernalia. Actually, I thought I'd put away the last item on Sunday afternoon but, as I was fixing supper last night, I saw a couple of plant spikes...Christmas plant spikes...that needed to be put away. Immediately, I put them away and thought...NOW...I'm done. Hah! This morning, after breakfast, I remembered the Christmas candle that I had been using to make our fake Christmas tree smell kind of like a real tree, which never really makes a fake Christmas tree smell like a real one but...that's beside the point. I remembered the candle and decided to put it away until next year since I'm thrifty and figured that I could use it again...next year. It was then that I discovered that I'd forgotten to put away the candle holder that I'd been using for the Christmas candle so I wouldn't burn down the house while burning the Christmas candle. A Christmas candle candle-holder. *sigh* Now? Do I have all the Christmas paraphernalia put away? Knock on wood...I think I've got it all put away...until and unless I find another bit of Christmas hiding somewhere. It makes one think about Easter and Easter egg hunts and that one elusive egg that no-one can find...until it starts to smell funny. Of course, that never happened in our household. We always counted the eggs before the Easter Bunny came and hid them for us and then we had to keep looking until we'd found the correct number of eggs. Unfortunately, I've never thought about doing the same thing when it comes to Christmas decorations. Fortunately, Christmas decorations don't ever start to smell funny.
Random Thought of the Day
What happens if you get scared half to death, twice?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
- Jack London (1876 - 1916)
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