Word of the Day
Sydnocentric - Attitude peculiar to residents of Sydney that asserts that only events and objects based within Sydney have any cultural worth.
OK. I give up. I refuse to constantly dig up excuses why I haven't blogged. I'll blog when I blog. I'll try to blog on a daily basis. However, sometimes there just isn't anything worth blogging about. If I hear one more News Alert about the oil rig explosion and resultant ecological disaster in The Gulf, I may just puke. I'm sorry. I really am sorry. However, there's nothing that I can do about it right now. If that makes me a bad person...well...I'm sorry. I can't stop Iran from developing obtaining a nuclear weapon. I can't stop someone from bombing the Pentagon. I can't stop some stupid fanatic from blowing up a plane full of innocent travelers. I haven't discovered a cure for cancer or any other disease that plagues mankind or even those that plague members of my own family. I'm sorry. Crap! I haven't even been able to trap the raccoons that have been coming up on my deck each night or the chipmunks that keep digging up the bean seeds that I've planted out in the garden as soon as they've started to sprout. *sigh*
Sis and I took a fetter-less, free day on Saturday, away from spouses and parents, to enjoy what we originally thought was a used book sale but turned out to be an Arts & Craft Sale along with a used book sale which the local library sponsored. Sis and I both ended up purchased multiple bags of books. It may sound a bit childish but...Sis bought more books than I did. *sigh* She bought THREE big bags of books. I only ONE big bag of books. Then...after I got home, I discovered that I already owned four of the books that I'd bought. Oh well...it was for a good cause. I'll donate the surplus books to our local library here at The Lake. And then....Sis and I both enjoyed the Arts & Craft part of the SALE. I love Arts & Craft sales...especially when HTP or anyone else of sound mind isn't around to curb my impulsive need to spend money. Hey! I got some good stuff! So did Sis! I bought two new cutting boards...hand-crafted out of Corian. Beautiful! I may even gift one to Sarge...or DD Daughter...or #1 Son. *sigh* I really should have bought two more of those cutting boards. Then, I bought a couple of cute aprons for Ms. En, and a couple of bibs for Mr. T. Ms. En really loves to cook and you really can't have enough bibs on hand. Sis and I both decided that the coasters that this one guy made were a must....especially here at The Lake. We keep hoping that if we provide enough coasters, people will use them so our furniture won't end up having to be refinished after people thoughtlessly set their beer cans, sweating glasses, or whatever directly onto our fine wooden furniture. *sigh* Well...then, not moments after I unpacked and put out my new coasters, Kylee decided that they'd make a wonderful chew toy. *sigh* Oh well, at least Kylee didn't piddle when I yelled at her. Oh...but that isn't all. Sis and I both were astounded and pleased to find that someone had actually made quilted covers for Kitchen-Aid mixers. WOW!!!!! I've always wanted one of those. They always seem to make covers for everything BUT Kitchen-Aid Mixers. Sis and I both bought one. I might have bought the green one that Sis bought but...there was only one. So, I bought the one with the irises. Hey! It was pretty. Then...my major purchase....I bought two new coffee cups which I'll use for tea because I don't drink coffee anymore, but, can anyone have too many really wonderful coffee/tea cups? I love both of the new cups I bought. One reminds me of the moon painting that I've got hanging in my dining room in Arizona. I really love that painting...and my new mug.
So? What did HTP and I do today? After breakfast, HTP looked at the broken switch that controls the light over my cooktop. Then...we went out shopping for a new switch. Plus, the grocery store in the town, just north of us, was having some smoking good deals on meat. I ended up buying a rib-eye roast which they cut into some steaks and into a prime-rib roast. I bought some extra-lean hamburger and I bought some pork riblets (ala Applebee's riblets) Who can resist $1 per pound when it comes to pork riblets? I really wish I had a chest freezer. However, I did manage to package all the meat I bought and fit it into the freezer section of my fridge. Thank goodness for all the training that my years of Tetris provided me.
Anyway, I finished up my day with multiple walks for Kylee, waving at the departing week-enders, taking down and bringing my bird-feeders inside so the raccoons won't wreck them, making ribeye steak for HTP and me for supper, bilging the big boat and bailing the small boat, and...well...that's all folks. I figure I've done enough for one day, especially since I'm nursing a burnt pinky finger which I burned this morning while making the bacon for breakfast.
Random Thought of the Day
How come lemon washing up liquid contains real lemons, but lemon juice contains artificial flavorings?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
All that matters is the little part you play in the vast drama.
- Real Live Preacher, reallivepreacher.com weblog, September 4, 2003
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