I'll have to make sure I post a graduation picture.
Word of the Day
Teenanswer - Any answer to a question that doesn't properly address the question, like those of a teenager.
Kylee had lessons yesterday. She did very well...even when we played musical dogs (switched handlers). Next Saturday will be her last day of the beginners' classes. Graduation Day. I hear that there are going to be pictures taken, and she gets a genuine diploma. Meanwhile, I signed her up for the next series of classes. Intermediate Obedience Training.
I had an orchestra practice at the church this morning....and next Sunday. It didn't take too long to run through the music. So, that gave me plenty of time to do some shopping. I picked up a some oranges so I could make more Arancello. I picked up some picture frames for the pictures that DD Daughter gave me of Mr. T and Ms. En. And...I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some groceries. All things accomplished and it wasn't even noon as yet.
I'd already started on batch of Limoncello from some lemons my neighbor gave me. At the same time I started a batch of Arancello from some of the tangelos from my own tree. However, after consulting with Sis, and since I really didn't think I had all that many tangelos growing on my tree this year, I picked up some oranges and started two more batches of Arancello, using navel oranges. Unfortunately, I was only able to purchase one bottle of Everclear at the store so....I'll have to buy more Everclear to add to one of the batches. Looks like I'll have to hunt up some more Everclear from a different store. As a matter of fact, I'll have to purchase three more bottles of Everclear because it turns out that I actually do have more tangelos on my tree. More than I thought. I picked enough tangelos to make another full batch of Arancello, and enough when added to the remaining oranges that I'd bought to make up a mixed batch of Arancello (1/2 tangelo, 1/2 orange). Waste not, want not. I'll have to run out to the store to buy some soda water to go with all the orange juice I've got in the fridge. I juiced up all the oranges. I'm going to have to freeze some of the juice. There's no way that I can drink all that much juice all by myself...even if HTP helps.
Random Thought of the Day
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A man may well bring a horse to the water but he cannot make him drink.
- John Heywood (1497 - 1580)
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