My Silver Agave is Going to Bloom
I'll have to take a newer picture. The agave flower stalk has grown LOTS taller.
Word of the Day
Thermoometer - A meter that displays the mood of the outdoor temperature; a thermometer that does not correctly indicate the real temperature.
It's been a LONG time since I've blogged. I'll blame it on Facebook. However,some saner people than me, myself, and I, live perfectly wonderful lives without Facebook.
Since I last blogged...
We've Had a Baptism
Sarge and Tammy surprised us with a visit in January of 2012. We were blessed to have Tammy baptized at the church where Sarge was confirmed by our longtime friend, Pastor Lee. #1 Son and fiance, #1 DIL, will make wonderful godparents.

#1 Son and Girlfriend (#1 DIL) Got Engaged and Married
#1 Son asked his girlfriend (#1 DIL) to marry him at the stroke of midnight 2012. They started planning their wedding almost immediately. It was so cute to see #1 Son and #1 DIL sitting side by side on our couch here is Arizona, laptops in lap, planning a wedding which took place, flawlessly, in Minnesota, in late August.
Mr. T, Ms. En, and Tammy As Official Attendants for their Uncle and New Aunt
The wedding of #1 Son and #1 DIL was attended by Mr. T as ring-bearer, and Ms. En and Tammy as flower-girls.
Welcome Little Jon
HTP and I have a brand new grandson. Little Jon. He and his sister Tammy live in Texas with Mom (Sarge), Dad (D Buddy), and big Sis (Jessie).
Unfortunately, I can't say all is wine and roses in my life. DD Daughter and GI Joe have decided to call it quits. I don't believe in divorce but have to admit that sometimes there isn't any other choice.
My Dad has Alzheimer's disease and there is no going back from that. He still functions fairly well but he and Mom have moved to an assisted living facility in the big city that is equiped with a memory unit for when the inevitable time comes when the disease makes it impossible for Dad to live independantly.
Meanwhile, I'm been to and fro to Wisconsin. Wisconsin for the summer months and Arizona for the winter. HTP remains in Arizona for most of the year since he's gone back to work for Intel. Right now, I'm in Arizona.
Since I've been back in Arizona, I started going to yoga with my neighbor and a friend. We joined a pilot program here at our community center. We've been participating three times a week. They tested us before we started and a couple of times since then. They plan to present the findings to insurance companies to see if we can eventually receive funding for the classes.
Church activities. I have a few. I am now a part of the altar guild as well as playing my clarinet for the orchestra and contemporary group. As part of the altar guild, I now have access to LOTS of wine bottles which I'm finding work great for my limoncello and arancello.
Speaking of alcohol, I continue making kit wines and my "cello" I bottled some Pinot Gris and some Montepulciano before Christmas and started some Limoncello, Arancello and, new, Pompelmcello (grapefruit liqueur). I'll be bottling the cello's in April.
For the future? Sis and I are planning on visiting our roots this summer with our cousin Alice and hubby Doug. Ireland and Scotland. I have my airline tickets and sent in my deposit for our tour.
Random Thought of the Day
Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)
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