Wednesday, July 31, 2013

One Cow Hoof, Two Dogs - Kylee and Toby

Word of the Day

Twinch - The movement a dog makes with its head when it hears a high-pitched noise.


I didn't think it was worthwhile blogging yesterday. Laundry, garbage, and raspberry picking and cleaning. See? Nothing worth blogging about. But today?

I've got two dogs....temporarily. I'm taking care of BW Babe's dog, Toby, for a couple of days. I realized that Kylee and Toby are pretty much the same size. Well-matched. Of course, things were a bit hectic to begin with when both dogs decided to run and chase inside the house. Since I couldn't let them go outside to run off their sillies because I've been informed that Toby isn't all that great at sticking around if you let him out loose and, worse yet, he doesn't come when he's called, I let them rough-house a bit before calling a halt before it went too far. I'm not sure who was rough-housing with whom. Kylee seemed intent on herding...and she seems to continue with this mistaken activity. Herding Toby away from her toys, herding Toby away from her water dish, herding Toby away from ME. They do seem to have settled down a bit. I thought there'd be a bit of a problem when Toby stole Kylee's new horn that I purchased for her the other day but...she was a good little girl. So, I got her a cow hoof out of my tin of Kylee treats, at which point Toby abandoned the horn and wanted Kylee's cow hoof. He wanted it really bad but was a perfect gentleman. However, as I watched, he laid his head on the edge of the coffee table and looked so depressed and sad so...I caved and gave him a cow hoof too. They are both in separate areas in the living room, happily chomping on their treats. Apparently, cow hooves are a lot tastier than horns. My living room smells like...cow hooves...which smell like, a barn. Oh well, it's just me and the dogs.

Before my guest arrived with all his stuff (kennel, leash, tie-out stake, food, and dishes), I ran around and cleaned like a crazy lady. I knew I wouldn't have much time to do any cleaning while he's least until I could trust the two dogs together. After seeing that everything was settling down nicely, and after things dried off outside (we've had enough rain to make things really wet outside) and after the sun came out, I left the dogs inside while I sallied forth to try out my new Dust-Mizer. I dusted all my tomato plants, thoroughly, and in record time. Awesome! Of course, I had to wear an bandana (bandit-style) to keep from breathing in all the dust flying around, but, I love my new duster.


Random Quote of the Day

Everybody knows if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something.

Gertrude Stein (1874 - 1946), Everybody's Autobiography, 1937

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