It's Raining and it's a Tuesday
It's raining. My fault I suppose. I opened the window last night before I went to bed despite the fact that it was only 55° it started raining about an hour after I finally fell asleep. It woke me up. There was no storm. No lightening. No thunder. Just rain. One of those rains that remind me of Oregon. Rain never woke me up in Oregon. We got a lot of it. We don't get much of it at all in Arizona especially during the drought that we've been having lately. Anyway, the rain wasn't coming down very hard. I'm a light sleeper. Any unusual sound will wake me up. I think that's a mother thing. You develop that habit when you have babies and young children. If it's too quiet, you know for a fact that someone is getting into mischief or something's wrong. If you hear a tiny little noise in the night, you hit the ground running. My babies have grown. I have no young children and no grandchildren either but I can't seem to break the habit of waking at unusual sounds no matter how slight. Rain is an unusual sound for me. As I stated before, we just don't get that much rain in Arizona, at the best of times. It's nice to see...but I had to get up to close the window. That's OK. I was going to go out and dig and plant the garden today but it'll wait. I'll just soak up the sight of rain for a while. You tend to do that when you come from drought ridden Arizona. According to a song by Noel Coward, only "Madmen and Englishmen go out into the midday sun" (something that I've seen exemplified many times when winter visitors come to Arizona), I wonder what he would have said about me? "Only madwomen and Arizonans don't know when to come in out of the rain."
Cliche of the Day
In His Element. In his most comfortable or favorable environment or situation. Hugh Broughton was close to the modern phrase in his letters (1599): "You are in for all is your element."
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