Sunday, April 18, 2004

13 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

3 Days Before the Movers (I have to have everything packed!)

I've packed up everything in the guest room. I've dragged my son out of bed so he can pack more of his stuff. I know he's packing but I don't see much progress. It doesn't look like he's packed a thing but he must have because we've hauled two loads of filled boxes of just his stuff over to the new house. He must take after me. Mr. Pack Rat.

Someone actually asked HTP yesterday as he was loading stuff into the car, "Are you guys moving?". HTP and son almost burst a gut laughing as they came inside to tell me that they refrained from answering ala Bill Engvall, "Nope. We just thought we'd pack all our stuff into boxes to see how many boxes it'd take to fill up the car."

So what am I going to be doing today? Packing, loading stuff into the car, unloading stuff over at the new place, going to an orchestra practice at the church, packing, loading stuff into the car, unloading stuff over at the new place....what do you mean that I have to go out to order a tuxedo for my son so he can go to prom?! Oh...did I forget to tell you that I also have a dental appointment tomorrow? There goes Monday!

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The word Gorilla was "first used in a Greek translation of 5th century BC Carthaginian explorer Hanno's account of a voyage to West Africa. He reported encountering a tribe of wild hairy people, whose females were, according to the interpreter, called gorillas. In 1847 the American missionary and scientist Thomas Savage adopted the word as the species name of the great ape and by the 1850's it had passed into general use."

(From Dictionary of Word Origins, by John Ayto)

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