Friday, December 31, 2004

If you include today, Only 1 More Day Until Next Year!

I didn't post yesterday. We were in transit. The line started forming to cross the Dam before you could ever dream that there was a Dam. As we creeped along at a whopping 2 mph, I was amused to see the speed limit signs go from 65 mph hour down to 55 mph, down to 45 mph, down to 35 mph, down to 25 mph, down to 15 mph. These signs were my only indication of how close we were actually getting to the Dam. Maybe they need to post signs. You Are Now 20 miles from Hoover Dam. You Are Now 19.5 miles from Hoover Dam. Your are Now 19 Miles from Hoover Dam. You finally see Hoover Dam in 3 years if you are traveling at the rate of a snail with a limp. I'm surprised there weren't any accidents from drivers dozing off and rear-ending the car in front of them. From the time I queued up in the long line of cars, it took a full 35 minutes to reach sight of the Dam. Not bad. It's been worse. I imagine the line is a lot longer today. All told I think the whole Dam process took only about an hour. This was fifteen minutes longer then I predicted as I stood in line to use the restroom in Wikieup but what's fifteen minutes? I was close. At point as we creeped along, I was thinking that if any of our passengers had to go to the bathroom, they could run ahead and we'd meet them at the Dam. At this point my dogs started complaining. I didn't think HTP or #1 son wanted to take them out and walk ahead of us with them so I didn't say anything. They were good doggies and waited until we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

I was going to blog yesterday but #1 son had the modem line until well after 3 AM. He's sleeping now. Hah! Got it! HTP and #1 son have to sleep sometime and when they do, I get the computer.

We had supper last night at Billy Bob's. I had my usual oysters on the half shell along with a tankard of Shiner Bock. For supper I choked down my guilt and ate a lobster that probably had been swimming in the tank that stands at the front of the restaurant minutes before I ordered his death. If it hadn't been me, it would have been someone else. He was on death row anyway. Right?

It's New Year's Eve! HTP and I are going to go to the annual New Year's Eve party held here...but at 5 PM. Afterwards we plan to take #1 son to the Mexican restaurant here so he can get something for supper. I have champagne chilling in our room awaiting the stroke of midnight.

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