The landscaper came by and wanted money. HTP went outside with him to inspect the work. Oops! They aren't done. They thought they were done but... They used the wrong color paint. This wouldn't have been such a big deal but they decided to "touch up" the bottom portion of two sides of my house. I now have huge areas of white splotches and streaks on two sides of my house. There's someone outside right now repainted everything.
I had to cover the plants again last night. It's only 33°F right now. My sheets are in the dryer right now getting ready again for tonight. Maybe if I don't fold them I won't be needing them again tonight. Apparently I live in one of those "cold outlying areas of The Valley of the Sun" that the weather people talk about. I have to take the lowest predicted low that they give us for any given night and, using a formula that HTP and I figured out using our own home thermometer compared to the thermometer at the airport over several days, subtract 8 degrees from that in order to get the temperature for our outlying area. And here all along I thought I was living in Chandler. Unfortunately, I don't think our formula holds true for the summer months. That's OK. I plan to be back in Wisconsin by then waiting for the ground to thaw out so I can plant my garden.
Murphyism of the Day
Weber's Definition of Expertsmanship
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he or she knows absolutely everything about nothing.
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