Word of the Day
Bacteria (n.), back door to a cafeteria
It's my Dad's birthday today. Happy Birthday Dad! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear Dad! Happy Birthday to You! I hope you had a Great Birthday!
There is always one place in everyone's house where stuff just seems to accumulate. Sometime, in my case, there are several of these spots. I suppose this is a sign that I'm just not too good about cleaning and clearing on a regular basis.
One of the accumulation spots in my house is the coffee table in our family room. You can usually count on finding a wealth of coupons(both new and expired because I'm not too good about remembering to actually bring coupons to the store with me when we go shopping), coupon flyers that I haven't gotten around to clipping the coupons from (I'm sure some of these coupons have long since expired), sales catalogs, junk mail that no-one's bothered to toss, newspapers that should have been put in the recycling bin, or some article that HTP has torn out and wants me to read. I know that if is company coming, I have to hurry and clear off this spot.
Another accumulation spot in my house is right by the phone in the kitchen. Here you may find at least a couple of pencils or pens that no-one bothered to put back into the junk drawer, scraps of paper with cryptic phone messages or phone numbers that everyone is afraid to throw away because they might be important, important receipts or warranty information that hasn't been taken over to the office yet but needs to be filed, a recipe that I haven't filed away after using it and maybe a recipe book that I forgot to put away from the night before. My cookbooks and recipe box are kept in a cupboard over where we keep the phone in the kitchen. Here again, if someone is coming over for a visit, this is a hot spot that must be cleared. Of course, the minute you clear away cryptic phone messages or throw away phone numbers on scraps of paper, you need them. Desperately.
I know the top of my desk is a hot collection spot. No excuses. I keep the books I use for writing my blog readily at hand, next to my computer. I have a pile of stuff that I should spend a few moments to file. HTP has left cryptic notes on my desk from when he fixed my computer. I'm a bit afraid of throwing them away because I haven't a clue what they mean. Anyway, my desk is a hot spot that I usually leave alone. Desks are supposed to look like this. It means that you're keeping busy.
The last big collection spot for me is in my bathroom. I have to admit that I have a tendency to leave my lotions, potions, makeup, toothpaste (I squeeze from the bottom and put the top back on), hairbrush, and various vitamins and such out by the side of my bathroom sink. It's not that there isn't a place to put all these things when I'm done with them, so there really isn't an excuse for my non-actions. I suppose I just hate the thought of having to file all this stuff away where it's supposed to go when I know I'll need it again that very day...or that very night....or the next morning.
I suppose you could say that half the problem is solved when you actually admit to a problem. Martha Stewart, I'm halfway there. Of course, Martha's in prison. I'm not. Maybe I'll just stay the way I am. When someone is planning to come over to visit us, I'll clean and clear...or when I just can't stand it anymore. That time is close. But I think I'll wait a bit longer and clean and clear in a few more days. I'm not expecting any company and I have this new book that wants to be read.
Murphyism of the Day
Kushner's Law
The chances of anyone doing anything are inversely proportional to the number of other people who are in the position to do it instead.
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