Word of the Day
Zebra (n.), ze garment which covers ze bosom.
I'm supposed to be doing laundry today. I'll get to it. Eventually. When the cat's away, the mouse will play. HTP had is gone for the day. Doctor appointment and genealogy research in downtown Mesa. So...I had a bowl of cereal (verboten) for breakfast. I took my time and wrote a letter to my daughter at boot camp and now I'm blogging. I'll sort the laundry and start the first load after I'm done here.
Making a Marine Update
If you're reading this, you probably know most of the news from boot camp. BTP, my daughter's fiance (Yes, fiance. I only learned about that after Mink left for camp), has been really good about posting updates on Mink's blog. There's a link for it on my blog. Anyway, all seems to be going according to schedule. As a Minnesotan, I have to knock on wood at this point. It's required. She's still worried about her running time for the PFT (Physical Fitness Test). She'll be tested on training day 28. Today is training day 13. She was worried on training day 8. I know. It gets confusing. BTP emailed me last night that the latest letter he received (written on training day 8) said that she has pink eye. The gal who shared rifle watch with her shared pink eye too. I only hope this doesn't delay her training and in consequence her graduation. Stuff like this happens. I'm sure that by this time her cold is all gone and the pink eye is a thing of the past as well. There appears to be a good (bad) week delay in the mail to and from camp. The latest letter said that she received tons of mail from Mom and three letters from BTP all at the same time. She wasn't complaining. Keep the letters coming was the request. I'm learning more and more each day. Fire watch? Rifle watch? From what I'm learning about the training, any idiot who stupidly corners my daughter or any of these women in a dark alley well...he'd better watch out.
Murphyism of the Day
Hecht's Law
There is no time like the present for postponing what you don't want to do.
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