3 Days and a Wake Up Before We Fly to Parris Island
Word of the Day
Rarefaction: A number not commonly used in math.
Happy Easter Everyone! After I brewed my first pot of coffee for the day, I downloaded my recipe for Garlic Crusted Prime Rib Roast. I did the math, and it looks like I need to take the roast out of the fridge at around 11 AM so it can come to room temperature in time to throw it into a 500°F oven at around 11:45 AM. Twenty minutes after that...I'll have to run in and turn the temperature of the oven down to 250°F until my roast is done. I made eggs for HTP and savoured my raspberries drenched in cream with toasted bagel and cream cheese. I'm currently sipping on a Mimosa as I type this blog. MMMM.
Today is Liberty Sunday for our Marine recruit. This is the day when she has her only real opportunity to phone home. They are at Liberty from 1 PM until 5 PM today. They are free to do whatever they want to do...within reason. I'm not sure if phoning home will actually be possible now. We've been warned that the weather at Parris Island today is severe today. Recruits aren't allowed to go outside when there is lightning in the area. Any guesses as to where the phones are located? All the phones that the recruits are allowed to use on Liberty Sunday are located outside. Phone booths. Oh well. We'll keep our fingers crossed that we'll get a call today. I know that all the parents, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, and fiances are wishing for the same thing. With limited phones aggravated by limited opportunity due to weather restriction, I won't be disappointed if we don't get a call.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Traffic
The slow lane you were stopped in starts moving as soon as you leave it.
Second Law of Traffic
The extra hour you allowed for traffic will be superseded by an hour-and-a-half traffic jam.
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