Word of the Day
Aquadextrous: Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes.
I finally dug out my shorts and summer wear yesterday. It isn't all that hot but it's borderline too warm to wear those heavy blue jeans. And now, even though it's supposed to be cooler for the rest of the week, I've decided to continue on with my shorts.
I was shocked when I saw how white my legs looked when I donned my shorts. People don't expect to see white legs here in Arizona. We're all supposed to look radiantly brown as if we've just come in from the pool. It doesn't happen. I've lived here for over twenty years. I learned after a few months that you cover up any skin that you can for as long as you can and you own stock in a sunblock company. If you don't you tend to look a lot older then you'd care to look sooner then you'd care to look it. The only radiant brown skin that you see on someone who claims Caucasian on a job application, is from tourists who limit their exposure to a week in the sun or teenagers who think that they're indestructible. The Arizonans who have spent time in the sun end up looking like dried up shoe leather walking. On the other hand, my legs are a brilliant shade of white right now so I'll have to start wearing my shorts again. I'll just have to slather on lotion so I don't dry up like a prune.
Murphyism of the Day
Parkinson's First Law
Work expands to fill the time available for its completion; the thing to be done swells in perceived importance and complexity in a direct ratio with the time to be spent in its completion.
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