Twenty Days Until We Leave Arizona
Word of the Day
Mapamystry - Method of divination used to discover the whereabouts of missing parents.
I'm a bit cranky today. Normally I try to keep politics and serious stuff out of my blog. But I'm really getting angry that we've got all these politicians in Washington DC who don't seem to do anything about anything. They promise you the world, they get your vote, and then they go to Washington DC and attend parties, travel, and flap their gums. Nothing gets done. They don't listen to the people who voted for them anymore. They listen to polls created by biased liberal media. Guess what guys! People are really angry at you right now because you aren't taking care of this illegal alien crap. Let me be perfectly clear. I have nothing against legal immigration. Most of us are descendants of immigrants. Immigration is a wonderful thing. LEGAL IMMIGRATION. I don't care how many illegal aliens are marching in our streets! Call in the National Guard and get rid of them. What part of illegal don't you guys understand? We're being invaded! Someone said that our politicians are afraid to alienate the Hispanic voters. Well guess what? Your alienated the rest of us. And we're still in the majority despite the fact that illegals are flooding over our borders. And now you want to make them all legal and set them on a path to citizenship? So they can vote? And make Spanish our official language? How about we all start flying the Mexican flag instead of the Stars and Stripes. Let's vote on that too.
I'm cranky because I just got finished answering some stupid poll questions that I think the Democratic party here in Arizona generated. I have a sneaking suspicion that my answers won't be acceptable.
1. How pressing is the illegal immigration problem for the state of Arizona?
a. Illegal immigration is the most pressing issue facing Arizona
b. Illegal immigration is equally important to issues like education and transportation
c. Illegal immigration is somewhat important but not as important as education and transportation
d. Illegal immigration is not an important issue
(Want to pick one of the above?) How about they're all intertwined other than that last one? How about if we get rid of those illegals who we're all supporting with our tax dollars and who don't really want to learn English and assimilate because afterall, this really should be Mexico anyway, maybe the problems finding the money and resources for education and transportation will magically go away? I answered a.
2. Do you think building a wall along the border is a realistic solution to illegal immigration?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
d. Other opinion
What kind of question is that? Do you REALLY think a wall along the border is REALISTIC? I bet you watch the Art Bell show too. YES! I do think a wall is realistic. And I think we should hire "guest workers" to build it along with the illegals in our prison system who we're housing for $60 a day. Heck! I can stay at a nice hotel for that and have my own bathroom. And while we're at it, let's make them build a few detention facilities right there at the border to house anyone who decides they'd be better off sneaking across our borders instead of going about the process of coming here legally. I'm told it's complicated. Turn off the spigot, stick a finger in the leaking dike, stop the flow...then argue about how we're going to deal with mopping up this mess. Pffft! Maybe we should have sent a few good plumbers to Washington DC. I answered a.
3. Do you support a guest worker program for illegal immigrants that would allow illegal immigrants that have jobs to apply for legal temporary worker status?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
d. Other opinion
Yes. I answered a. But you don't go about doing stuff like that until you clean up the mess you have marching down the street carrying Mexican flags scream "Si, se puede!" Which doesn't mean "Yes, we can!" like our local media seems to think. And you need to tell these guys that this is The United States of America not Mexico. We don't look kindly on kids who decide that the Mexican flag looks a lot better flying on the flagpole by the ROTC building in Apache Junction. That war was already fought and Mexico lost. Arizona is no longer a territory of Mexico...and neither is California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado or Wisconsin.
4. Do you believe measures such as increasing penalties on illegal immigrants and those that harbor illegal immigrants will help curb illegal immigration?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
d. Other opinion
Why was the question posed like that? What do you mean? What part of the word illegal don't you understand? If I saw a neighbor rob a bank and didn't report it...couldn't I go to jail for being complicity to a crime? You don't like the law. Change it. That's the way it should be done. You can't pick and chose what laws you follow and which ones you can break. Though...I must say that the fireworks laws in Wisconsin are really dumb and stupid. If I want to blow my fingers off, I'm an adult and I think I should be allowed the privilege to harm myself and pay for my own medical. I don't need Mommy and Daddy government to protect me. I'm just waiting for them to make us all put up child-proof fences around the lakes to protect people from drowning.
5. Do you support Governor Napolitano's decision to send National Guard troops to the border to combat illegal immigration?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
d. Other opinion
Now that question was hilarious. I can see Re-Elect Governor Napolitano signs all over it. Hah! Did you realize that the only National Guard troops that have been sent to the border are asked to fix trucks and shuffle papers? I bet you thought they got to carry guns. Do you know how many she sent? You don't need many to fix a few border agent cars. Oh well..The Arizona National Guard deserve a little rest and relaxation. Now...ask me if I think the National Guard should be sent to the border in a full capacity to stem a major invasion? YES!!!!! Good grief! We've got Mexican troops helping drug dealers cross the border. And they're shooting at the border patrol.
6. Which solution do you believe will best deal with the illegal immigration problem?
a. More resources at the border to combat illegal immigration
b. Increased penalties for illegal immigrants and those who harbor illegal immigrants
c. More sanctions for employers who hire illegal immigrants
d. Creating a guest worker program to bring more illegal immigrants into the system
e. Blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants
f. Other opinion
Why do they ask you a question and then only give you one option for an answer? I want more resources a the border to protect a border fence and discourage ILLEGAL immigrants. Let me repeat and punctuate that illegal part. Yes, we need to provide penalties to discourage ILLEGAL activities. Yes, we need to sanction employers who hire ILLEGAL immigrants. There's laws already on the books that cover that but no-one is enforcing the laws that we already have. Why don't we create a whole bunch more laws that everyone will ignore. Yes, we need a guest worker program but I don't want to bring any more ILLEGAL immigrants over here. I want to bring LEGAL immigrants over here. Again...can you guys look up that word ILLEGAL but I guess I should be happy you aren't referring to the ILLEGAL immigrants as UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS. NO! I don't think we need a blanket amnesty program for ILLEGAL immigrants. We did that before under President Reagan and look where we are. They're still processing the amnesty paperwork for that bunch of ILLEGALS. Why not send out engraved invitations to come on over? My daughter didn't need that job at McDonald's to pay for her college education. I speak enough Spanish to make myself understood at the drive-thru. Who cares if the driver who just hit my car had insurance or not? I've got under-insured motorist insurance to cover for those who don't bother to follow state laws. Waiting ten hours in the hospital emergency room to be seen by a doctor isn't all that long. Of course, that sixteen hour wait the other day was a bit excessive. And then last month they shut the emergency room down because they were too crowded. But...sure, let's over-burden our health systems, our education systems, and what's a few more dollars in taxes in the whole scheme of things. Think of the money we'll all save if we just get rid of the border guards and open erase any border lines?
7. Whose responsibility do you believe it is to combat illegal immigration?
a. The federal government
b. The State of Arizona
c. Both
d. Neither
e. Other opinion
I answered both. c. If the federal government can't see that there's a problem, the State had better get off it's duff and take care of the problem here in the State of Arizona. California needs to take care of the problem in California. Each state needs to take care of problems that occur in their own state. And the federal government needs to get out of the way and stay out of the way. If they want to help, go send diplomats over to Mexico so that Mexicans can stay in Mexico rather than enjoy the Mexico that they want to create here in Arizona. Encourage Mexico to create its own free government schools. Encourage Mexico to provide for their own poor instead of exporting them to other countries.
So? Are you tired of my ranting yet? A friend of mine sent me the following:
If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime, TRY THIS:
Enter Mexico illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.
Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family. Demand bilingual nurses and doctors. Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc.
Procreate abundantly. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural U.S.A. thing. You would not understand, pal."
Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper. Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.
Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system. Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.
Drive around with no liability insurance and ignore local traffic laws. Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers.
Good luck! You'll be demanding for the rest of time or soon be dead. Because it will never happen. It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world except right here in the United States, Land of the naive and stupid, idiotic politically correct politicians.
I'm going to quote someone I heard today who suggested a new immigration policy for us in the U.S.A. I don't always agree with him but it sure made me think. He said,
"First, if you immigrate to the United States of America, you must speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor. We are not going to take unskilled workers. You will not be allowed. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, no government business will be conducted in your native language. Foreigners will not have the right to vote, I don't care how long they are here, nor will they ever be allowed to hold political office.
According to this new law, if you're in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayers. You are not entitled, ever, to welfare, to food stamps, or other government goodies. You can come if you invest here, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. If you don't now have that amount of money, you can't come and invest. You have to stay home. If you do come and you want to buy land, okay, but we're going to restrict your options. You will not be allowed to buy waterfront property in the United States. That will be reserved for citizens naturally born in this country.
In fact, as a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to property. These are our new laws.
Another thing. You don't have the right to protest when you come here. You're allowed no demonstrations, you cannot wave a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, or you get sent home. You're a foreigner. You shut your mouth or you get out, and if you come here illegally, you go straight to jail and we're going to hunt you down 'til we find you.
I can imagine many of you think that these laws are pretty harsh. I imagine today some of you probably are going, "Yeah! Yeah!" Well, let me tell you this, folks. Every one of these laws I just mentioned are actual laws of Mexico, today. I just read you Mexican immigration law. That's how the Mexican government handles immigrants to their country. Yet Mexicans and others come here illegally, they protest in our streets, they get on our welfare program, and we have members of the United States Senate, both parties, doing handstands and back flips, going through every contortion possible to allow it to continue so that it doesn't make these people mad, resulting in votes against these linguini-spined populations.
--Rush Limbaugh
I know I'm rather long-winded today. I just had to rant a bit. In twenty days, I'll be back in Wisconsin where the ILLEGAL immigrant issue won't be so visible and where neighbors will wonder what all the screaming is about.
Murphyism of the Day
Glatum's Law of Materialistic Acquisitiveness
The perceived usefulness of an article is inversely proportional to its actual usefulness once bought and paid for.
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