Sunday, April 02, 2006

Twenty-Four Days Until We Leave Arizona

Word of the Day

Ouppy - Older urban professional.

Church. I played for the third service. WE played for the third service. I don't sit up there and play solo. Our group consists of three guitarists, a drummer, a flautist, a clarinetist (that's me), a pianist, and a vocalist.

On the way home from church I stopped at the grocery store. This is starting to become a daily event. However, my excuse is that Arizona daughter and her husband are coming over for supper. I needed food. This is one of those opportunities when HTP and I can cheat a bit. I bought potatoes so I can make mashed potatoes. I bought cheeses, and sausage and hummus and spinach dip along with crackers and pita bread. I think we're going to sit down and watch the first three episodes of The Sopranos. At 9 PM the fourth episode comes on and they can't watch that one until they've seen the first three. They don't have HBO. Anyway, I need the munchies for while we're watching The Sopranos....since they're coming over at 4 PM and supper isn't until 6 PM.

I'm making Prime Rib. Experiment time. I'm going to throw the thing on the grill at 500°F for 45 minutes and then bring it inside to toss into a pre-heated 500°F oven which I will promptly turn off. gets to touch that oven door for 2 hours....or until the temperature of the meat reaches 140°F...medium rare. I've usually cooked my prime rib inside at 500°F but the smoke detectors all go off because of the splattered fat that burns on the sides of the oven. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how much a 500°F oven can heat up a house either. I'm hoping that I can avoid that by doing the first part on the grill on indirect heat. I'll let you know how it goes. Ah well, I'm off to peel the potatoes, quarter the pita bread and cut some cheese.

Murphyism of the Day

Boob's Law

You always find something in the last place you look.

Old Grey's Commentary on Boob's Law

Although you should always find something in the last place you look, such will not be the case if that something has been disappeared or stolen.

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