Word of the Day
Quitchurbitchin - To politely ask someone to stop complaining.
It rained. I have no idea how much rain we got because my electronic rain gauge had a zucchini leave acting like a mini umbrella over it. I corrected the problem but it was too late. We didn't get much rain so...whatever. It did cool down but now it's too wet to pick wild raspberries. Maybe tomorrow. I did pick my first green beans. We had them with supper. Roast beef, fresh green beans, and fresh salad (also from the garden). Kudos to HTP for refraining from asking about the missing baked potatoes.
On Saturday, July 15th, HTP again availed ourselves of a wonderful free breakfast. Weekends in Laughlin are a bit too busy for me. We had to wait in line. Lots of children. And almost all of them dressed like surfer dudes. HTP and I are wondering if our future grandchildren will be dressed in surfer dude costumes complete with gold chains. HTP and I shudder at the thought that any of our future grand-daughters might end up dressed like Brittney Spears or her ilk. Oh well...no grandchildren yet. To be clear, I don't want any vampire wanabes either. But...I'll take whatever I get and love 'em to death.
Now....after breakfast, I headed right on back to the Aces with No Faces machines. There's only one bank of them in the entire casino. They're fun. I loved them last time we visited Laughlin. I still love them. Anyway, I plunked myself down and played. HTP knew right where to find me. He wasn't having much luck so he'd decided to take a break. I decided to continue on. My machine wasn't producing much but it wasn't eating money. I was pretty much even. One of the things that I like doing while I'm at the casino is people watch and a plus is when people want to talk to me. I love to listen to people talk. Anyway, the person next to me and I were chatting about the likelihood of ANYONE getting the mythic Aces w/No Faces dealt to them. None of us had ever actually had this happen but I informed them that I had actually seen it done on my last trip. Me? Never going to happen. Right? Wrong. All of a sudden, there it was...I got the mythical Aces w/ No Faces. My machine started to spit out quarters. Lots of quarters. And then? The machine froze with the Hopper Fill Needed notice on it. Someone came and filled the hopper and then MORE quarters proceeded to drop out of the machine. I'd never seen this before. After 1000 coins dropped out of the machine, my machine again froze. An attendant came over, took my driver's license and social security card, and left. Again, I waited. In the meantime, the machine was playing my favorite song. At least, it was a snippet of my favorite song. Turkish March. It actually was a compilation of songs and We're in the Money was part of it. Anyway, people from the surrounding area all came around to pat me on the back and admire my Aces with an eight of clubs which definitely qualifies as Aces w/ No Faces. The attendants came back to return my driver's license and social security card and hand pay me my jackpot. Almost $2000. And then? Well then you have to hold all four Aces...which I did...and then? Another 400 coins dropped into my bin.
I played on that machine until it was time to go for supper. HTP and I agreed to skip lunch. That was one fun machine. It kept giving me four of a kinds...even aces. But not the Aces w/ No Faces Jackpot. I was hoping to get the Royal but no such luck. Regardless, I had plenty of fun. And they kept bringing me Sol.
HTP and I had supper at Serrano's. It was....OK. I think that we'll try elsewhere should we decide to come back to Laughlin. The margaritas were great! We did have some entertainment. I noted that a big rig was on fire in one of the Laughlin parking lots. HTP ran to report it. By the time the fire department got there it was fully engulfed along with the big rig that was parked next to it. Lots of fire.
After supper, I returned to the Aces w/ No Faces. My machine was already occupied so I took another. I didn't have terrific luck but I did note that the person who had MY machine was raking it in still. Regardless, it was a huge party. High fives whenever anyone hit four of a kind or better. Lots of joking around. Good company. I finally headed off to bed at around 11PM. I knew that we'd have to meet the shuttle that would be taking us back to Bullhead City's airport at 7:05 AM. I stopped at the player's club desk one last time to see if there were any more freebies for me. I got another $25 in Walmart cards to add to my collection along with a manicure set.
Back in the room, I packed up. Usual stuff. I can't function in the morning so I pack the night before. HTP called the desk to make sure we wouldn't oversleep. And that's all she wrote for Saturday. Stay tuned for the continuing saga of this fascinating trip to Laughlin in tomorrow's blog. OK...but would you rather I tell you all how I picked the beans and stuff like that? Oh...that's right...I already did that.
Murphyism of the Day
McGuffin's Law
It's easy to see the bright side of other people's problems.
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