Sunday, July 30, 2006

Word of the Day

Refunable - Something you enjoyed so much you'd happily do it again.

We had a really fun light show last night. Finally!!! We really need some rain here at The Lake. I love storms. Well...let's qualify that...I love storms as long as they don't cause major damage that takes numerous calls to an insurance adjuster. I don't know why but I've always loved storms. The lightening flashes, the thunder shakes entire house, the wind blows and the trees bend and sway, the weather radio sends out numerous alarms, I dig out the candles. There is nothing like a good storm. Anyway, we finally got a bit more than 2 inches of rain so I won't be needing to do that sprinkler dance again this week. I hope. I hear it's going to be really hot this week...and humid.

I walked up the road this morning (along with a berry bucket) to check to see if the storm had knocked over any trees. Actually, I wasn't expecting to see any damage because although we had a spectacular light show last night, there never was much wind. I did manage to pick some late wild raspberries and some early blackberries which I cleaned and froze. I figured that I'd wait for a cooler and dryer day to make jam.

I salted down some sliced zucchini for supper. I made zucchini parmesan/zucchini lasagna for supper. I also cleaned and snapped the beans that I picked from the garden...yesterday. I knew at the time that I should have done this yesterday but I ran out of energy. The thing is that it took twice as much energy to clean them today because beans are always harder to snip and clean after they've gotten all sweaty and wet from the fridge.

As you know, I don't like to use real names when I blog. So, I'm sitting here trying to think up a name for a friend and co-genealogist enthusiast who came to visit us today. UMMM. You isn't easy thinking up inventive names. OK...let's just call her...umm... IBM. I'm going to let her figure out that one. Anyway, IBM came to work on a project with HTP today. Lots of scanning. Me? I just stayed out of the way. Sometimes it's best when two genealogists get together to just stay out of the way. I hope no-one thinks I was anti-social. I did a lot of genealogy research and footwork when I was growing up so I've learned that sometimes it's best to just stay out of the way. I had to snip the beans and sweat the zucchini.

I'm happy to say that my zucchini parmesan/zucchini lasagna turned out pretty good. Sweating the zucchini is key. I served sugarfree blueberry pie ala mode for dessert. And now? I'm trying to forget that I have another dental appointment tomorrow.

Murphyism of the Day

Barry's Rule

If you stop to think, remember to start again.

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