Word of the Day
Shyamese twins - Twins who are very shy.
I spent the day reading and working on Sudoku puzzles. I've got books and it's been almost impossible to resist them. I gave into temptation today. I also have a large bag of peanut M&M's. So far, I have managed to resist temptation where they are concerned. But...it's been close. Real close. I've dedicated this day to total laziness. I'm baking bread but that's because we used the last of the loaf I baked last week this morning when I made breakfast. It's been a beautiful day. Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist...again. Hopefully, my new crown will fit this time. I probably should have gone out berry picking but then I'd have to do something with the berries. I probably should have gone out to the garden to pick the Italian green beans but then I would have had to do something with them. I think I'll either make stir-fry for supper or hamburgers on the grill. Actually, I think it'll have to be hamburgers. Stir-fry would mean that I'd have to chop up all kinds of vegetables and meat. I'm feeling too lazy for that.
Murphyism of the Day
Cohen's Law
What really matters is the name that you are able to impose upon the facts--not the facts themselves.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Word of the Day
Shwimmin' - What a person is doing when wearing an outfit that's too large.
OK...this is a token blog entry. #1 son came home last night after I'd already retired for the evening. Since I get up really early every morning , I did get to see him for a short while before he headed back to The Big City this morning. I'm not sure when we'll be seeing him next. He told me that he'd call...oh...and he'd bring back my drill which he "borrowed".
Murphyism of the Day
The Rule of the Way Out
Always leave room too add an explanation if it doesn't work out.
Shwimmin' - What a person is doing when wearing an outfit that's too large.
OK...this is a token blog entry. #1 son came home last night after I'd already retired for the evening. Since I get up really early every morning , I did get to see him for a short while before he headed back to The Big City this morning. I'm not sure when we'll be seeing him next. He told me that he'd call...oh...and he'd bring back my drill which he "borrowed".
Murphyism of the Day
The Rule of the Way Out
Always leave room too add an explanation if it doesn't work out.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Word of the Day
Shrinkled-The shriveled skin you get when you're in the water for a long time.
I have a new keyboard. My brother and his family got it for me.

Note to Willie: The eyes are really cool. I can't figure out what causes the eye movement on the keyboard but I'm beginning to think it's looking at me and then at the computer screen to see what I'm writing. It's kind of disconcerting. Kind of like having someone read over your shoulder. You'll have to come see it next time you're here at The Lake.
Murphyism of the Day
Malek's Law
Any simple idea will be worded in the most complicated way.
Shrinkled-The shriveled skin you get when you're in the water for a long time.
I have a new keyboard. My brother and his family got it for me.

Note to Willie: The eyes are really cool. I can't figure out what causes the eye movement on the keyboard but I'm beginning to think it's looking at me and then at the computer screen to see what I'm writing. It's kind of disconcerting. Kind of like having someone read over your shoulder. You'll have to come see it next time you're here at The Lake.
Murphyism of the Day
Malek's Law
Any simple idea will be worded in the most complicated way.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Word of the Day
Shopportunity - A shopping opportunity.
Tiredness...but a GOOD tiredness. My sister-in-law was one of my best friends before she ever met my brother. She's still one of my best friends. I don't get to see her or hear from her as often as I would like. My fault...partly. Life and all the crap it throws at us....mostly. Regardless, I know I'm not doing all that I could for lots of reasons. That's got to stop. I can do better and I will. I can at least let them know that they're in my thoughts and prayers....always. They always are but I know I should be better at just sending a note or e-mail...a reminder.
We all had supper tonight at our place. Steaks on the grill. I made Peach Pie for dessert. We played games. My Mom calls the game, "One, Two, Three, You're Free.". My sister calls it, "Screw Your Neighbors". Anyway, we spent a great deal of time playing a drinking game that we converted to a simple dice game. Mom introduced Andes Mints into her version. I used Skittles. Oh, Sis....HTP still hasn't written up the "proper" directions for the game.
And as for the Liqueur sampling? The Strawberry Liqueur won out. Though Bro and B. both thought the Currant Liqueur was really good too. The Dandelion was put in the "interesting" column. They both commented that you could really smell and taste dandelions.
Murphyism of the Day
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences
Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
Shopportunity - A shopping opportunity.
Tiredness...but a GOOD tiredness. My sister-in-law was one of my best friends before she ever met my brother. She's still one of my best friends. I don't get to see her or hear from her as often as I would like. My fault...partly. Life and all the crap it throws at us....mostly. Regardless, I know I'm not doing all that I could for lots of reasons. That's got to stop. I can do better and I will. I can at least let them know that they're in my thoughts and prayers....always. They always are but I know I should be better at just sending a note or e-mail...a reminder.
We all had supper tonight at our place. Steaks on the grill. I made Peach Pie for dessert. We played games. My Mom calls the game, "One, Two, Three, You're Free.". My sister calls it, "Screw Your Neighbors". Anyway, we spent a great deal of time playing a drinking game that we converted to a simple dice game. Mom introduced Andes Mints into her version. I used Skittles. Oh, Sis....HTP still hasn't written up the "proper" directions for the game.
And as for the Liqueur sampling? The Strawberry Liqueur won out. Though Bro and B. both thought the Currant Liqueur was really good too. The Dandelion was put in the "interesting" column. They both commented that you could really smell and taste dandelions.
Murphyism of the Day
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences
Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Word of the Day
Shoevenir - Shoe collection.
It really isn't hot outside. It's been cool all day. The thing is...when the temperature is the same a the dewpoint...it feels...sticky....wet...clammy. To top it off, it's been cloudy. The weather radio would drawl that word. "Cla-ow-dee." Makes you want to grab the radio and toss it across the room.
OK. I admit it. Maybe I'm just a wee bit cranky. HTP would say my mood is because #1 son is moving out tomorrow. I want to toss HTP across the room too. Pffft! I feel all PMSy and at this point...well...I could be menapausal but don't tell HTP because he doesn't believe in it. He thinks that sort of thing is a myth created by pissy women. I keep reminding myself that Thou Shalt Not Kill is right up there in The Ten Commandments.
Anyway, #1 son is all packed up. The SUV is all loaded. He plans to leave for The Big City tomorrow at 5 AM. I really don't think that #1 son's moving explains away my mood. I expect it contributes to the whole but it's not like I haven't gone through this with DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter. I'm just cranky and the dark and gloomy...slimey...day doesn't help any. I want to go out fishing. It's too wet. I want to go out hiking...picking berries...gardening...ANYTHING that will take me outside. But it's too wet. I want to go outside. Away from the TV. It's amazing how I can have hundreds of channels to choose from and there really is nothing worth watching. And I can't cook anything and stay on anything resembling a diet. You can only make so much jam.
Well...that was my day. I'm going to go watch the only show worth watching. Monk.
Murphyism of the Day
Bralek's Rule of Success
Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you when things go wrong.
Shoevenir - Shoe collection.
It really isn't hot outside. It's been cool all day. The thing is...when the temperature is the same a the dewpoint...it feels...sticky....wet...clammy. To top it off, it's been cloudy. The weather radio would drawl that word. "Cla-ow-dee." Makes you want to grab the radio and toss it across the room.
OK. I admit it. Maybe I'm just a wee bit cranky. HTP would say my mood is because #1 son is moving out tomorrow. I want to toss HTP across the room too. Pffft! I feel all PMSy and at this point...well...I could be menapausal but don't tell HTP because he doesn't believe in it. He thinks that sort of thing is a myth created by pissy women. I keep reminding myself that Thou Shalt Not Kill is right up there in The Ten Commandments.
Anyway, #1 son is all packed up. The SUV is all loaded. He plans to leave for The Big City tomorrow at 5 AM. I really don't think that #1 son's moving explains away my mood. I expect it contributes to the whole but it's not like I haven't gone through this with DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter. I'm just cranky and the dark and gloomy...slimey...day doesn't help any. I want to go out fishing. It's too wet. I want to go out hiking...picking berries...gardening...ANYTHING that will take me outside. But it's too wet. I want to go outside. Away from the TV. It's amazing how I can have hundreds of channels to choose from and there really is nothing worth watching. And I can't cook anything and stay on anything resembling a diet. You can only make so much jam.
Well...that was my day. I'm going to go watch the only show worth watching. Monk.
Murphyism of the Day
Bralek's Rule of Success
Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you when things go wrong.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Word of the Day
Sheetbelt - What you sometimes need at night.
I wasn't going to clean my "new" lures. I really wasn't. But my sister called me and told me that she cleaned a couple of her "new" lures and it worked out really well. And then she told me that my brother cleaned a couple of his. I was going to set things aside to work on some other day but they got me all excited. Mystery lures. They were all covered with a layer of white gunk so there was no way of knowing what they really looked like. Buried treasure? I cleaned my "new" lures. Who knew? They have eyes! Big eyes! They're bright and shiny and some of them have stripes. One of them is a fluorescent orange. I still have to do some organization work but, I've got some interesting "new" lures....clean lures.
Phoenix has made national news again. Flooding. Lots of rain. No big surprise. It is monsoon season there. Of course, what made the news is that someone ignored the road flooded signs. There really is a reason Arizona finally passed the Stupid Motorist Law.
Murphyism of the Day
Ely's Key to Success
Create a need and fill it.
Sheetbelt - What you sometimes need at night.
I wasn't going to clean my "new" lures. I really wasn't. But my sister called me and told me that she cleaned a couple of her "new" lures and it worked out really well. And then she told me that my brother cleaned a couple of his. I was going to set things aside to work on some other day but they got me all excited. Mystery lures. They were all covered with a layer of white gunk so there was no way of knowing what they really looked like. Buried treasure? I cleaned my "new" lures. Who knew? They have eyes! Big eyes! They're bright and shiny and some of them have stripes. One of them is a fluorescent orange. I still have to do some organization work but, I've got some interesting "new" lures....clean lures.
Phoenix has made national news again. Flooding. Lots of rain. No big surprise. It is monsoon season there. Of course, what made the news is that someone ignored the road flooded signs. There really is a reason Arizona finally passed the Stupid Motorist Law.
Murphyism of the Day
Ely's Key to Success
Create a need and fill it.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Word of the Day
Sharetrek - Generic Star Trek-style science fiction that comes as close as it can to Star Trek without infringing any copyrights.
My sister, my brother and I all met over at my folks' place today. My Mom set out boxes and boxes of fishing tackle that used to belong to my Grandfather...my Mom's Dad. I remember fishing with Grandpa when I was little. Mostly, he'd take us out in the boat with Grandma. We'd fish with cane poles. Bamboo canes that were rigged for fishing. Grandpa and Grandma would use Fiberglas poles called zip poles. Panfishing. Grandpa would always tell me that I didn't have enough worm on my hook to catch anything big. That's OK. I caught plenty. "You fish your way Grandpa, I'll fish mine." We get back to shore with a fish basket full of panfish which we'd clean up and Grandma would fry for supper. Nothing tastes quite like the fish that Grandma would cook for us. Salt, pepper, flour and fried in a mixture of fat that she had sitting in a can by the stove. I don't know what kind of fat it was but the fish were absolutely wonderful. I doubt I'd ever be able to duplicate the taste. Bacon fat, pork, lard, shortening, butter? Those fish were absolutely delicious.
So...we were all at my folks' place, standing in awe and wonder. There was so much stuff. Unfortunately, he went through a phase where he felt he had to glue glitter to many of his lures or I'm sure there would have been even more collectible items in the boxes. There were Flatfish, Crazy Ikes, Rooster Tails, Dare Devils of every size and color, Red-Eyes....just to name a few. It amazed me to see things that probably never left his tackle box. Original boxes...price tags. Some of these lures are old standbys. You can still purchase them today in any bait shop. A Mepps back then is the same as a Mepps today. Dare Devils look the about the same. He even had a collection of tear drops which look like what I use for panfishing. Some lures...well...they just don't make 'em like that anymore...for a reason. My brother got the one that looked like a mouse. I got some that look like plastic bugs. I'm going to have to wash some white gunk off of some of these just to see what lies beneath the years of grime. I can't wait to try some of these out. I too have bought a lures for the very reason that I'm positive that it'll catch loads of fish. Some of Grandpa's lures REALLY deserve a try. There's no way I'm going to be able to resist trying some of these out.
And then, today, I discovered that my Grandfather was a Bobber Miser. I can't tell you how many times my Grandfather would make us "make do" with plastic bobbers that didn't actually float anymore because they became waterlogged. We were taught how to un-waterlog bobbers. This only works if the bobber doesn't have an actual hole in it. Or...how about an old cork that he rigged as a bobber for us. There was quite a collection of those in the box as well as sticks for rigging. I remember my Grandfather would row half-way around the lake to retrieve a bobber that some weekender had lost or left up in a tree with half his line. Come to think of it...my Mom used to do the same. Anyway, what to my wondering eyes should I see today? Bobbers! Lots and lots of bobbers. Brand-new bobbers. The price tags still intact. Amazing. I've never seen so many different types of bobbers. Every size, shape, material, color. There was even a porcupine needle bobber that he'd repaired. Even splitting the cache three ways, my sister, brother and I have enough bobbers to last us three lifetimes. Of course, some of these bobbers are true antiques. But, they were never used. For years I felt guilty about throwing away a bobber that wouldn't float anymore.
I have quite a collection now. I'm going to put some of my new found tackle into a shadow box to hang on the wall. Some of my new tackle I'll add to my own tackle box. I wonder if someday my children will gather their grandchildren around them to sort through my tackle box. I wonder which of my favorite lures will become most collectible. I know I have quite a few that have never seen action. I wonder who will stand in awe and wonder over my bobber collection. Oh well...at least I know where I learned to become a Bobber Miser.
Murphyism of the Day
Rule of the Open Mind
People who are resistant to change cannot resist change for the worse.
Sharetrek - Generic Star Trek-style science fiction that comes as close as it can to Star Trek without infringing any copyrights.
My sister, my brother and I all met over at my folks' place today. My Mom set out boxes and boxes of fishing tackle that used to belong to my Grandfather...my Mom's Dad. I remember fishing with Grandpa when I was little. Mostly, he'd take us out in the boat with Grandma. We'd fish with cane poles. Bamboo canes that were rigged for fishing. Grandpa and Grandma would use Fiberglas poles called zip poles. Panfishing. Grandpa would always tell me that I didn't have enough worm on my hook to catch anything big. That's OK. I caught plenty. "You fish your way Grandpa, I'll fish mine." We get back to shore with a fish basket full of panfish which we'd clean up and Grandma would fry for supper. Nothing tastes quite like the fish that Grandma would cook for us. Salt, pepper, flour and fried in a mixture of fat that she had sitting in a can by the stove. I don't know what kind of fat it was but the fish were absolutely wonderful. I doubt I'd ever be able to duplicate the taste. Bacon fat, pork, lard, shortening, butter? Those fish were absolutely delicious.
So...we were all at my folks' place, standing in awe and wonder. There was so much stuff. Unfortunately, he went through a phase where he felt he had to glue glitter to many of his lures or I'm sure there would have been even more collectible items in the boxes. There were Flatfish, Crazy Ikes, Rooster Tails, Dare Devils of every size and color, Red-Eyes....just to name a few. It amazed me to see things that probably never left his tackle box. Original boxes...price tags. Some of these lures are old standbys. You can still purchase them today in any bait shop. A Mepps back then is the same as a Mepps today. Dare Devils look the about the same. He even had a collection of tear drops which look like what I use for panfishing. Some lures...well...they just don't make 'em like that anymore...for a reason. My brother got the one that looked like a mouse. I got some that look like plastic bugs. I'm going to have to wash some white gunk off of some of these just to see what lies beneath the years of grime. I can't wait to try some of these out. I too have bought a lures for the very reason that I'm positive that it'll catch loads of fish. Some of Grandpa's lures REALLY deserve a try. There's no way I'm going to be able to resist trying some of these out.
And then, today, I discovered that my Grandfather was a Bobber Miser. I can't tell you how many times my Grandfather would make us "make do" with plastic bobbers that didn't actually float anymore because they became waterlogged. We were taught how to un-waterlog bobbers. This only works if the bobber doesn't have an actual hole in it. Or...how about an old cork that he rigged as a bobber for us. There was quite a collection of those in the box as well as sticks for rigging. I remember my Grandfather would row half-way around the lake to retrieve a bobber that some weekender had lost or left up in a tree with half his line. Come to think of it...my Mom used to do the same. Anyway, what to my wondering eyes should I see today? Bobbers! Lots and lots of bobbers. Brand-new bobbers. The price tags still intact. Amazing. I've never seen so many different types of bobbers. Every size, shape, material, color. There was even a porcupine needle bobber that he'd repaired. Even splitting the cache three ways, my sister, brother and I have enough bobbers to last us three lifetimes. Of course, some of these bobbers are true antiques. But, they were never used. For years I felt guilty about throwing away a bobber that wouldn't float anymore.
I have quite a collection now. I'm going to put some of my new found tackle into a shadow box to hang on the wall. Some of my new tackle I'll add to my own tackle box. I wonder if someday my children will gather their grandchildren around them to sort through my tackle box. I wonder which of my favorite lures will become most collectible. I know I have quite a few that have never seen action. I wonder who will stand in awe and wonder over my bobber collection. Oh well...at least I know where I learned to become a Bobber Miser.
Murphyism of the Day
Rule of the Open Mind
People who are resistant to change cannot resist change for the worse.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Word of the Day
Shakespurious - Supposed Shakespeare scholarship that has nothing to do with Shakespeare or scholarship.
I find myself with very little to write about today. My deck is back to normal...well...almost. Plus, there's a bunch of stuff that they still need to take care of that they forgot. However, at least my furniture which was painted yesterday was moved back into place this morning. I did have to make 2 1/2 quarts of hummingbird nectar for the feeders. I'm always in awe at how much those tiny little birds can suck down while they're battling the forces of evil. Wasps and any rival bird that may threaten their territorial rights. I had to refill on of the seed-feeders too. I saw a woodpecker doing its best to munch on the seeds this morning. Woodpeckers are weird. There's another type of woodpecker that likes to feed on Oriole nectar. He ignores the Orioles' protests and the dive-bombing hummingbirds.
I'm supposed to be doing the laundry. Oops. I'd better go down and check on it. I have absolutely no excuse other than pure and simple laziness. My knee is feeling fine. #1 son and his friend just left to go get a couple of pizza's for supper so I don't even have to make supper tonight. Nope. I'm just having a lazy day today.
My vitamin supplements finally got here. In no time at all I'll be back hiking on the logging road. The FedEx guy came first with something for #1 son. Then the guy who mows the lawn came. And then, the UPS guy came to bring me my vitamins. With the amount of traffic I had on our driveway today, we'll have to put up speed limit signs.
Murphyism of the Day
Munder's Corollary to Howe's Law
Everyone who does not work has a scheme that does.
Shakespurious - Supposed Shakespeare scholarship that has nothing to do with Shakespeare or scholarship.
I find myself with very little to write about today. My deck is back to normal...well...almost. Plus, there's a bunch of stuff that they still need to take care of that they forgot. However, at least my furniture which was painted yesterday was moved back into place this morning. I did have to make 2 1/2 quarts of hummingbird nectar for the feeders. I'm always in awe at how much those tiny little birds can suck down while they're battling the forces of evil. Wasps and any rival bird that may threaten their territorial rights. I had to refill on of the seed-feeders too. I saw a woodpecker doing its best to munch on the seeds this morning. Woodpeckers are weird. There's another type of woodpecker that likes to feed on Oriole nectar. He ignores the Orioles' protests and the dive-bombing hummingbirds.
I'm supposed to be doing the laundry. Oops. I'd better go down and check on it. I have absolutely no excuse other than pure and simple laziness. My knee is feeling fine. #1 son and his friend just left to go get a couple of pizza's for supper so I don't even have to make supper tonight. Nope. I'm just having a lazy day today.
My vitamin supplements finally got here. In no time at all I'll be back hiking on the logging road. The FedEx guy came first with something for #1 son. Then the guy who mows the lawn came. And then, the UPS guy came to bring me my vitamins. With the amount of traffic I had on our driveway today, we'll have to put up speed limit signs.
Murphyism of the Day
Munder's Corollary to Howe's Law
Everyone who does not work has a scheme that does.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Word of the Day
Sfearical-The fear of crop circles.
Happy Birthday HTP!
It's HTP's Birthday today! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear HTP! Happy Birthday to You!
In honor of his birthday, I took him out for breakfast after he took me to my dentist appointment. Actually, I guess you should call it my dentist disappointment. My new gold crown didn't fit right and will have to be re-fitted. Now...I still have two more dental appointments on top of having to live with my temporary crown for another couple of weeks.
I'm making steaks on the grill with real baked potatoes and sour cream for supper. And #1 son got a special birthday cake for dessert.
Murphyism of the Day
Howe's Law
Everyone has a scheme that will not work.
Sfearical-The fear of crop circles.
Happy Birthday HTP!
It's HTP's Birthday today! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear HTP! Happy Birthday to You!
In honor of his birthday, I took him out for breakfast after he took me to my dentist appointment. Actually, I guess you should call it my dentist disappointment. My new gold crown didn't fit right and will have to be re-fitted. Now...I still have two more dental appointments on top of having to live with my temporary crown for another couple of weeks.
I'm making steaks on the grill with real baked potatoes and sour cream for supper. And #1 son got a special birthday cake for dessert.
Murphyism of the Day
Howe's Law
Everyone has a scheme that will not work.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Word of the Day
Severiously - Cross between severe and seriously.
What with all the berry picking, I forgot about the beans. Actually, I didn't really forget about them. They hadn't been producing much so I pushed them to the back burner. After breakfast I went out to pick whatever may be there and...surprise! Lots of beans. Lots more coming. It's a good thing that we have company. Though...I think I'm still going to have to can some beans.
We're heading over to my sister's place to have supper tonight. Our postponed dinner from last night. Knock on wood...so far, nothing drastic has occurred to cause a second postponement.
Murphyism of the Day
Van Roy's First Law
If you can distinguish between good advice and bad advice, then you don't need advice.
Severiously - Cross between severe and seriously.
What with all the berry picking, I forgot about the beans. Actually, I didn't really forget about them. They hadn't been producing much so I pushed them to the back burner. After breakfast I went out to pick whatever may be there and...surprise! Lots of beans. Lots more coming. It's a good thing that we have company. Though...I think I'm still going to have to can some beans.
We're heading over to my sister's place to have supper tonight. Our postponed dinner from last night. Knock on wood...so far, nothing drastic has occurred to cause a second postponement.
Murphyism of the Day
Van Roy's First Law
If you can distinguish between good advice and bad advice, then you don't need advice.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Word of the Day
Sertalicious - The feeling of intense pleasure that occurs after you fall backwards onto a comfortable bed.
I decided to hike the logging road. That wasn't the original plan but as I was walking back down our driveway I thought I'd go see where my brother-in-law put up his deer-stands. That didn't take long. He didn't go too far off our driveway. So...I thought I'd go see if there were any trees down blocking the logging road. And then...well...I figured that as long as I'd gone that far, I'd see how many trees were down over the logging road. Three.
The reason I went out in the first place was to pick berries. I mixed up some pie crust (needed to chill for 4 hours) and I figured that I'd go out and pick enough berries to make a blackberry pie. Mission accomplished. Only...well, my knee gave out by the time I'd hiked to my folks' place so they gave me a ride back to our place. I'd called HTP from my folks' place to let him know about my hike and that they'd be bringing me back. I got back and (cue the Twilight Zone music)...no-one is here. I know from my phone conversation with HTP that #1 son and his friend took the 4x4 Sidekick. When I asked where they'd gone, HTP didn't know. Now...HTP has vanished. Thankfully, they left the back deck door unlocked or I might be a bit miffed.
I've got the pies in the oven. I made one blackberry and one rhubarb. I still have to clean the rest of the berries. Maybe I'll make some more muffins....breakfast tomorrow.
We have to be over at my sister's place by 6 PM tonight. Plans have changed. The menu has changed. I guess we're having build your own taco salad. Apparently there's a football game. I hope HTP and the boys get back in time. I'm beginning to suspect that #1 son and his friend may have decided to take the Sidekick on the logging road. I wonder if HTP went to rescue them. I guess I may take a couple of Advil, wait to take the pies out of the oven, and then hike up there to check...or...maybe I'll see if #1 son has his cell phone on him. Calling might be easier.
Update! Well, the boys hung the Sidekick up on a downed oak log that they didn't see was laying across the road until it was too late. The poor car was resting on top of the log, its rear wheels off the ground. It was well and truly stuck. By the time I hiked up there with ice water for them all, they'd managed to saw through the log on both sides. However, the car was still firmly lodged on top of the log. By the time 5:45 PM rolled around and the car was still stuck, I had #1 son call my sister to let her know that there was no way that we'd be able to come for supper tonight.
The boys and HTP finally managed to jack the car up, dig out under the log, and then drag the log out from under the car. It was a heavy log. We were all exhausted. Me from my earlier hike and then running back and forth to hand various tools to everyone. By this time it was 6:30 PM. Woohoo! The car was finally resting on terra firma...all four wheels. Word to the wise, don't try to drive over downed logs. I don't care if it says it's a 4x4....a tiny Suzuki Sidekick won't do it. Kind of reminded me of the time my daughter tried to drive over a snow jam that the snowplow left in front of her driveway. Ooops! She didn't make it. Unfortunately, out here, it's not possible to call AAA to the rescue. By this time, we noticed my Dad and my sister's husband hiking down to lend us a hand. Gotta love the timing.
Anyway, at this point we decided that we were all just too tired out to do anything more that collapse for the rest of the night. I called my sister and we postponed our planned dinner until tomorrow night. 6 PM...tomorrow night.
Murphyism of the Day
De Nevers's Lost Law
Never speculate on that which can be known for certain.
Sertalicious - The feeling of intense pleasure that occurs after you fall backwards onto a comfortable bed.
I decided to hike the logging road. That wasn't the original plan but as I was walking back down our driveway I thought I'd go see where my brother-in-law put up his deer-stands. That didn't take long. He didn't go too far off our driveway. So...I thought I'd go see if there were any trees down blocking the logging road. And then...well...I figured that as long as I'd gone that far, I'd see how many trees were down over the logging road. Three.
The reason I went out in the first place was to pick berries. I mixed up some pie crust (needed to chill for 4 hours) and I figured that I'd go out and pick enough berries to make a blackberry pie. Mission accomplished. Only...well, my knee gave out by the time I'd hiked to my folks' place so they gave me a ride back to our place. I'd called HTP from my folks' place to let him know about my hike and that they'd be bringing me back. I got back and (cue the Twilight Zone music)...no-one is here. I know from my phone conversation with HTP that #1 son and his friend took the 4x4 Sidekick. When I asked where they'd gone, HTP didn't know. Now...HTP has vanished. Thankfully, they left the back deck door unlocked or I might be a bit miffed.
I've got the pies in the oven. I made one blackberry and one rhubarb. I still have to clean the rest of the berries. Maybe I'll make some more muffins....breakfast tomorrow.
We have to be over at my sister's place by 6 PM tonight. Plans have changed. The menu has changed. I guess we're having build your own taco salad. Apparently there's a football game. I hope HTP and the boys get back in time. I'm beginning to suspect that #1 son and his friend may have decided to take the Sidekick on the logging road. I wonder if HTP went to rescue them. I guess I may take a couple of Advil, wait to take the pies out of the oven, and then hike up there to check...or...maybe I'll see if #1 son has his cell phone on him. Calling might be easier.
Update! Well, the boys hung the Sidekick up on a downed oak log that they didn't see was laying across the road until it was too late. The poor car was resting on top of the log, its rear wheels off the ground. It was well and truly stuck. By the time I hiked up there with ice water for them all, they'd managed to saw through the log on both sides. However, the car was still firmly lodged on top of the log. By the time 5:45 PM rolled around and the car was still stuck, I had #1 son call my sister to let her know that there was no way that we'd be able to come for supper tonight.
The boys and HTP finally managed to jack the car up, dig out under the log, and then drag the log out from under the car. It was a heavy log. We were all exhausted. Me from my earlier hike and then running back and forth to hand various tools to everyone. By this time it was 6:30 PM. Woohoo! The car was finally resting on terra firma...all four wheels. Word to the wise, don't try to drive over downed logs. I don't care if it says it's a 4x4....a tiny Suzuki Sidekick won't do it. Kind of reminded me of the time my daughter tried to drive over a snow jam that the snowplow left in front of her driveway. Ooops! She didn't make it. Unfortunately, out here, it's not possible to call AAA to the rescue. By this time, we noticed my Dad and my sister's husband hiking down to lend us a hand. Gotta love the timing.
Anyway, at this point we decided that we were all just too tired out to do anything more that collapse for the rest of the night. I called my sister and we postponed our planned dinner until tomorrow night. 6 PM...tomorrow night.
Murphyism of the Day
De Nevers's Lost Law
Never speculate on that which can be known for certain.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Word of the Day
Sectretary - One employed to handle correspondence and manage routine work for an extreme or heretical religious denomination, sect.
#1 son will be heading out about midnight to go pick up his friend at the airport in The Big City. I figure that it will be raining about then. So, anyway, cleaning was the order of the day. That and more cleaning.
My sister is coming to The Lake this weekend. My brother is coming to The Lake this weekend. My brother-in-law (the one who bow hunts) came up to The Lake today. He and his buddies put up a couple of deerstands on the logging road...anticipating deer-hunting season. Oh...and he brought me some venison bacon and steaks from the deer he got last season. I'd never heard of venison bacon before. He tells me the butcher makes an Italian sausage out of venison too. HTP's sister won't eat venison. My gain.
I'll probably be making more schnapps as soon as my sister gets up to her place. I'm told that we've got orders to make more of the strawberry schnapps. I hope she can find some decent strawberries.
Murphyism of the Day
Jordan's Law
An informant who never produces misinformation is too deviant to be trusted.
Sectretary - One employed to handle correspondence and manage routine work for an extreme or heretical religious denomination, sect.
#1 son will be heading out about midnight to go pick up his friend at the airport in The Big City. I figure that it will be raining about then. So, anyway, cleaning was the order of the day. That and more cleaning.
My sister is coming to The Lake this weekend. My brother is coming to The Lake this weekend. My brother-in-law (the one who bow hunts) came up to The Lake today. He and his buddies put up a couple of deerstands on the logging road...anticipating deer-hunting season. Oh...and he brought me some venison bacon and steaks from the deer he got last season. I'd never heard of venison bacon before. He tells me the butcher makes an Italian sausage out of venison too. HTP's sister won't eat venison. My gain.
I'll probably be making more schnapps as soon as my sister gets up to her place. I'm told that we've got orders to make more of the strawberry schnapps. I hope she can find some decent strawberries.
Murphyism of the Day
Jordan's Law
An informant who never produces misinformation is too deviant to be trusted.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Word of the Day
Seamotional - Emotions at sea.
It's been a totally dreary day. With all the grey clouds out there, you'd think we'd get at least a smidge of rain but such is not the case. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was back in Oregon but Oregon only looks like this during the winter...and they get rain.
One wonderful bright spot...HTP made a special trip out to that middle of nowhere restaurant we stopped at the other day when we drove into The Big City to get my sweater back. It's my favorite sweater and it had some of my favorite pins on it. And...I forgot it because it was so hot in the restaurant that I took it off. I got one of those pins when my daughter became a Marine. Anyway, #1 son called the restaurant not 20 miles down the road and they put it aside for me. HTP made a special trip to get it back for me.
I can't believe that we're in the middle of August already. My tomatoes STILL aren't ripe. I've got too many zucchini but they haven't overwhelmed us...yet. I can't believe that we've only got another couple of months here at The Lake.
The sweet corn is ripe. There are signs all over $1/doz. I love sweet corn. I've been known to serve that alone as a meal. Just sweet corn. Yummy! I'm going to have to wait until Tuesday. I have a dentist appointment on Monday. After I get my new permanent crown...all bets are off. I'm going to buy some on my way home from the dentist's office. I'm going to eat as much corn on the cob, dripping in butter...lightly salted, as my stomach will hold. Hang the calories and the diet!
Murphyism of the Day
Emerson's Observation
In every work of genius we recognize our rejected thoughts.
Seamotional - Emotions at sea.
It's been a totally dreary day. With all the grey clouds out there, you'd think we'd get at least a smidge of rain but such is not the case. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was back in Oregon but Oregon only looks like this during the winter...and they get rain.
One wonderful bright spot...HTP made a special trip out to that middle of nowhere restaurant we stopped at the other day when we drove into The Big City to get my sweater back. It's my favorite sweater and it had some of my favorite pins on it. And...I forgot it because it was so hot in the restaurant that I took it off. I got one of those pins when my daughter became a Marine. Anyway, #1 son called the restaurant not 20 miles down the road and they put it aside for me. HTP made a special trip to get it back for me.
I can't believe that we're in the middle of August already. My tomatoes STILL aren't ripe. I've got too many zucchini but they haven't overwhelmed us...yet. I can't believe that we've only got another couple of months here at The Lake.
The sweet corn is ripe. There are signs all over $1/doz. I love sweet corn. I've been known to serve that alone as a meal. Just sweet corn. Yummy! I'm going to have to wait until Tuesday. I have a dentist appointment on Monday. After I get my new permanent crown...all bets are off. I'm going to buy some on my way home from the dentist's office. I'm going to eat as much corn on the cob, dripping in butter...lightly salted, as my stomach will hold. Hang the calories and the diet!
Murphyism of the Day
Emerson's Observation
In every work of genius we recognize our rejected thoughts.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Word of the Day
Scramlet - A failed omelet.
Laundry Day...well...it was supposed to be yesterday but I wasn't here. So, today, in honor of Laundry Day, I thought I'd share the following "funny" that a friend sent me, very appropriately, this morning.
Washing Machines!
Never thought of a "washer" in this light before..what a blessing!
' Washing Clothes Recipe' -- imagine having a recipe for this ! ! !
Years ago an Alabama grandmother gave the new bride the following recipe:
This is an exact copy as written and found in an old scrapbook - with spelling errors and all.
Build fire in backyard to heat kettle of rain water.
Set tubs so smoke wont blow in eyes if wind is pert.
Shave one hole cake of lie soap in boilin water.
Sort things, make 3 piles
1 pile white,
1 pile colored,
1 pile work britches and rags.
To make starch, stir flour in cool water to smooth, then thin down with boiling water.
Take white things, rub dirty spots on board, scrub hard, and boil,
then rub colored don't boil just wrench and starch.
Take things out of kettle with broom stick handle,
then wrench, and starch.
Hang old rags on fence.
Spread tea towels on grass.
Pore wrench water in flower bed.
Scrub porch with hot soapy water.
Turn tubs upside down.
Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs.
Brew cup of tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.
Paste this over your washer and dryer. Next time when you think things are bleak, read it again, kiss that washing machine and dryer, and give thanks.
First thing each morning you should run and hug your washer and dryer, also your toilet---those two-holers used to get mighty cold!
For you non-southerners -wrench means rinse. ;)
Murphyism of the Day
Christie-Davies's Theorem
If your facts are wrong but your logic is perfect, then your conclusions are inevitable false. Therefore, by making mistakes in your logic, you have at least a random chance of coming to the correct conclusion.
Scramlet - A failed omelet.
Laundry Day...well...it was supposed to be yesterday but I wasn't here. So, today, in honor of Laundry Day, I thought I'd share the following "funny" that a friend sent me, very appropriately, this morning.
Washing Machines!
Never thought of a "washer" in this light before..what a blessing!
' Washing Clothes Recipe' -- imagine having a recipe for this ! ! !
Years ago an Alabama grandmother gave the new bride the following recipe:
This is an exact copy as written and found in an old scrapbook - with spelling errors and all.
Build fire in backyard to heat kettle of rain water.
Set tubs so smoke wont blow in eyes if wind is pert.
Shave one hole cake of lie soap in boilin water.
Sort things, make 3 piles
1 pile white,
1 pile colored,
1 pile work britches and rags.
To make starch, stir flour in cool water to smooth, then thin down with boiling water.
Take white things, rub dirty spots on board, scrub hard, and boil,
then rub colored don't boil just wrench and starch.
Take things out of kettle with broom stick handle,
then wrench, and starch.
Hang old rags on fence.
Spread tea towels on grass.
Pore wrench water in flower bed.
Scrub porch with hot soapy water.
Turn tubs upside down.
Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs.
Brew cup of tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.
Paste this over your washer and dryer. Next time when you think things are bleak, read it again, kiss that washing machine and dryer, and give thanks.
First thing each morning you should run and hug your washer and dryer, also your toilet---those two-holers used to get mighty cold!
For you non-southerners -wrench means rinse. ;)
Murphyism of the Day
Christie-Davies's Theorem
If your facts are wrong but your logic is perfect, then your conclusions are inevitable false. Therefore, by making mistakes in your logic, you have at least a random chance of coming to the correct conclusion.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Word of the Day
Scover - Scoot over
Blog! Moan....blog. We spent the entire day in The Big City. #1 son just spent a fortune on books for next semester. I was going to say "small" fortune but that would be misrepresenting things a bit. I thought I was exhausted yesterday. Hah! If I had more energy, I'd roll over and die laughing right now because I didn't even really do anything today but shop. Oh...and I left my favorite red sweater at the place where we ate breakfast in the small town of Ridgeway at a tiny little restaurant called The Wagon Wheel. We called them up and they promised to keep the sweater there for us. HTP will stop by later this week to pick it up for me.
Murphyism of the Day
De Nevers's Law of Complexity
The simplest subjects are the ones you don't know anything about.
Scover - Scoot over
Blog! Moan....blog. We spent the entire day in The Big City. #1 son just spent a fortune on books for next semester. I was going to say "small" fortune but that would be misrepresenting things a bit. I thought I was exhausted yesterday. Hah! If I had more energy, I'd roll over and die laughing right now because I didn't even really do anything today but shop. Oh...and I left my favorite red sweater at the place where we ate breakfast in the small town of Ridgeway at a tiny little restaurant called The Wagon Wheel. We called them up and they promised to keep the sweater there for us. HTP will stop by later this week to pick it up for me.
Murphyism of the Day
De Nevers's Law of Complexity
The simplest subjects are the ones you don't know anything about.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Word of the Day
S-capist - Someone with the delusion that he's a super hero.
Tiredness. I'm am really tired. It doesn't seem to matter how many dietary supplements I take, I still end up tired, exhausted, spent, by the end of the day...and it's not done yet. Whimper. Let's see? What could have caused this exhaustion? I did get up at 0:600. I made coffee as usual, I watered the plants on the deck. I took the bird-feeders outside because the birds were pecking on the glass. I fed and watered the dogs. I listened to rant radio and checked my e-mail. I made breakfast. I went out and picked blackberries. I think I've got another quart and a half...and some bonus wild raspberries. Moan...I still need to clean the berries. I made bread and butter pickles. I made zucchini pickles. I put away clean dishes, I washed dishes, I put away dishes...again. I cleaned the kitchen. I messed up the kitchen. I cleaned the kitchen again. I made zucchini lasagna. I need to clean the kitchen again. I brought the bird-feeders inside and noted that I need to refill a couple of the hummingbird feeders again. So? Oh wait...I started another batch of schnapps. Blackberry Schnapps. So? There really is no good reason to be this tired. Maybe it was that I had to fight via the internet with the people that I ordered some vitamins from. They sent the order to Arizona despite the fact that I clearly told them to send the order to Wisconsin. Then they came back at me with an e-mail telling me that I should send the order back to them. Blink? How was I supposed to accomplish that? Oh...and if I couldn't send the order back to them, they would kindly send me another bottle, which I'd have to pay for but they would give me a 10% discount. I sent them an e-mail...graphically detailing my situation and severe disappointment. I am now getting my order filled (re-filled) and sent to the correct address and I'm supposed to throw away the other order when I get back to Arizona since these vitamins don't handle sitting on a doorstep in >100°F temperatures for longer than 24 hours. But...I still don't think I should be this tired.
Maybe it's all this Israel vs. Hezbollah stuff. Maybe it's seeing this radical Hezzy cleric claiming, WE WON! I guess he feels that as long as one of their guys is still breathing, they won. Or maybe they actually believe their own propaganda. Do I need to point out that Saddam did the same thing when he lost? Maybe he thinks it's a victory that he wasn't dragged through the streets of Iraq and disemboweled....yet.
Murphyism of the Day
Jong's Law
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
S-capist - Someone with the delusion that he's a super hero.
Tiredness. I'm am really tired. It doesn't seem to matter how many dietary supplements I take, I still end up tired, exhausted, spent, by the end of the day...and it's not done yet. Whimper. Let's see? What could have caused this exhaustion? I did get up at 0:600. I made coffee as usual, I watered the plants on the deck. I took the bird-feeders outside because the birds were pecking on the glass. I fed and watered the dogs. I listened to rant radio and checked my e-mail. I made breakfast. I went out and picked blackberries. I think I've got another quart and a half...and some bonus wild raspberries. Moan...I still need to clean the berries. I made bread and butter pickles. I made zucchini pickles. I put away clean dishes, I washed dishes, I put away dishes...again. I cleaned the kitchen. I messed up the kitchen. I cleaned the kitchen again. I made zucchini lasagna. I need to clean the kitchen again. I brought the bird-feeders inside and noted that I need to refill a couple of the hummingbird feeders again. So? Oh wait...I started another batch of schnapps. Blackberry Schnapps. So? There really is no good reason to be this tired. Maybe it was that I had to fight via the internet with the people that I ordered some vitamins from. They sent the order to Arizona despite the fact that I clearly told them to send the order to Wisconsin. Then they came back at me with an e-mail telling me that I should send the order back to them. Blink? How was I supposed to accomplish that? Oh...and if I couldn't send the order back to them, they would kindly send me another bottle, which I'd have to pay for but they would give me a 10% discount. I sent them an e-mail...graphically detailing my situation and severe disappointment. I am now getting my order filled (re-filled) and sent to the correct address and I'm supposed to throw away the other order when I get back to Arizona since these vitamins don't handle sitting on a doorstep in >100°F temperatures for longer than 24 hours. But...I still don't think I should be this tired.
Maybe it's all this Israel vs. Hezbollah stuff. Maybe it's seeing this radical Hezzy cleric claiming, WE WON! I guess he feels that as long as one of their guys is still breathing, they won. Or maybe they actually believe their own propaganda. Do I need to point out that Saddam did the same thing when he lost? Maybe he thinks it's a victory that he wasn't dragged through the streets of Iraq and disemboweled....yet.
Murphyism of the Day
Jong's Law
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Word of the Day
Sarchasm - Flippant echo.
Woohoo! The weekenders are gone, the weekenders are gone! We got some rain and they all just seemed to melt away. The loudest noise on the lake right now is being made by the loons. I think they're celebrating. Woohoo!
Murphyism of the Day
Green's Law of Debate
Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about.
Sarchasm - Flippant echo.
Woohoo! The weekenders are gone, the weekenders are gone! We got some rain and they all just seemed to melt away. The loudest noise on the lake right now is being made by the loons. I think they're celebrating. Woohoo!
Murphyism of the Day
Green's Law of Debate
Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Word of the Day
Sanktuary-A graveyard for ships.
It's perfect weather for a weekend at The Lake. Too bad such perfect weather draws some of the most obnoxiously loud and drunken weekenders who think nothing of disturbing the peace in our local backyards. These same drunken louts wouldn't hesitate to call the local police to report a neighbor whose party has gotten too loud and out of hand in their own backyard. Me? I keep reminding myself that these noisy and drunken louts are helping the local economy. I keep reminding myself that I have only to wait and these weekenders will eventually go home. The term Ugly American has been earned by many a drunken, loud, and obnoxious American. I've got a few aka Ugly Weekenders partying right now in the bay (in my backyard). With windows closed, air-conditioner running, TV at full blast, I still hear their drunken revelry as if they're partying on our deck. Not all Americans are Ugly Americans, not all Weekenders are Ugly Weekenders. Too bad the Ugly ones insist on putting themselves on display.
Murphyism of the Day
Horowitz's Rule
Wisdom consists of knowing when to avoid perfection.
Sanktuary-A graveyard for ships.
It's perfect weather for a weekend at The Lake. Too bad such perfect weather draws some of the most obnoxiously loud and drunken weekenders who think nothing of disturbing the peace in our local backyards. These same drunken louts wouldn't hesitate to call the local police to report a neighbor whose party has gotten too loud and out of hand in their own backyard. Me? I keep reminding myself that these noisy and drunken louts are helping the local economy. I keep reminding myself that I have only to wait and these weekenders will eventually go home. The term Ugly American has been earned by many a drunken, loud, and obnoxious American. I've got a few aka Ugly Weekenders partying right now in the bay (in my backyard). With windows closed, air-conditioner running, TV at full blast, I still hear their drunken revelry as if they're partying on our deck. Not all Americans are Ugly Americans, not all Weekenders are Ugly Weekenders. Too bad the Ugly ones insist on putting themselves on display.
Murphyism of the Day
Horowitz's Rule
Wisdom consists of knowing when to avoid perfection.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Word of the Day
Sandvalanche - When sand tumbles down a large hill creating an avalanche-type experience.
It's been really quiet here today. Mostly we've been watching the news. Another terrorist plot has been foiled. I hope. Only, now it seems that no liquids can be carried onto a plane anymore because they might be explosives? And, one step beyond that, some countries are making it a policy that you can't carry ANYTHING onto a plane anymore. Not even a purse. Needless to say, #1 son isn't too happy about these developments. His trip to Taiwan is going to be a total nightmare if they won't let him bring his laptop with him on board for his 18 hour flight...or his cellphone...or his camera. On top of all this, it looks like things aren't going well on the diplomatic front between Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah and it's rumored that Syria is prepping to join in the fight.
Our painters have returned and are busily painting the railings and planters on my deck. I hope the wasps aren't bothering them too much. They certainly bother me. The hummingbirds don't seem to mind too much. They're busily slurping down sugar water from the hummingbird feeders.
HTP and I are going to go over to see his sister's newly renovated place tonight. I'm going to bring her a bottle of my strawberry liqueur. My last bottle. At least, the last of what I made this year. I still have some leftover from last year. It's in Arizona. Don't feel too sorry for me...I still have plenty of liqueur to enjoy, plus, I'm making more. It won't be too long and I'll be bottling Limoncello.
Murphyism of the Day
Winger's Rule
If it sits on your desk for fifteen minutes, you've just become the expert.
Sandvalanche - When sand tumbles down a large hill creating an avalanche-type experience.
It's been really quiet here today. Mostly we've been watching the news. Another terrorist plot has been foiled. I hope. Only, now it seems that no liquids can be carried onto a plane anymore because they might be explosives? And, one step beyond that, some countries are making it a policy that you can't carry ANYTHING onto a plane anymore. Not even a purse. Needless to say, #1 son isn't too happy about these developments. His trip to Taiwan is going to be a total nightmare if they won't let him bring his laptop with him on board for his 18 hour flight...or his cellphone...or his camera. On top of all this, it looks like things aren't going well on the diplomatic front between Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah and it's rumored that Syria is prepping to join in the fight.
Our painters have returned and are busily painting the railings and planters on my deck. I hope the wasps aren't bothering them too much. They certainly bother me. The hummingbirds don't seem to mind too much. They're busily slurping down sugar water from the hummingbird feeders.
HTP and I are going to go over to see his sister's newly renovated place tonight. I'm going to bring her a bottle of my strawberry liqueur. My last bottle. At least, the last of what I made this year. I still have some leftover from last year. It's in Arizona. Don't feel too sorry for me...I still have plenty of liqueur to enjoy, plus, I'm making more. It won't be too long and I'll be bottling Limoncello.
Murphyism of the Day
Winger's Rule
If it sits on your desk for fifteen minutes, you've just become the expert.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Word of the Day
Salamlette - An omelet containing salami with an optional cheese.
So there I was, trying to sleep, trying to stay asleep when the power went out again last night. HTP, who had been watching TV in the other room, came in to wake me up so I'd know that the power had gone out. I knew. The fan shut off, the radio shut off, and it was humid and sticky. We hadn't been running the air-conditioner because it really wasn't all that hot outside. The ceiling fan was doing fine keeping things cool. I noted that the bedroom was even darker than normal. No storms. No power in our bedroom but I could hear the backup generator humming. The backup generator doesn't keep the whole house running. It just keeps vital functions running. Like the water, the fridge, the computers, the TV and a couple of lights.
So HTP calls the power company to let them know that we didn't have power. They knew. Apparently, this time it was a planned outage. They told HTP that everyone had been notified. Excuse me? No-one told us that anything was planned. Come guys, we've gone over this stuff before. You can't just cut off our power on purpose like that and not notify us. Ok...they can but I wish they wouldn't. It's not like this hasn't happened to us before. We're permanent residents but since we don't live here 24/7 every single day year in and year out, the power company assumes that it's not all that important to notify us of stuff like this. Nevermind that my alarm system goes batty everytime the power goes out and assumes that a burglar has cut my lines and is in the process of breaking and entering. Yes, my alarm system started doing its thing and I had to race to deactivate it before an audible alarm would be sent out across the wilderness waking up EVERYONE and EVERY CREATURE! Not to mention that the sheriff would have shown up on our doorstep with gun drawn and the alarm company monitors would have called everyone on my notification list. This power outage stuff can become really messy. It sure would have been nice if they'd notified us that they'd planned it this time.
The power came back on again within a couple of hours. We survived. I still have to reset a couple more clocks. (Darn it! I hate resetting the answering machine clock.) I talked to my folks this morning. They have a place across the lake. Apparently, the power company didn't think it was important to let them know that there was going to be an outage either. My sister was ignored as well. I wonder who the power company thought was important enough to send these notices to? I wonder if I'll get my notice in today's mail?
Murphyism of the Day
Warren's Rule
To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most.
Salamlette - An omelet containing salami with an optional cheese.
So there I was, trying to sleep, trying to stay asleep when the power went out again last night. HTP, who had been watching TV in the other room, came in to wake me up so I'd know that the power had gone out. I knew. The fan shut off, the radio shut off, and it was humid and sticky. We hadn't been running the air-conditioner because it really wasn't all that hot outside. The ceiling fan was doing fine keeping things cool. I noted that the bedroom was even darker than normal. No storms. No power in our bedroom but I could hear the backup generator humming. The backup generator doesn't keep the whole house running. It just keeps vital functions running. Like the water, the fridge, the computers, the TV and a couple of lights.
So HTP calls the power company to let them know that we didn't have power. They knew. Apparently, this time it was a planned outage. They told HTP that everyone had been notified. Excuse me? No-one told us that anything was planned. Come guys, we've gone over this stuff before. You can't just cut off our power on purpose like that and not notify us. Ok...they can but I wish they wouldn't. It's not like this hasn't happened to us before. We're permanent residents but since we don't live here 24/7 every single day year in and year out, the power company assumes that it's not all that important to notify us of stuff like this. Nevermind that my alarm system goes batty everytime the power goes out and assumes that a burglar has cut my lines and is in the process of breaking and entering. Yes, my alarm system started doing its thing and I had to race to deactivate it before an audible alarm would be sent out across the wilderness waking up EVERYONE and EVERY CREATURE! Not to mention that the sheriff would have shown up on our doorstep with gun drawn and the alarm company monitors would have called everyone on my notification list. This power outage stuff can become really messy. It sure would have been nice if they'd notified us that they'd planned it this time.
The power came back on again within a couple of hours. We survived. I still have to reset a couple more clocks. (Darn it! I hate resetting the answering machine clock.) I talked to my folks this morning. They have a place across the lake. Apparently, the power company didn't think it was important to let them know that there was going to be an outage either. My sister was ignored as well. I wonder who the power company thought was important enough to send these notices to? I wonder if I'll get my notice in today's mail?
Murphyism of the Day
Warren's Rule
To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Word of the Day
Saidn't - Cross between hadn't and said.
Another laid back day here in Northern Wisconsin. I picked another quart of blackberries. I danced with sprinklers. I stopped dancing with sprinklers because the guy came to mow the lawn. It rained but I'll still have to dance with sprinklers...tomorrow. I made bread. I cleaned blackberries. I read a book and started on another. I made hummingbird syrup and filled my four hummingbird feeders after I'd scrubbed them clean. I made oriole nectar and filled my one oriole feeder after I scrubbed it clean. I filled the songbird feeders. I harvested four more zucchini from my gardens. I brought the songbird feeders back inside so the raccoons don't get into them tonight. I'm quickly blogging and then I'm going to make supper. Oh...and it looks like the bathouse that my Dad made me has inhabitants. Woohoo! I've got bats in my bathouse.
Murphyism of the Day
MacDonald's Law
Consultants are mystical people who ask a company for a number and then give it back to them.
Saidn't - Cross between hadn't and said.
Another laid back day here in Northern Wisconsin. I picked another quart of blackberries. I danced with sprinklers. I stopped dancing with sprinklers because the guy came to mow the lawn. It rained but I'll still have to dance with sprinklers...tomorrow. I made bread. I cleaned blackberries. I read a book and started on another. I made hummingbird syrup and filled my four hummingbird feeders after I'd scrubbed them clean. I made oriole nectar and filled my one oriole feeder after I scrubbed it clean. I filled the songbird feeders. I harvested four more zucchini from my gardens. I brought the songbird feeders back inside so the raccoons don't get into them tonight. I'm quickly blogging and then I'm going to make supper. Oh...and it looks like the bathouse that my Dad made me has inhabitants. Woohoo! I've got bats in my bathouse.
Murphyism of the Day
MacDonald's Law
Consultants are mystical people who ask a company for a number and then give it back to them.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Word of the Day
Saggage - What is created and carried into old age.
I went out with my Mom, my sister and my Dad...hiking the logging road. We'd hoped to drive the entire distance from the west side of the lake to the north end but we had to give that plan up when we encountered a downed tree. Too big for us to take care of on our own. We tried. Anyway, the real purpose of the expedition was to pick blackberries. The birds have been busy. Or the bears. Regardless, I think we each managed to pick at least 1 1/2 quarts of blackberries.
My knee is hurting but not as much as I expected it to hurt since it was hurting before I left on the berry-picking expedition. I gave it quite a workout. I think I twisted my knee yesterday when I picked berries from my own driveway.
HTP is going to be a bit upset. The only reason that I stayed here at home was because I thought the painters were going to be coming back. They didn't come back. I guess I could have gone to The Big City with him afterall. Oh well, at least I'm making headway on the laundry. And now I know how to switch the 4x4 Sidekick into 4x4 for off-roading.
I'm dancing with sprinklers. Time to run out and move them to the next location. If I'd known that the painters weren't going to be coming, I would have started this sprinkler dance this morning.
Murphyism of the Day
Ryan's Law
Make three correct guesses consecutively and you will establish yourself as an expert.
Saggage - What is created and carried into old age.
I went out with my Mom, my sister and my Dad...hiking the logging road. We'd hoped to drive the entire distance from the west side of the lake to the north end but we had to give that plan up when we encountered a downed tree. Too big for us to take care of on our own. We tried. Anyway, the real purpose of the expedition was to pick blackberries. The birds have been busy. Or the bears. Regardless, I think we each managed to pick at least 1 1/2 quarts of blackberries.
My knee is hurting but not as much as I expected it to hurt since it was hurting before I left on the berry-picking expedition. I gave it quite a workout. I think I twisted my knee yesterday when I picked berries from my own driveway.
HTP is going to be a bit upset. The only reason that I stayed here at home was because I thought the painters were going to be coming back. They didn't come back. I guess I could have gone to The Big City with him afterall. Oh well, at least I'm making headway on the laundry. And now I know how to switch the 4x4 Sidekick into 4x4 for off-roading.
I'm dancing with sprinklers. Time to run out and move them to the next location. If I'd known that the painters weren't going to be coming, I would have started this sprinkler dance this morning.
Murphyism of the Day
Ryan's Law
Make three correct guesses consecutively and you will establish yourself as an expert.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Word of the Day
Sadios - A sad goodbye.
#1 son and I finally got to the post office and had no problems getting the boxes that we're sending to GI Joe squared away. You gotta love small town post offices.
I went berry picking but stuck to the driveway. I wanted to make some blackberry jam so I could bring some to The Big City tomorrow to give to HTP's Mom and Dad. HTP's Mom has an eye appointment tomorrow and HTP is going to take her. I was going to go along but...
Our painters got here. The thing is that painting needs to be done when painting can be done. It has to be dry and not raining. Anyway, they showed up here at around 4 PM and it looks like they're going to be coming back tomorrow to continue the job. So? Best laid plans need to be changed. I'm going to stay home so I can be here if the painters need to consult with someone. Oh well...I can do laundry. HTP will just have to go to The Big City on his own....and take his Mom a jar of the new blackberry/strawberry jam I just made.
I made the jam. I changed the recipe a bit. This recipe tastes a lot better so I think keep this one on file.
Murphyism of the Day
Bohr's Law
An expert is someone who has made all of the possible mistakes in a very narrow field of study.
Sadios - A sad goodbye.
#1 son and I finally got to the post office and had no problems getting the boxes that we're sending to GI Joe squared away. You gotta love small town post offices.
I went berry picking but stuck to the driveway. I wanted to make some blackberry jam so I could bring some to The Big City tomorrow to give to HTP's Mom and Dad. HTP's Mom has an eye appointment tomorrow and HTP is going to take her. I was going to go along but...
Our painters got here. The thing is that painting needs to be done when painting can be done. It has to be dry and not raining. Anyway, they showed up here at around 4 PM and it looks like they're going to be coming back tomorrow to continue the job. So? Best laid plans need to be changed. I'm going to stay home so I can be here if the painters need to consult with someone. Oh well...I can do laundry. HTP will just have to go to The Big City on his own....and take his Mom a jar of the new blackberry/strawberry jam I just made.
I made the jam. I changed the recipe a bit. This recipe tastes a lot better so I think keep this one on file.
Murphyism of the Day
Bohr's Law
An expert is someone who has made all of the possible mistakes in a very narrow field of study.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Word of the Day
Rowtate - The effect of a boatsman with one oar.
Another big storm passed us by with nary a drop of rain. It looks like I'll be dancing with sprinklers if I don't want my gardens to die. Oh well...I suppose I could use the exercise.
I lost another battle to the raccoons again last night. By the time I remembered to bring the bird-feeders in ( 2 AM) most of the damage was done. HTP and I chased the little buggers off but the damage was mostly done. I'll have to go out and buy more bird seed the next time I get into town. Darn it! The little buggers don't seem to have much fear. Even though they're cute with their little masked faces, they're robbers and stealing birdseed isn't going to keep them alive this winter.
I've never figured out the whys or wherefores of the common, yet painful, pain in the neck. Stiff neck doesn't quite describe it. Though I suppose I look like I'm walking around rather stiffly and it hurts to turn my head so I'm swiveling my body around right now to avoid painful confrontations or ramification. I was just fine this morning. After breakfast, I decided to treat myself and read a book. When I got up from reading my book...BAM! What a pain in the neck! I guess I must have been sitting or lying down funny. Who know? Certainly not me or I'd avoid whatever caused the pain in the first place. Advil seems to be taking the edge off a bit.
Murphyism of the Day
Weber's Definition
An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until he know absolutely everything about nothing.
Rowtate - The effect of a boatsman with one oar.
Another big storm passed us by with nary a drop of rain. It looks like I'll be dancing with sprinklers if I don't want my gardens to die. Oh well...I suppose I could use the exercise.
I lost another battle to the raccoons again last night. By the time I remembered to bring the bird-feeders in ( 2 AM) most of the damage was done. HTP and I chased the little buggers off but the damage was mostly done. I'll have to go out and buy more bird seed the next time I get into town. Darn it! The little buggers don't seem to have much fear. Even though they're cute with their little masked faces, they're robbers and stealing birdseed isn't going to keep them alive this winter.
I've never figured out the whys or wherefores of the common, yet painful, pain in the neck. Stiff neck doesn't quite describe it. Though I suppose I look like I'm walking around rather stiffly and it hurts to turn my head so I'm swiveling my body around right now to avoid painful confrontations or ramification. I was just fine this morning. After breakfast, I decided to treat myself and read a book. When I got up from reading my book...BAM! What a pain in the neck! I guess I must have been sitting or lying down funny. Who know? Certainly not me or I'd avoid whatever caused the pain in the first place. Advil seems to be taking the edge off a bit.
Murphyism of the Day
Weber's Definition
An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until he know absolutely everything about nothing.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Word of the Day
Rowdeo - A canoe paddling competition.
DSL at dial-up speed. HTP actually thinks it's because #1 son is doing something on his computer down in his computer laboratory. Actually...his bedroom and the bonus room in the basement. You should see all the high-tech stuff. He didn't have to work today and whenever he doesn't work...my computer speed goes way down. Anyway, I tried to blog earlier but gave up in frustration. My computer just chugged along like the little engine that couldn't...and didn't.
So...I read a book. #1 son and I packed up a couple of boxes to send to GI Joe and then found out that the Post Office closed at 11 AM. I'll have to try again on Monday. I picked and cooked the beans. I picked and cooked the eggplant. We enjoyed both with a charred rare steaks for supper. And I watched Meet the Fockers with HTP and #1 son.
Murphyism of the Day
Mars's Rule
An expert is anyone from out of town.
Rowdeo - A canoe paddling competition.
DSL at dial-up speed. HTP actually thinks it's because #1 son is doing something on his computer down in his computer laboratory. Actually...his bedroom and the bonus room in the basement. You should see all the high-tech stuff. He didn't have to work today and whenever he doesn't work...my computer speed goes way down. Anyway, I tried to blog earlier but gave up in frustration. My computer just chugged along like the little engine that couldn't...and didn't.
So...I read a book. #1 son and I packed up a couple of boxes to send to GI Joe and then found out that the Post Office closed at 11 AM. I'll have to try again on Monday. I picked and cooked the beans. I picked and cooked the eggplant. We enjoyed both with a charred rare steaks for supper. And I watched Meet the Fockers with HTP and #1 son.
Murphyism of the Day
Mars's Rule
An expert is anyone from out of town.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Word of the Day
Repettyettyettyettyettyettitive - When you repeat something so much that you can't stop.
Our deck has been power-washed. This morning. In a few dry days, it'll be ready for painting. The way I figure it, this will mean that the drought here in Wisconsin will be over. We will now end up with flash-floods and rain and rain and rain.
In the meantime, the power went out again. There isn't a cloud in the sky and yet the power has gone out...again. That makes three power outages so far this summer and none of them were weather related. It's back up and running again. Apparently, our little town keeps blowing breakers. When I discussed it in town today, we all think the power company needs to upgrade our power thingy. We've got a lot of summer visitors and they all seem to like to run their air-conditioning. So do I when it's hot. Yet again, I'm very thankful that I have a backup generator.
When I was in town, I bought some bait. HTP and I have sorted out our tackle boxes and we're going to go fishing. HTP charged up our boat batteries last night. We haven't actually gone fishing...out in the boat...this year. If you catch fish, you have to clean fish. Of course, it's a Friday. I noted that there's a party boat in our bay already. Love it. Not.
Murphyism of the Day
Weinberg's Corollary
An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.
Repettyettyettyettyettyettitive - When you repeat something so much that you can't stop.
Our deck has been power-washed. This morning. In a few dry days, it'll be ready for painting. The way I figure it, this will mean that the drought here in Wisconsin will be over. We will now end up with flash-floods and rain and rain and rain.
In the meantime, the power went out again. There isn't a cloud in the sky and yet the power has gone out...again. That makes three power outages so far this summer and none of them were weather related. It's back up and running again. Apparently, our little town keeps blowing breakers. When I discussed it in town today, we all think the power company needs to upgrade our power thingy. We've got a lot of summer visitors and they all seem to like to run their air-conditioning. So do I when it's hot. Yet again, I'm very thankful that I have a backup generator.
When I was in town, I bought some bait. HTP and I have sorted out our tackle boxes and we're going to go fishing. HTP charged up our boat batteries last night. We haven't actually gone fishing...out in the boat...this year. If you catch fish, you have to clean fish. Of course, it's a Friday. I noted that there's a party boat in our bay already. Love it. Not.
Murphyism of the Day
Weinberg's Corollary
An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Word of the Day
Rentaissance - An age in which artistic, social, scientific, and political thought turns in new directions, until it becomes an inconvenience.
I made two batches of jam after supper last night. HTP designed some labels for me. As promised, I was able to make a batch of wild raspberry jam and a batch of blackberry jam. At this point I'm thinking that I may alter the recipe for my blackberry jam. It's a bit tart. Good...but tart. There are more berries out there to be picked...blackberries. The wild raspberries are past their prime...which they never actually reached because of the drought. I guess I'll just have to hope that next summer will bring a better wild raspberry season. In the meantime, it looks like this might turn out to be a banner year for blackberries. If it's not too hot and humid tomorrow, I'll don my berry picking armor and hike the logging road. I want to get enough berries to freeze for wine-making next summer. And jam...of course.
Today, I started another batch of Viola Schnapps. It might have looked a bit like I was dead-heading my flowers but I was specific in my requirements. Besides, I was holding a measuring cup in one hand as I picked. I only needed 2 cups of flowers. Purple Violas. I didn't want to mess up the color of the schnapps by mixing in the yellows and the burnt oranges. Thankfully, I live out here where no-one could call those nice young men in their clean white coats to take me away. It did look a bit weird. Kind of like The Addam's Family where Morticia snips off the floral part of the roses leaving only stems and thorns to fill her vase. Actually, I wish I did have access to roses. Red roses that haven't been grown with any chemicals. There's a liqueur that I'd like to try to make that the Friars in Assisi make. But I need rose petals. Chemical-free rose petals. Plus, I wouldn't mind making some rosehip jelly.
Murphyism of the Day
Allison's Precept
The best simpleminded test of expertise in a particular area is the ability to win money in a series of bets on future occurrences in that area.
Rentaissance - An age in which artistic, social, scientific, and political thought turns in new directions, until it becomes an inconvenience.
I made two batches of jam after supper last night. HTP designed some labels for me. As promised, I was able to make a batch of wild raspberry jam and a batch of blackberry jam. At this point I'm thinking that I may alter the recipe for my blackberry jam. It's a bit tart. Good...but tart. There are more berries out there to be picked...blackberries. The wild raspberries are past their prime...which they never actually reached because of the drought. I guess I'll just have to hope that next summer will bring a better wild raspberry season. In the meantime, it looks like this might turn out to be a banner year for blackberries. If it's not too hot and humid tomorrow, I'll don my berry picking armor and hike the logging road. I want to get enough berries to freeze for wine-making next summer. And jam...of course.
Today, I started another batch of Viola Schnapps. It might have looked a bit like I was dead-heading my flowers but I was specific in my requirements. Besides, I was holding a measuring cup in one hand as I picked. I only needed 2 cups of flowers. Purple Violas. I didn't want to mess up the color of the schnapps by mixing in the yellows and the burnt oranges. Thankfully, I live out here where no-one could call those nice young men in their clean white coats to take me away. It did look a bit weird. Kind of like The Addam's Family where Morticia snips off the floral part of the roses leaving only stems and thorns to fill her vase. Actually, I wish I did have access to roses. Red roses that haven't been grown with any chemicals. There's a liqueur that I'd like to try to make that the Friars in Assisi make. But I need rose petals. Chemical-free rose petals. Plus, I wouldn't mind making some rosehip jelly.
Murphyism of the Day
Allison's Precept
The best simpleminded test of expertise in a particular area is the ability to win money in a series of bets on future occurrences in that area.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Word of the Day
Remound - The past tense of the verb 'to remind'.
DD Daughter wrote to me that a boy from GI Joe's unit lost his life in Iraq this week. GI Joe called her last night to tell her about it. It's always so hard when there's just nothing you can do or say that will make it all better. No band-aid fixes. Another prayer asking for strength and healing for those who remain.
My Dad came over this morning. He brought over my Grandmother's old Singer sewing machine. No electricity needed for this beauty. I'll have to figure out how to run it. I've never operated one of these old-fangled treadle machines. Dad and #1 son hauled that heavy beauty down to the basement. I'll figure out how to use it later. Actually, come to think of it, maybe it'll help me with my sewing machine phobia. I'll have to let you know.
Dad also brought over the bat house that he designed and made for me. Woohoo! Hopefully this will keep the bats out of my planter box on the deck. Actually, that's why Dad made it for me. I'm afraid the fear of me getting rabies from some bat that I rescued from my planter box may have figured into the equation a bit. Plus, bats can eat a heck of a lot of mosquitoes and bugs. Anyway, Dad and #1 son dragged out the heavy 10-foot ladder, leaned it against the house and with all sorts of measuring and consultation, attached my brand-new bat house to the front of my planter box. It's beautiful. It matches the siding on the house. Now...all we have to do is hope that the bats decide that this new home will be a lot better than the old one...my planter box.
We got another inch of rain in the bucket last night. Unfortunately, the rain came a bit too late to save the wild raspberry crop. I did get out to pick a couple more cupfuls but regretfully, I will only be able to make one batch of wild raspberry jam this year. I does look like I may get enough blackberries for jam-making. I'm planning on experimenting with a couple of new recipes this year. Normally, I'm not fond of just plain old blackberry jam. Too bland. Actually, I'm not fond of plain old strawberry jam either but HTP loves it so I can't mess with that recipe.
Now...updating on the liqueur taste-testing. My sister allowed her company to taste-test the various varieties of liqueurs that we made this spring. The all-round favorite was the Viola liqueur followed by the rhubarb. Their least favorite was the strawberry liqueur. Interesting. I still prefer the strawberry but I must say that the Sweet Dandy turned out a lot better once it had a chance to sit a couple of months. Anyway, the results of the taste-test were surprising. I guess I'd better start collecting more Viola blossoms. However, I still plan to make MY favorite. Actually, my favorite is the Pomegranate Liqueur. I'm not sure what will come of the Limoncello. That may knock the favorite off its position in first place.
Murphyism of the Day
Gioia's Theory
The person with the least expertise has the most opinions.
Remound - The past tense of the verb 'to remind'.
DD Daughter wrote to me that a boy from GI Joe's unit lost his life in Iraq this week. GI Joe called her last night to tell her about it. It's always so hard when there's just nothing you can do or say that will make it all better. No band-aid fixes. Another prayer asking for strength and healing for those who remain.
My Dad came over this morning. He brought over my Grandmother's old Singer sewing machine. No electricity needed for this beauty. I'll have to figure out how to run it. I've never operated one of these old-fangled treadle machines. Dad and #1 son hauled that heavy beauty down to the basement. I'll figure out how to use it later. Actually, come to think of it, maybe it'll help me with my sewing machine phobia. I'll have to let you know.
Dad also brought over the bat house that he designed and made for me. Woohoo! Hopefully this will keep the bats out of my planter box on the deck. Actually, that's why Dad made it for me. I'm afraid the fear of me getting rabies from some bat that I rescued from my planter box may have figured into the equation a bit. Plus, bats can eat a heck of a lot of mosquitoes and bugs. Anyway, Dad and #1 son dragged out the heavy 10-foot ladder, leaned it against the house and with all sorts of measuring and consultation, attached my brand-new bat house to the front of my planter box. It's beautiful. It matches the siding on the house. Now...all we have to do is hope that the bats decide that this new home will be a lot better than the old one...my planter box.
We got another inch of rain in the bucket last night. Unfortunately, the rain came a bit too late to save the wild raspberry crop. I did get out to pick a couple more cupfuls but regretfully, I will only be able to make one batch of wild raspberry jam this year. I does look like I may get enough blackberries for jam-making. I'm planning on experimenting with a couple of new recipes this year. Normally, I'm not fond of just plain old blackberry jam. Too bland. Actually, I'm not fond of plain old strawberry jam either but HTP loves it so I can't mess with that recipe.
Now...updating on the liqueur taste-testing. My sister allowed her company to taste-test the various varieties of liqueurs that we made this spring. The all-round favorite was the Viola liqueur followed by the rhubarb. Their least favorite was the strawberry liqueur. Interesting. I still prefer the strawberry but I must say that the Sweet Dandy turned out a lot better once it had a chance to sit a couple of months. Anyway, the results of the taste-test were surprising. I guess I'd better start collecting more Viola blossoms. However, I still plan to make MY favorite. Actually, my favorite is the Pomegranate Liqueur. I'm not sure what will come of the Limoncello. That may knock the favorite off its position in first place.
Murphyism of the Day
Gioia's Theory
The person with the least expertise has the most opinions.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Word of the Day
Rememberize - Remembering and memorizing.
Any day that I don't have to dance around with sprinklers is a good day. With the rain that we got last night and the few drips that we got today, I won't need to do the sprinkler dance again until next week...I hope. The temperatures have cooled but the humidity remains. I gather from the weather channel that all the heat that we've been experiencing these last few days has moved on to the east. Actually, that's really no great surprise. Our weather always seems to travel to the east...at least this time of year. I tend to look to our west to see what to expect in the day or hours to come.
I was able to run out to the garden during that one moment when the garden had dried off from last night's storm and before the next cloud burst arrived. Using my time wisely, I finished picking my beans. And then with the little time I had remaining, I picked my cucumbers.
I snipped, cleaned, snapped and canned the beans. I sliced up the cucumbers with my finger guillotine along with some onion. Salted them down and they're just waiting for me to make cucumber salad. Later. On a side note, my fingers remain unharmed...this time.
No...I didn't forget the laundry. It's Tuesday. Laundry Day. It just seems so repetitive to keep telling you every Tuesday that I'm washing, drying, folding and putting away laundry. Now...if I plan to ever skip laundry on a Tuesday...I'll let you know.
You probably have already noticed my new blog format...template. DD Daughter informed me that my old template was outdated and becoming obsolete. So, with tons of help from her, I decided to update and rejuvenate. However, I still plan to keep to the same light and fluffy subject base. Try. Maybe someday someone will read this blog and wonder why I rarely speak of current events. But you see...despite the Breaking News, the predictable response that a politician who happens to be a Democrat to the opinion of a politician who happens to be a Republican, despite the fears that Iran will get The Bomb...and use it, despite all the Marines and soldiers that I know who are stationed in Iraq, or off the shores of Lebanon, or wherever they may be, despite the threat of another terrorist attack somewhere here in the United States, I still have to clean the house, make the beds, wash the toilets, cook, and do everything that I need to do to keep things running in my home.
We all still have to function. And me? I spend a lot more time praying. I find that praying doesn't interfere with my ability to function. Actually, I find that I function a lot better with the added power of prayer. I really don't think that the world needs another blogger who rants and raves about politics, news, or religion. However, having said that, I reserve the right to rant occasionally. I find ranting once and a while saves me from migraines and ulcers.
Murphyism of the Day
Hiram's Law
If you consult enough experts you can confirm any opinion.
Rememberize - Remembering and memorizing.
Any day that I don't have to dance around with sprinklers is a good day. With the rain that we got last night and the few drips that we got today, I won't need to do the sprinkler dance again until next week...I hope. The temperatures have cooled but the humidity remains. I gather from the weather channel that all the heat that we've been experiencing these last few days has moved on to the east. Actually, that's really no great surprise. Our weather always seems to travel to the east...at least this time of year. I tend to look to our west to see what to expect in the day or hours to come.
I was able to run out to the garden during that one moment when the garden had dried off from last night's storm and before the next cloud burst arrived. Using my time wisely, I finished picking my beans. And then with the little time I had remaining, I picked my cucumbers.
I snipped, cleaned, snapped and canned the beans. I sliced up the cucumbers with my finger guillotine along with some onion. Salted them down and they're just waiting for me to make cucumber salad. Later. On a side note, my fingers remain unharmed...this time.
No...I didn't forget the laundry. It's Tuesday. Laundry Day. It just seems so repetitive to keep telling you every Tuesday that I'm washing, drying, folding and putting away laundry. Now...if I plan to ever skip laundry on a Tuesday...I'll let you know.
You probably have already noticed my new blog format...template. DD Daughter informed me that my old template was outdated and becoming obsolete. So, with tons of help from her, I decided to update and rejuvenate. However, I still plan to keep to the same light and fluffy subject base. Try. Maybe someday someone will read this blog and wonder why I rarely speak of current events. But you see...despite the Breaking News, the predictable response that a politician who happens to be a Democrat to the opinion of a politician who happens to be a Republican, despite the fears that Iran will get The Bomb...and use it, despite all the Marines and soldiers that I know who are stationed in Iraq, or off the shores of Lebanon, or wherever they may be, despite the threat of another terrorist attack somewhere here in the United States, I still have to clean the house, make the beds, wash the toilets, cook, and do everything that I need to do to keep things running in my home.
We all still have to function. And me? I spend a lot more time praying. I find that praying doesn't interfere with my ability to function. Actually, I find that I function a lot better with the added power of prayer. I really don't think that the world needs another blogger who rants and raves about politics, news, or religion. However, having said that, I reserve the right to rant occasionally. I find ranting once and a while saves me from migraines and ulcers.
Murphyism of the Day
Hiram's Law
If you consult enough experts you can confirm any opinion.