Word of the Day
Shopportunity - A shopping opportunity.
Tiredness...but a GOOD tiredness. My sister-in-law was one of my best friends before she ever met my brother. She's still one of my best friends. I don't get to see her or hear from her as often as I would like. My fault...partly. Life and all the crap it throws at us....mostly. Regardless, I know I'm not doing all that I could for lots of reasons. That's got to stop. I can do better and I will. I can at least let them know that they're in my thoughts and prayers....always. They always are but I know I should be better at just sending a note or e-mail...a reminder.
We all had supper tonight at our place. Steaks on the grill. I made Peach Pie for dessert. We played games. My Mom calls the game, "One, Two, Three, You're Free.". My sister calls it, "Screw Your Neighbors". Anyway, we spent a great deal of time playing a drinking game that we converted to a simple dice game. Mom introduced Andes Mints into her version. I used Skittles. Oh, Sis....HTP still hasn't written up the "proper" directions for the game.
And as for the Liqueur sampling? The Strawberry Liqueur won out. Though Bro and B. both thought the Currant Liqueur was really good too. The Dandelion was put in the "interesting" column. They both commented that you could really smell and taste dandelions.
Murphyism of the Day
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences
Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
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