Word of the Day
Rowtate - The effect of a boatsman with one oar.
Another big storm passed us by with nary a drop of rain. It looks like I'll be dancing with sprinklers if I don't want my gardens to die. Oh well...I suppose I could use the exercise.
I lost another battle to the raccoons again last night. By the time I remembered to bring the bird-feeders in ( 2 AM) most of the damage was done. HTP and I chased the little buggers off but the damage was mostly done. I'll have to go out and buy more bird seed the next time I get into town. Darn it! The little buggers don't seem to have much fear. Even though they're cute with their little masked faces, they're robbers and stealing birdseed isn't going to keep them alive this winter.
I've never figured out the whys or wherefores of the common, yet painful, pain in the neck. Stiff neck doesn't quite describe it. Though I suppose I look like I'm walking around rather stiffly and it hurts to turn my head so I'm swiveling my body around right now to avoid painful confrontations or ramification. I was just fine this morning. After breakfast, I decided to treat myself and read a book. When I got up from reading my book...BAM! What a pain in the neck! I guess I must have been sitting or lying down funny. Who know? Certainly not me or I'd avoid whatever caused the pain in the first place. Advil seems to be taking the edge off a bit.
Murphyism of the Day
Weber's Definition
An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until he know absolutely everything about nothing.
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