Word of the Day
Adverteasement - Any sexual representation used for the purpose of obtaining an individual or group's attention. Often used in media outlets.Happy Valentine's Day!I gave HTP some very special sugar free chocolates and a card. HTP gave me some wonderful sugar-filled chocolate and a card. What?! That's it?! Hey! We're in Vegas, aren't we? We had a wonderful meal and I'm just finishing up the bottle of Merlot that we ordered with dinner. What more can you ask?
OK. I promised so...
Sam's Town Video PokerI arrived at the designated poker tournament location at 9:15 AM on Day 1 of the tournament because I'd stopped to pick up a cafe latte in The Park. After some consideration, I probably should have arrived at 9 AM but...I wasn't late. If I'd known that there was a continental breakfast provided in the tournament area, I would have arrived somewhat earlier than 9 AM and noshed on bagels and coffee. I don't eat sweet rolls or drink fruit juice. However, since it was Day 1 and since I didn't know about said continental breakfast or coffee, I now know that I should have gotten in line at 9 AM for the 9:30 AM session because I missed out on the cute little stuffed animals that they were giving away on Day 1 as you picked the number for your machine. Dang it! I ended up with a light up star ball that bounces but doesn't light up. *Sigh* Anyway, the numbers for the machines were written on ping pall balls and you had to draw them out of a box. The number for my machine was #35. What a dog! Do you remember what I said about how you can practice all you want but if you draw a dog for a machine you're pretty much out of luck? Well...I drew a dog. I got a total of 2 full houses, 1 flush and 1 straight. My total end score for the first session was 710. OK. Believe it or not, I wasn't in last place. Out of 251 participants in the tournament, after that first session, I was in 165th place. *sigh* At this point, need we go on? We must. My next and second session of three took place at 1:30 PM that day. Having missed out on the stuffed animals from the first session, I arrived early only to find out that there were no more "toys" to be awarded. *sigh* Again, we drew ping pong numbers from a box. This time, I drew the number #27. I did better this time on my machine but...still...no four of a kinds, specials or other. My score for the second session was 835. *sigh* At this point I knew that I wasn't a contender for any prize for this tournament. I figured that I'd have to get a Royal Flush or at least Aces with a Kicker or a few four of a kinds in order to advance to prize status.
Day Two. Only one more session. I arrived early hoping to snag a stuffed animal. Apparently, the stuffed animals were only given out on Day 1. *sigh* I pulled the #2 ball from the box. By this point I already knew that a miracle would have to occur for me to advance to prize status. Although I did get on four of a kind (four kings) during my last session, the end score of my last session of 965, when added to my previous scores?,... I didn't bother to go to the prize distribution party at 1 PM today even though they provided cake and champagne for the party. Here's what I finally decided on this tournament stuff is. I'd do it again. It was fun. What's not fun about being able to play without having to shell out money? And? You need to get major four of a kind payoffs and, major plus, a Royal Flush, in order to get a monetary prize here at Sam's Town. Neither one of these should prevent anyone from entering such a tournament. Miracles do happen. Santa Claus exists. Hey...I could have been a contender... I wasn't but...what the heck. Sam's Town paid for my three night stay...neigh...they paid for my four night stay. They paid for all my food and beverages during my four night stay. What's not to like about this tournament?
In the meantime?...I got two Royal Flushes on one single machine today. Progressive jackpot machines. Miracles do occur. HTP and I had planned to stay one more day than we normally remain in Vegas on one single trip...because tomorrow is my birthday. Happy Birthday to Me!...tomorrow. Anyway, I've been really strict on budgeting this trip because I've been trying to stretch three days of gaming dollars over a four day gaming dollar stay here in Vegas. My two Royal Flushes were a minor miracle. Woohoo! However...I still plan to keep to my budget. My gains from this trip will finance our next trip...whenever that may be.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of RevisionThe more innocuous the modification appears to be, the further its influence will extend and the more plans will have to be redrawn.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag." -- David Letterman