Word of the Day
Aggrieviate - To make a burden heavier.
So...what did you do yesterday? I was going to wait until today to filter the Limoncello...twice, but since I had two double batches of the stuff along with a double batch of Arancello to double filter... Time to get started. I figured that there was no way that I could get everything done in one day. I boiled up two huge pots of simple syrup which needed to cool before I added it to the filtered Limoncello. After I finished with all my filtering and mixing, I ended up with three gallons of Limoncello (not ready yet...it had to age another 40 days and then go through two more filtering processes before I bottle it into the final decorative bottles). I'll tackle the Arancello filtering process today. The simple sugar syrup is cooked and waiting. I also need to decant the first batch of wine that I've got aging in the closet. But...that'll will have to wait for a week or so because I woke up feeling kind of funky this morning. Maybe I inhaled too many of those Limoncello fumes. No...I didn't sample any of it. But I've got to tell you the fumes were REALLY potent. Oh well...I'll tackle the wine and Arancello next week. Why a whole week? Especially since I'm feeling just fine right now?
Because tomorrow Arizona Daughter and I are heading off to Vegas. Just Arizona Daughter and Me. No HTP. The last time Arizona Daughter and I had a Mother/Daughter quality Vegas time thing was when Arizona Daughter celebrated her 21st birthday. That was bunch of years ago. She couldn't join Me, DD Daughter and the Vegas Gals last year because she was working. I figured that this might be one last chance at another such. She and her hubby are moving to Minnesota at the end of next month.
So...anyway, I'm going to be doing all kinds of alcohol related manufacturing stuff next week. Though I plan to bring the laptop to Vegas, if I don't blog while Arizona Daughter and I are there, this might be my last blog until I get back. Wish us luck!
Murphyism of the Day
Sloan's Law
The changes in new models should be so attractive as to create dissatisfaction with past models.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they needed us."-- Alan Kent
1 comment:
Good luck, Sistah!
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