Word of the Day
Aggravistle - The small and inaccessible piece of steak that clings between the teeth and refuses to dislodge despite constant agitation, causing continuous discomfort and extreme annoyance.
I've got company coming today. The guest room is clean. The bathrooms are clean. The kitchen is clean. That carpet if vacuumed. The house is somewhat dust free...even though I had to dust parts of it (read previous post as to dust removal and dusting) and I didn't remove any dust from HTP's office (my little rebellion...Hey! It's his office!). So, HTP and I got into a short discussion as to whether you should remove the dust from the furniture before or after you vacuum. I say that there was enough dust on the furniture and the ceiling fans that, since we have a hepa-filter on our vacuum cleaner which is supposed to keep dust from kicking up and flying all over the place, the dust removal process comes before the vacuuming. After explaining my very logical line of thinking to HTP, we did things my way.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Product Design
If you can't fix it, feature it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The patient refused an autopsy." --from a medical report appearing in the Journal of Court Reporting
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