A Morning Visitor to My Deck Garden
Word of the Day
Schizzle - A non-profane version of @#hit.
We really should have taken pictures...or had someone take pictures. Sis and I made cavatelli (aka "rats") yesterday. We used a recipe that HTP's Italian Grandmother used. By the time we rolled the last rats off our forks, we'd gotten the hang of it. I'm sure that it'll be a lot easier next time...if we can remember the technique. We ended up splitting 3 1/2 pounds of our endeavor. I cooked up some of my split for supper last night. Yummm!!!!!
We had some computer difficulties this morning. No Internet. And...of course, we couldn't work on the problem because we had an appointment in the city. However, it wasn't long after we returned home (4:30 PM) that HTP managed to discover and fix the problem. It was a router issue. I don't know what caused the problem but HTP fixed it and hopefully it will remain fixed.
Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to go out and pick raspberries today (a daily chore). However, I did water the two containers on my deck that tend to need the most water. I'll water the rest tomorrow. I suspect that one of my Earthboxes has developed a crack in its bottom. I can't do anything about it right now. However, I've started to compensate by watering the two plants that currently inhabit that Earthbox from the top, treating that Earthbox like one of my other planters that have drain holes in the bottom. Next spring, I'll check for cracks and see what I can do to fix the problem. My other Earthboxes seem to need watering every other day. My other container plants need watering on a daily basis.
Murphyism of the Day
Rosa's Law Office Laws
1. Clients calling for appointments never have their appointment books in front of them.
2. The phone never rings until you've just dialed a number on the other line.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Doubt whom you will, but never yourself.
- Christine Bovee
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