My Farm...so far.
Word of the Day
Schnibbel - Any tiny piece of paper that is lying on the ground.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 42
Sis pointed out that it's been a long time...days...since I last blogged. Well...you didn't really think I could blog on the day that HTP and I went to The Big City. However, there's no real explanation or excuse for the rest of the days. I got back to The Lake on Sunday and found that "something" had invaded my deck garden, picked and ate a couple of my first almost ripe tomatoes...leaving the remains sitting on the railing of my deck (just as an additional slap in the face) and whatever it was knocked over two of my tomato plants. While the cats are away, the squirrel will play? ARGH!!!!!
On Monday, I was able to move the Earthbox with the two tomato plants that were knocked over to a more secure location and tied them more securely to the deck railing and I sprayed all my tomatoes for blight...again, because it had rained on Sunday. Then...I re-baited my trap....and waited, and waited and waited.... While I waited, I picked the beans and made two quarts of French-cut beans, three pints of dilled beans, and one pint of pepperoncini.
Tuesday was Laundry Day. I re-sprayed my tomatoes because...it rained. Nothing new to report there. Still waiting....
Finally, when I got up on Wednesday, there was a squirrel in my trap. Vengeance is mine! I transported the tomato-eating critter to the back of beyond. Of course, HTP tempered my glee by asking me if I was sure that this particular squirrel was the only tomato-eating thief. I re-set my trap. We'll see. Meanwhile, I've picked and eaten four ripe tomatoes. I didn't spray my tomatoes again even though it had rained because more rain was expected.
Today? It's raining...again. No storms, just rain. I was going to start a fire in the fireplace but decided to bake bread instead.
My free time? I've been spending way too much time working on my farm in Farmville. However, in Farmville, there are no critters to steal your crop....and you can plant raspberry bushes and pick the crop in just two hours. How cool is that? Sis and I tried to get our Dad started on his own farm in Farmville but...he's already let his strawberries die and I'm pretty sure he forgot to pick his eggplant. I haven't had the heart to go and check.
Sis has further tried to distract me from blogging by introducing me to Farm Pal...and then she released a plague of bugs onto my crops? What's with that? Not to worry...I stole some of her crops and returned the bug favor. I suspect I'll probably stick to my Farmville farm. What with Farkle and Pogo and Farmville...I think I'm spending way too much time at my computer. I'm beginning to neglect my life away from the computer.
Tomorrow? I'll need to make a birthday cake. It's HTP's birthday tomorrow. I think we'll go to one of those All-You-Can-Eat Friday Fish Fry's that HTP loves.
Murphyism of the Day
Lyall's Principle for Patients
Just because your doctors have a name for your condition doesn't mean they know what it is.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.
- John Wanamaker (1838 - 1922)
She's back :) !!!
You should tag all these little monsters to see if they're finding their way back to your deck.
I wouldn't want to get in trouble with my neighbors for painting their critters neon pink.
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