Friday, October 08, 2010

Arizona Bark Scorpion

Word of the Day

Tarmac - A native of tarnation; tarmacs are almost always going somewhere, but make awful tour guides.

It's DD Daughter's birthday today!



DD Daughter!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Well, I found my first scorpion since we've been back here in Arizona. Last night. It was in my pantry. I reached into the pantry to grab an onion and a couple of potatoes for supper last night and there it was. Thankfully, it was dead. Regardless, dead or alive, those things give me the creeps. I keep wondering how many more scorpions are running around my house, very much alive, just waiting for me to find them....and how many scorpions did I just not see while I was out cleaning up the yard the other day? *shudder*

Random Thought of the Day

Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull a baby to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle on the ground?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by.

- Annie Dillard

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Kylee discovered a pomegranate that had fallen off our pomegranate tree. She soon lost interest in this red "ball".

Word of the Day

Tar circles - Strange circles and other shapes found etched into a road that are sometimes believed to be created by flying saucers.

My goodness! We received more than two inches of rain in the last few days. That's a lot of rain for out here in the desert. All that rain flooded my back yard and made a mess of my patio. It also caused the GFI box where the electric for my fountain motor is plugged in to "trip". I had to wait for things to dry out before I could re-set it. At the risk of more rain, I swept and vacuumed my patio...again. The cushions on my patio furniture look like they've finally dried off but after sitting on one...for a second...I determined that they aren't "through and through" dry. However, I did find one dry chair to sit on (protected by the covered part of the patio) so I was able to enjoy sitting out with Kylee this morning after our morning walk.

Kylee and I took a training walk around the neighborhood this morning. She was excited to have the opportunity to explore a bit and got to meet and greet one of the neighbors. Unfortunately, she still has a problem with holding her bladder when she gets excited. *sigh* I'm sure that she'll eventually outgrow the problem. I hope.

Random Thought of the Day

If parents say, "Never take candy from strangers" then why do we celebrate Halloween?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Here's a message to the new borns, waiting to breathe: if you believe then you can achieve. Just look at me, against all odds 'though life is hard, we carry on, livin' in the projects, broke with no lights on. To all the seeds that follow me- protect your essence, born with less, but you still precious.

- Tupac Shakur, Smile

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

October 4, 2008 - GI Joe, DD Daughter and Ms. En

Word of the Day

Tapz - Really awkward or outlandish shoes; shoes thought to be on the cutting edge of new fashion industry.

Laundry Day. Being the first laundry day back here in Arizona since last February, I suppose it's excusable to have forgotten to turn the water back on to the washing machine. Dry cleaning? Oh well...I finally figured out why the washing machine wasn't doing its job and corrected the problem. Maybe I should start creating a list of things to do when we arrive back here in the fall.

The monsoon is still sending daily rain to Arizona. As soon as things dry off, I suppose I'll have to drag out the broom and vacuum again. Oh well...

Random Thought of the Day

Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

We bear the world and we make it... There was never a great man who had not a great mother - it is hardly an exaggeration.

Olive Schreiner (1855 - 1920)

Monday, October 04, 2010

The Fountain is Running

Kylee Doesn't Mind the Rain

Word of the Day

Tape scrape - The act of clawing and scratching at a roll of scotch tape to pull up the end when the one who used it last let the tape adhere to itself.

We're Home! Home in Arizona. All our bags are unpacked....even the boxes. I'm not certain why it only takes me two days to unpack the things that took two weeks to pack but I guess that's the way things work with me. I hate leaving things in boxes. I hate leaving things undone.

On that theme, I swept and vacuumed the back patio so I could get the patio furniture set out. As long as I was sweeping, I figured I might as well clean out the fountain which was FILLED with leaves, dried oleander blossoms, and desert dirt. Have broom will sweep. But, I couldn't sweep the fountain debris out without trimming back all the foliage that decided to overgrow all over my fountain. Normally, you wouldn't prune things until spring but I had no choice. So, my fountain is now up and running. Kylee decided that my broom was worth herding...that and the vacuum cleaner so I finally had to speak severely to her.

Of course, no more than one hour after I'd exhausted myself with cleaning up the backyard, we ended up with a rain storm. Figures. Oh well, at least we didn't get a dust storm. Just rain. And it looks like I'll have to relocate my rain gauge. The Brazilian Pepper tree has filled in during the summer months and is acting as a very affective umbrella.

Random Thought of the Day

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Learn to value yourself, which means: to fight for your happiness.

- Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Word of the Day

Tanggold - When two or more gold chains get tangled after one puts them on one's neck or wrist and does nothing else. Before one knows it, they're tanggold.

HTP and I are On the Road Again. We spent two nights with DD Daughter, GI Joe, Ms. En and Mr. T. It was great to spend time with them. When we arrived in Omaha we all met over at Valentino's for supper. GI Joe's folks (Happy Mom and Happy Dad) joined us there for an Italian Buffet Feast.

Ms. En Daintily Eatting Spaghetti

Happy Mom Like to Play with Balloons

Even Mr. T like Italian food

The next day, DD Daughter and I took Ms. En for a Girls Day Out at Vala's Pumpkin Patch and wore ourselves out. That place is HUGE! There's really no way that you can see and do everything on one day....but...we tried.

Ms. En Got a Better View of the Pumpkin Eating Dragon from DD Daughter's Shoulders

Vala's Rocks

Wow! Look at all the Corn!

After a Ride on the Train, Ms. En Got to be the conductor on the wooden train in one of the many play yards at Valas.

Sliding at Valas

Petting the Goats

We hit the road again the next morning, after a quick breakfast of apple pie...which we'd bought at Valas. Yummm!!!! HTP and I stopped in Denver for the night where we had a wonderful dinner with one of my best friends, my former room-mate from college. HTP and I had great fun introducing her to the sushi experience. While she refused any of the raw fish sushi, she did enjoy the cooked sushi. Yes, she DID eat sushi...and I think she liked it.

HTP and I will be hitting the road again after breakfast. Tonight's stop? Grant, New Mexico. Again...I won't promise to blog but I won't promise to not blog. Kylee has been a good little traveling companion. She gets a bit wired from spending so much time in her kennel but we're stopping at rest areas to let her out for short runs.

Random Thought of the Day

If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.

Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)