The Fountain is Running
Kylee Doesn't Mind the Rain
Word of the Day
Tape scrape - The act of clawing and scratching at a roll of scotch tape to pull up the end when the one who used it last let the tape adhere to itself.
We're Home! Home in Arizona. All our bags are unpacked....even the boxes. I'm not certain why it only takes me two days to unpack the things that took two weeks to pack but I guess that's the way things work with me. I hate leaving things in boxes. I hate leaving things undone.
On that theme, I swept and vacuumed the back patio so I could get the patio furniture set out. As long as I was sweeping, I figured I might as well clean out the fountain which was FILLED with leaves, dried oleander blossoms, and desert dirt. Have broom will sweep. But, I couldn't sweep the fountain debris out without trimming back all the foliage that decided to overgrow all over my fountain. Normally, you wouldn't prune things until spring but I had no choice. So, my fountain is now up and running. Kylee decided that my broom was worth herding...that and the vacuum cleaner so I finally had to speak severely to her.
Of course, no more than one hour after I'd exhausted myself with cleaning up the backyard, we ended up with a rain storm. Figures. Oh well, at least we didn't get a dust storm. Just rain. And it looks like I'll have to relocate my rain gauge. The Brazilian Pepper tree has filled in during the summer months and is acting as a very affective umbrella.
Random Thought of the Day
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Learn to value yourself, which means: to fight for your happiness.
- Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)
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