Tanggold - When two or more gold chains get tangled after one puts them on one's neck or wrist and does nothing else. Before one knows it, they're tanggold.
HTP and I are On the Road Again. We spent two nights with DD Daughter, GI Joe, Ms. En and Mr. T. It was great to spend time with them. When we arrived in Omaha we all met over at Valentino's for supper. GI Joe's folks (Happy Mom and Happy Dad) joined us there for an Italian Buffet Feast.
Ms. En Daintily Eatting Spaghetti
Happy Mom Like to Play with Balloons
Even Mr. T like Italian food
The next day, DD Daughter and I took Ms. En for a Girls Day Out at Vala's Pumpkin Patch and wore ourselves out. That place is HUGE! There's really no way that you can see and do everything on one day....but...we tried.
Ms. En Got a Better View of the Pumpkin Eating Dragon from DD Daughter's Shoulders
Vala's Rocks
Wow! Look at all the Corn!
After a Ride on the Train, Ms. En Got to be the conductor on the wooden train in one of the many play yards at Valas.
Sliding at Valas
Petting the Goats
We hit the road again the next morning, after a quick breakfast of apple pie...which we'd bought at Valas. Yummm!!!! HTP and I stopped in Denver for the night where we had a wonderful dinner with one of my best friends, my former room-mate from college. HTP and I had great fun introducing her to the sushi experience. While she refused any of the raw fish sushi, she did enjoy the cooked sushi. Yes, she DID eat sushi...and I think she liked it.
HTP and I will be hitting the road again after breakfast. Tonight's stop? Grant, New Mexico. Again...I won't promise to blog but I won't promise to not blog. Kylee has been a good little traveling companion. She gets a bit wired from spending so much time in her kennel but we're stopping at rest areas to let her out for short runs.
Random Thought of the Day
If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
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