Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Daffodils are Still Blooming
My White Lilacs are Just Starting to Pop
My Deck Gardens are Planted

Word of the Day

Snapperwrapper - An elastic ponytail holder having a plastic ball at each end. The elastic is wrapped around the ponytail and then one ball is snapped in place over the other.

I finally got all my raspberries pruned and all the debris hauled off to my debris pile out in the woods. Having finished this task that has been making me a bit crazy with guilt since it should have been done weeks ago, I finally feel like I can sit down and relax a bit. I changed out of my work clothes (which were probably laiden with ticks) and into some summer-type clothes that I would never wear around raspberry spines or dirty dirt. I don't wear white out here much but...I'm done for the day. I'll be making a trip into town to pick up the mail and stow away my garbage can but I think I can keep my white jeans clean doing such mild tasks. I took a few pictures that show the present state of my environs and pulled the flower stalks from my rhubarb plants and I'm done with all my jobs for the day. I'll dress more appropriately tomorrow when I fertilize the blueberries and the potato garden.

Due to pending storm, I risked my white jeans to pull life vests from the boat and pull my hanging plant down. We're under a tornado watch which isn't all that least not as serious as a tornado warning...but, it's best to be safe than sorry.

I noted when I went to pick up my mail that someone, that someone drove over and smashed one of the two driveway reflectors that #1 Son and #1 DIL installed for me. Actually, I'm beginning to suspect that they installed all my driveway reflectors because I can't find any in my garage. What happened to all my driveway reflectors? Did someone steal them? I've added driveway reflectors to my shopping list but...I'm not happy that they've disappeared. Two of them were solar lights which were more expensive. Of course, I'm a bit less upset about those because they never really worked but I really need reflectors to find my driveway entrance from off the county highway out here after dark. Whoever has left me with on reflector that was one of the least effective ones that I owned. Grrrrr!!!!!! OK...apologies required. After consulting with #1 Son and #1 DIL, it appears that they couldn't find the reflectors either this spring...even though they put them away. After further digging and scavenger hunting in the garage, I discovered the reflectors wrapped in this white cloth that looks like it was used at one time as a screen to show projected movies and that was all hidden/stowed behind our wheelbarrow. I'm glad to say that no-one stole our reflectors and I already stowed them in the back of my car so I can install them tomorrow. I removed driveway reflectors from my shopping list.

Random Quote of the Day

Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.

Jef Raskin, interviewed in Doctor Dobb's Journal

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