Friday, May 17, 2013

Tammy Helped Grandma Plant Flowers
We gave all the new plants a sip of water

Word of the Day

Shmeg - A unit defined as the amount of wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

While in the city yesterday, I picked up some annual flowers to plant out by my front walkway and some geraniums to plant in my deck flower boxes. The weather has warmed up enough to give me a sense of confidence that there will be no more overnight freezing temperatures. Of course, this was a perfect opportunity to teach Tammy that we don't pick Grandma's flowers out in her flowerbed unless Grandma says so. I'm hoping that after helping Grandma plant the new flowers, Tammy won't be so eager to pull them back out by their roots.

My morning didn't start out too well. *sigh* I'm not sure what happened or how it happened but I programmed the coffeemaker last night and didn't notice that Sarge had put the coffee carafe into the dishwasher? So...I had a real mess to clean up this morning. Coffee grounds and water all over the countertop and on the floor and into my lazy susan corner cabinet. I spent a couple of hours this morning taking EVERYTHING out of that cabinet, throwing away anything that was ruined (I actually only lost a box of Kosher salt, a box of baking soda, some unflavored gelatin and I used up most of a roll of paper toweling), washing and drying all that wasn't ruined, drying out the cabinet, re-organizing everything, and putting everything away again. Then, I made a fresh pot of coffee...this time with carafe in place.

I'm so glad that I have a large variety of toys in my Grandma's toy chest. Poor Sarge isn't feeling too well today so it's back to bed for her and Grandma is in charge. I've had to do some baby proofing in the living room. Thank goodness I purchased a huge bag of assorted rubberbands last year at Bargain Bill's. Little Jon seems bound and determined to see what is behind every cabinet door in my living room. He also is looking for anything that he can shove into his mouth and heads straight for the forbidden. Of course, Grandma (me) has safe-guarded all the toys but he's still trying. He's already tried to shove the handle of a push toy into his mouth so I had to take that away even though there was no way that he could actually swallow it. Meantime, Tammy seems bound and determined to kick her little brother with her biker boots while she's watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Grandma to the rescue.

Random Quote of the Day

A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world.

Edmond de Goncourt (1822 - 1896)

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