Two of My Garden Frogs |
Word of the Day
Dallywaddle - To take an excessively long time, especially involving motion on foot; to dilly-dally in going somewhere; to drag one's feet.
Woodtick Count - 3
I just "fixed" one of my garden frogs. When I bought him and his two siblings, he had a large glass, hollow marble for his body, about the size of a hard ball or my fist. Anyway, this frog's body crashed and broke into a gazillion glass pieces. However, the rest of him was still standing and looked good. So, today, Kylee and I went out looking for the perfect rock that I could use to replace his body. I think I like him even better now than his siblings. He's better than new...with a little water-proof Eboxy glue.
After an hour of yoga this morning, I spent an exhausting two and a half hours pruning my poor raspberry beds. The winter was NOT kind to them. Most of the canes were dead to the ground but, encouraging, they were sending up new growth from the roots. I felt depressed to see the carnage but...it is what it is. Hopefully, I'll still see enough raspberries to enjoy this summer. On top of pruning, I had to ruthlessly rip out raspberries that were volunteering all over my front flower garden. Plus, nature sent a LOT of wild raspberry bushes that had to be removed in order to save my winter onions and my rhubarb.
I really wish that my yard guy would show up to dig my asparagus bed but...it looks like I may have to work on the myself....maybe tomorrow. One major project at a time. I didn't even take time to eat more than my cup of coffee and Belvita biscuit. I AM going to have pizza tonight for dinner. Hey! It's Big Bang Theory night and I still need to eat. I bought the pizza at one of the grocery stores in the city the other day. Take and Bake.
Kylee and I walked to the main road to check the mailbox. There was a green slip that let me know that there was a package waiting for me at the post office in town. *sigh* It's a major deal these days to drive to the town because of a sewer project between where I live and the north end of town. It now takes me more than twice as long to get into town AND I'm burning gas each way....not a good thing when I'm paying $3.59.9 per gallon. And, to my grandchildren and future great-grandchildren, I don't drive and electric car AND I'm sure that if you're reading this some fifty years in the future or more, you'll snort at the fact that we ONLY payed $3.59.9 in 2014.
So, I drove in the totally out of the way and inconvenient detour to town to pick up...the new phone that HTP ordered for me to replace the phone that has stopped working in our kitchen. *sigh* I KNOW that we should just throw all land-line phones away and go to cell phones but, ain't happening. HTP and I haven't succumbed to the new wave of cell phone dependence. However, now I have to set up a brand new phone with answering machine. I HATE this sort of thing and to make it worse, I'm dealing with batteries that need charging before I can do ANYTHING with this stupid thing. I liked the old phone. Too bad it doesn't work anymore.
Sis called to let me know that she may or may not be able to go to our Uncle's memorial service in June. Plus, I'd need to host my cousin, The Harpist and Sir Doug beforehand. I, again, told her that she doesn't need to worry about the small stuff. I can do whatever she needs me to do this summer. She also let me know that I'd be in charge of Ma's and T-Square's 90th birthday celebration this summer. Again, I can do this. She's stressing and it's totally understandable. It looks like I'm really going to be leaning on my yoga exercises this summer. Oh...and I'm pleased that next month, Gentle Yoga will be offered once again where my folks live. I plan to attend...and I may drag Sis out with me.
Last night, I handed a check over to our roofer, knowing that he isn't licensed because they don't license roofers out here. Things are done with a handshake out here. HTP is NOT used to this sort of thing. The roofer told me that they'll be able to get to us during the first or second week of June....depending on the weather. He'll call me. I hope he does better than the people who promised to put in my dock and launch my boat....still waiting. When I called them today, I was told that they've been working like crazy to get everyone else's docks in. I'm on the list. I was planning on vacuuming the roof crappola from the upper and lower decks but...why bother? I don't even want to think of the mess that will happen when they attempt to strip the old shingles and stuff from my roof.
I decided to treat myself to pizza tonight since I've burned LOTS more calories than I've taken in today....didn't take time for lunch. Coffee and a Belvita biscuit (1/4 serving) for breakfast. Busy day working outdoors. I wish my dock was in. I've seen several boats glide by with fishermen. I'm jealous. However, I'm getting lots done because I can't go fishing with no dock and no boat. Hey, no license either at this point. Why bother? It'll get done. I'm told that they've been working from 6 AM to 9 PM each night, getting everyone else's docks in....sorry. Can't help it. I WANT TO GO FISHING...or at least sit out on the dock.
Random Quote of the Day
If you neglect to recharge a battery, it dies. And if you run full speed ahead without stopping for water, you lose momentum to finish the race.
- Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine, April 2003