Monday, May 12, 2014
Word of the Day
Destinesia - Going upstairs or downstairs and being unable to remember why.
After an hour of Walk Away the Pounds this morning,
I started a load of laundry, hauled boxes of empty jars to the basement, unpacked three out of three boxes of office and kitchen stuff, etc., started the freezer in the basement up and inventoried the fridge and freezer, hung the windchimes, installed the rain gauges, and filled and hung the bird feeders and...I'm looking at my first two goldfinches of the season. I saw a hummingbird too but I've run out of gas. Filling and hanging the hummingbird feeders will have to wait until tomorrow. I can't do everything in one day. And...there's a rose-breasted grosbeak. I'm so glad I hung the feeders.
I've got plenty of food so I don't think I'll be needing to go into town to grocery shop for a bit. However, I do need batteries. LOTS of AA batteries. Seems like everything electronic that we own here needed to have new batteries this spring.
It's been really gloomy today. I woke to heavy rain. However, there hasn't been any rain since and the weather remains quite warm. I still plan to build a fire in the fireplace for tonight. It's supposed to be quite chilly for the rest of the week.
I'm eager to start my outdoor work but things will have to dry off first. In the meantime, Kylee is eager to play...outside.
Random Quote of the Day
It's not a 9-5 job. It's an every moment you're awake job because you actually enjoy the work that you're doing.
- Jeffrey Kalmikoff, Designing for Community with Zero-Advertising Brands, SXSW 2006
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