DD Daughter, Ms. En, and Mr, T - Sketching at the Zoo |
Mr. STP and Mr. T at the Zoo |
Ms. En, DD Daughter, and Mr. T |
Word of the Day
Caffeinatic - Someone who is a fanatic regarding their caffeine consumption.
DD Daughter's friend, Mr. STP, has a membership to the zoo so he got us all inside without having to pay lots and lots of money today. I like going to the zoo. I love going to the zoo with the grandkids. Ms. En and Mr. T brought their sketch books and drew pictures of the bats, the tapir, and the macaws. Mr. STP, DD Daughter and I took pictures. The zoo was really hectic today. Everyone and their mother decided to go to the zoo....including us.
Afterwards, instead of having lunch at the zoo, we stopped at McDonalds. I've decided to skip writing in my food diary today. A visit to McDonalds is Reason 1. Since we were close by, we stopped at Charming Charlies. I'm addicted to that place. It's a girl thing. Ms. En was like kid in a candy store, only with jewelry and purses and stuff. So much to look at but you can't have it all because...where would you put it? There was a purse that I'd seen a few months ago and hadn't seen since so, of course, I had to get it. *sigh* And DD Daughter fell in love with a hat. And there was this cute kitty purse that Ms. En fell in love with. Mr. T felt a bit left out so we stopped to shop at Old Navy to get new outfits for the Ms. En and Mr. T. and Mr. T got a man purse (an Angry Bird lunch box). Fun was had by all and we even stopped for gelato. Reason 2 for not writing in my food diary.
We met up again with Mr. STP at a place called Brother Sebastian's Steakhouse for dinner. Reason 3 for not writing in my food diary. Awesome food! Great atmosphere. A bit spendy but I figured, I don't get to take my kids out for dinner all that often so.... Imagine my surprise when the waitress brought the bill and all it said on it was Paid and Happy Mother's Day!. Mr. STP seems to be a bit sneaky. I'm going to have to keep an eye on that guy. What a wonderful surprise! Thank you very much Mr. STP.
I plan to meet up with everyone again tomorrow morning before I continue on to The Lake. There's a Village Inn right next to the hotel. I may skip my food diary tomorrow too. Tomorrow should be my last day on the road. I'm hoping to see my own Mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day in person tomorrow...late afternoon or evening.
Random Thought of the Day
You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers.
- John J. Plomp
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