Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Logging Road, Begging to Be Explored


We Made It

Word of the Day

Uberize - To tack the German Prefix "über" (meaning really, very, or super) to any English word to make it sound cool.

OK. I admit it. I got lost. Well, not lost in the sense that someone had to rescue me, but, lost in that I ended up 180% turned around today while out hiking with Kylee. My goal was to end up at BW Babe's place and, I think that I almost got there but somehow...I got turned around and ended back to where I'd started. Oh well, Kylee and I spent almost two hours exploring logging trails today. This will probably be my last opportunity this year to do this. Shame on me that I haven't gone hiking before this but...with all the logging activities, it just didn't feel safe to be out there. However, today, I actually rubbed myself down with mosquito repellent and went for it. LOVED IT! Tomorrow? It's supposed to be a LOT colder and rainy so...I picked the best day.

My horrorscope mentioned that I should take it easy today. Well...I did....well, at least, even though I got more than my 10,000 steps in, I only did what I wanted to do. I took pictures and hiked with my best friend, Kylee. Tomorrow? I'll can the last of my tomatoes but, today was for me.

Random Quote of the Day

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.

- Carl Sandburg (1878 - 1967)

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