Going.... |
Going.... |
Word of the Day
Kabomb - Anything that makes a kaboom sound of varying intensity.
The logger came today and took out the old oak tree that has stood for years on Blueberry Hill, shading blueberry bushes and my kennel garden. It was amazing how bright that area is now that the tree is down. Of course, now I'll have to figure out where to put my outdoor thermometer.
I've been really busy, busy, busy today. I harvested all the tomatoes from the upper deck and some from the lower deck. Then, I covered the rest with sheets. We'll see if they survive the predicted frost. BW Babe called to tell me that she got frost last night with some of her plants drooping. I lucked out. Maybe it's because I'm up higher? Who knows the vagaries of the weather here at The Lake.
I brought all my geraniums inside along with my amaryllis, basil, and parsley. Eventually, I'll store the geraniums and amaryllis down in the basement. I've already harvested plenty of basil for drying but.... As for the parsley? It's so cheaply purchased in Arizona, I'm not going to bother with drying any. I probably could have left it outside to freeze but maybe #1 Son and #1 DIL want it?
The Italian peppers are all fried up and ready to freeze. The remaining hot peppers are all pickled with the remaining green cherry and plum tomatoes. If I like this recipe (which I invented), I'll have a good way to use up green tomatoes in the future....other than green tomato relish and green tomato salsa. There's always a need to find a way to use up green tomatoes at the end of the season.
Kylee and I hiked up to the main road and back and....I found two more giant puffballs. WIN! Of course, now I have to clean and fry up puffballs instead of putting my feet up. Oh well...I'll get to putting my feet up eventually.
Random Quote of the Day
My future starts when I wake up every morning... Every day I find something creative to do with my life.
- Miles Davis (1926 - 1991)
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