And now we skip right over to post partem wedding. My daughter's wedding was beautiful. Since so much went on during the days when I didn't find time to blog, I'll have to split the story into various blogs.
We left for Vegas on Wednesday, Oct. 29th. The morning started with my coffeemaker overflowing and making a real mess of my countertop. Not a good way to start the morning. Thankfully we were able to pick up some coffee in Wickenburg on the way to Vegas. My husband is currently out looking for a new coffeemaker.
When we arrived in Vegas, we stopped to drop our dogs off at my folk's place in Henderson. They had kindly agreed to look after the little monsters for us while we were in Vegas. We picked up the bridal shower supplies and the wedding supplies that I'd left with them on a previous trip to Vegas.
After checking into Sam's Town, my son and I raced the wedding reception stuff (Jordan Almonds, wedding favors, cake topper, etc) over to the caterer. I made sure that the pop and champagne was chilling in the fridge in our room for the bridal shower planned for later in the evening after the rehearsal dinner and then I joined my oldest daughter and my sister and brother-in-law down at the bar in the park. They had arrived earlier in the day. In the meantime, because of the wildfires in California, there were numerous flight delays for people arriving at the airport for the wedding. Plan A had to be scrapped and Plan B had to be quickly formulated. Plan A was that the groom's relatives would all take the airport shuttle to Sam's Town and would arrive there at 3 PM. Plan A would allow my husband to go the airport and pick his parents up at 3:30 PM. Plan A would allow my husband to gather all those needing to be fitted for tuxedos and take them for a fitting at 5 PM. Plan A needed to be tossed in the trash can due to the fires in California. The skies in Vegas were brown and choking with smoke. All flights were delayed at least one hour. Plan B still provided that the groom's relatives would all take the airport shuttle to Sam's Town. Just later then expected and we all prayed that the ringbearers tuxedo would fit since he wouldn't be able to go to the tuxedo fitting. Plan B demanded that my husband corral the groom, the Best Man, and my son to immediately take them all for the tuxedo fitting before racing off to the airport to pick up his parents from their delayed flight. Plan B worked just fine. Thankfully we didn't have to resort to Plan C which obviously hadn't been formulated. We were lucky to have the presence of mind to formulate Plan B on the fly.
In the meantime (post tuxedo), the groom and his future bride raced over to the courthouse to correct a glaring error on the wedding license. After correcting this, everyone who was invited and a couple who weren't all met to have a rehearsal dinner buffet.
After the dinner, the women all deserted the men and headed directly to our suite for the bridal shower. Champagne flowed. Henna was used to decorate the bride's feet. The female wedding guests bonded. All went well. I have no idea what the male wedding guests and the groom did with themselves. I heard something about cigars and the bar.
You may have noticed that although we all were staying at a casino hotel, there was no gambling going on. There was no time to gamble on Wednesday. And so ends my tale of 1 Day Before My Daughter's Wedding. I will continue this wedding story in tomorrow's blog. Just writing about all this exhausts me. Thurday was the wedding day and that was just as exhausting and more so then what I've just described. You may also note that even though I had access to a computer during this entire wedding trip, I never touched it and am only now able to finally "blog".
Today's Little Bit of Trivia
Astronauts on the moon weigh only one-sixth of what they do on earth. Since I don't live on the moon, I'll have to work really hard at losing all the weight I gained while we were in Vegas.
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