Today was fun. I went to the dentist and got a temporary crown. Now I have to look forward to going back to the dentist in a few weeks for the permanent crown. Oh well...that visit shouldn't be as traumatic. I have nothing against dentists. I just don't like pain...or torture. I've always felt that it was inhumane to make someone go through that kind of experience while they are conscious. They knock out animals when they take care of their teeth. I suppose it's because they're afraid that the animal will struggle and bite them. If I promise to bite the dentist, maybe they'll knock me unconscious. They're starting to wise up though. They drug me silly to get me through their doors and then they gas me while I'm in the chair. I still break out into a cold sweat though just thinking about dentists and dental work.
Today's Little Bit of Trivia
Dentophobia is the fear of dentists. I definitely have a mild case of dentophobia as well as odontaphobia...fear of dental surgery.
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