Never write in your blog about anything you would be embarrassed to have your Mother see. Good Grief! People! Get Real! You all must have totally missed the Nixon years and Watergate! I am so old. Didn't you guys learn anything from your history lessons? Surely they mentioned something about the Nixon tapes in those history books. Never ever write anything anywhere that may come back and haunt you. Is this a lesson that someone missed? You were absent that day? MY mother reads MY blog and she reads my brother's blog and she reads my daughter's blog. I would never post embarrassing pictures of myself or write about anything doing something that I wouldn't want my mother or my Grandmother to see or know about. I remember my mother telling me to never ever write or say anything that could reach the eyes or ears of anyone that would be offended or embarrassed by it. I try. I really try. I'm not always successful. But no-one's is going to impeach me. I have no presidential or political ambitions but I still know better then to write something that I wouldn't want my mother, father, or preacher to read.
Today's Little Bit of Trivia
Casanova journeyed with a custom-made portable bath. It was for two.
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