Thursday, November 18, 2004

I enjoyed my backyard last soon as I dragged a chair over to sit on. The workmen had moved all my outside furniture off the patio in preparation for cool-decking but...the cool-deck isn't coming until Monday. This morning, the workmen carried all my furniture back onto the patio so they could spread gravel. These guys sure work hard. Anyway, my gravel is now being shoveled and spread and...they ran out. My landscaper assures me that more gravel is coming along with flagstone for my walking paths. We had asked for concrete stepping stones, thinking that this would be the cheaper option but we're getting flagstone. Yeah! I love flagstone. HTP thinks that our landscaper must have leftover flagstone from other jobs. That's OK with me. These are stepping stones. They don't even have to match. They just have to permit me to walk barefoot through the granite and not hurt my feet. I expect my boulders will be coming today too.

Landscape Update

My flagstone stepping stones have been installed and look great! They work great too. My boulders have been installed too. Where you want them lady? I guess I could have made them move the one a little but I thought that may be pressing things a bit. I again shocked one of the poor workmen when I told him to put the flagstones closer together because my legs weren't all that long and I like to walk outside without shoes. He wasn't shocked about the shoeless part. He was shocked that I told him all this in Spanish. Most of these guys don't speak English and they sure don't expect me to speak Spanish. I still need more granite. Tomorrow?

Murphyism of the Day

Clarke's Third Law

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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